WEBVTT 00:03.231 --> 00:07.622 Dedicated to Monogram Pictures 00:16.351 --> 00:18.819 After all, l'm an arsehole. 00:19.871 --> 00:23.944 After all, yes, l must. l must! 01:29.991 --> 01:30.662 Take me with you! 01:30.831 --> 01:33.948 - What time is it? - 1 0:50. 01:34.111 --> 01:37.069 l'm on my way, hey hey! 01:55.791 --> 02:00.546 lf he thinks he's gonna pass me in his bloody Renault! 02:09.391 --> 02:11.461 l get the dough, 02:11.631 --> 02:13.781 l ask Patricia, yes or no, 02:13.951 --> 02:15.703 and then... 02:27.751 --> 02:30.390 The countryside's nice. 02:38.751 --> 02:41.140 l really like France. 02:45.751 --> 02:47.981 lf you don't like the shore... 02:49.031 --> 02:51.340 lf you don't like the mountains... 02:52.391 --> 02:54.985 lf you don't like the city... 02:56.511 --> 02:58.103 Then get stuffed! 03:04.231 --> 03:07.906 Little girls trying to hitch a ride! 03:08.071 --> 03:10.346 l'll charge a kiss per mile. 03:12.511 --> 03:15.867 The short one's not bad. Nice thighs. 03:16.031 --> 03:18.750 Yeah, but the other one... 03:18.911 --> 03:21.550 Oh, hell, they're dogs. 03:44.591 --> 03:46.422 The sun's great. 03:52.071 --> 03:55.108 Women drivers are cowardice personified! 03:55.271 --> 03:57.227 Overtake him! 03:57.391 --> 03:59.347 Shit, roadworks! 04:09.631 --> 04:11.826 Never use the brakes. 04:11.991 --> 04:16.860 As old man Bugatti said: ''My cars are made to run, not to stop''. 04:17.911 --> 04:19.742 Shit! The pigs! 04:33.271 --> 04:35.466 Contact's gone! 04:36.751 --> 04:38.662 A boobytrap! 04:53.951 --> 04:55.703 Freeze! 05:46.951 --> 05:49.704 - Miss Franchini's room? - She isn't here. 05:49.871 --> 05:51.748 - She live here? - She's out. 06:00.591 --> 06:03.025 Girls never have a penny! 06:03.751 --> 06:05.104 Coffee. 06:08.231 --> 06:11.382 - How much is a ham and eggs? - 1 80 F. 06:13.791 --> 06:15.543 Make it one. 06:18.071 --> 06:20.187 Just going for a paper. 06:42.871 --> 06:44.384 Can l come in? 06:44.551 --> 06:46.109 How's it going, precious? 06:46.271 --> 06:47.863 No jacket? 06:48.031 --> 06:50.340 lt's in my Alfa Romeo. 06:50.511 --> 06:53.184 - Want breakfast at the Royal? - l'm late. 06:53.351 --> 06:55.911 Gotta be at the TV station by 9. 07:01.311 --> 07:02.664 lt's torn. 07:13.151 --> 07:15.824 What've you been up to? 07:15.991 --> 07:18.300 Nothing, l've been travelling. 07:18.471 --> 07:20.382 - What's new around here? - Dunno. 07:20.551 --> 07:25.500 - You don't go out? - To the discotheque sometimes. 07:25.671 --> 07:27.229 Still making films? 07:27.391 --> 07:29.621 No. You gotta sleep around. 07:29.791 --> 07:31.622 Do you recollect Enrico? 07:31.791 --> 07:36.228 ''Remember'' or ''recall''. But not ''recollect''. 07:36.391 --> 07:40.179 l work with him at the station. As script-girl. 07:40.351 --> 07:44.026 When l was broke in December l was assistant on a picture 07:44.191 --> 07:45.226 at Cinecitt! 07:45.391 --> 07:47.029 - You? - Yes, me. 07:47.191 --> 07:48.829 Ever been a gigolo? 07:48.991 --> 07:50.344 Why? 07:50.511 --> 07:51.864 Just asking. 07:52.871 --> 07:55.339 l wouldn't mind. 07:58.511 --> 08:01.025 Call me back in a few minutes. 08:02.551 --> 08:05.702 ls Gaby back from Spain? 08:05.871 --> 08:08.021 He's bought the Pergola. 08:09.071 --> 08:10.424 Great. 08:10.591 --> 08:13.389 lt was stupid to paint it all black. 08:13.551 --> 08:16.463 - What's it say there? - ''Why?'' 08:17.591 --> 08:19.946 l smoke Luckies now. 08:21.671 --> 08:23.707 Can you lend me 5000 francs till noon? 08:23.871 --> 08:26.226 l might have known. 08:28.031 --> 08:30.022 You're a louse, Michel. 08:30.191 --> 08:31.544 l'll pay you back. 08:31.711 --> 08:33.906 l'm short. 08:35.431 --> 08:38.707 - Here's 500 if you want. - No, keep it. 09:02.391 --> 09:06.304 - So, no breakfast at the Royal? - Thanks, but l'm late. 09:13.151 --> 09:14.550 ls Mr. Tolmachov here? 09:14.711 --> 09:16.906 He's here, but he's not here. 09:17.631 --> 09:18.984 Seen Patricia? 09:28.671 --> 09:31.105 Come with me to Rome? 09:33.511 --> 09:35.069 lt's crazy, but l love you. 09:35.231 --> 09:38.303 l wanted to see if l'd be glad to see you again. 09:38.471 --> 09:40.382 Where have you been? Monte Carlo? 09:40.551 --> 09:44.829 No, Marseilles. There was a chap l had to see. 09:44.991 --> 09:46.743 l tried calling you Monday. 09:46.911 --> 09:49.266 l was out of town Monday. 09:51.951 --> 09:55.182 - l'll take one. - That's kind of you. 09:59.431 --> 10:02.821 What are you doing here? l thought you hated Paris. 10:02.991 --> 10:05.380 No, but l've got enemies here. 10:05.551 --> 10:07.143 So you're in danger? 10:07.311 --> 10:09.666 Yeah. Will you come to Rome with me? 10:09.831 --> 10:11.344 To do what? 10:11.511 --> 10:12.739 We'll see. 10:12.911 --> 10:15.300 No, l've got lots to do here. 10:15.471 --> 10:17.780 You going up or down the Champs? 10:17.951 --> 10:21.705 - What's the ''Champs''? - The Champs Elyses. 10:22.871 --> 10:26.147 l've gotta be on Ave George V. - OK, see you, then. 10:26.311 --> 10:28.267 C'mon, walk me. 10:28.431 --> 10:30.786 Just to the corner. 10:40.311 --> 10:42.950 - Take it back, no horoscope! - What's ''horoscope''? 10:43.111 --> 10:47.184 The future. l wanna know the future. Don't you? 10:47.351 --> 10:48.704 Sure. 10:54.151 --> 10:58.667 - What's the matter? - Nothing, just looking at you. 11:00.431 --> 11:02.865 You're angry l left without a goodbye. 11:03.031 --> 11:05.989 No, l was furious because l was sad. 11:07.551 --> 11:10.907 lt's nice to wake up next to a girl. 11:11.071 --> 11:13.505 Are you staying in town? 11:14.711 --> 11:17.430 Yeah, l have to see a man who owes me money. 11:17.591 --> 11:19.149 Then l have to see you. 11:19.311 --> 11:21.142 You don't have to. 11:21.311 --> 11:23.188 Why? 11:23.351 --> 11:25.262 There are prettier girls than me here. 11:25.431 --> 11:28.901 No. lt's odd, l slept with 2 girls since you. 11:29.071 --> 11:31.710 lt was a washout. 11:32.751 --> 11:34.104 What's a ''washout''? 11:34.271 --> 11:38.901 They were very pretty, but it was a washout. lt was glum. 11:39.071 --> 11:41.904 So will you come to Rome? l'm fed up with France. 11:42.071 --> 11:43.584 l can't, Michel. 11:43.751 --> 11:47.744 l have to enrol in the Sorbonne or my parents stop sending money. 11:47.911 --> 11:50.345 - l've got money. - We only had 3 nights together! 11:50.511 --> 11:51.864 No, 5. 11:52.631 --> 11:55.350 - Why don't you wear a bra? - Don't talk like that! 11:55.511 --> 11:56.864 OK, sorry! 11:58.791 --> 12:00.941 What time is it? See you later? 12:01.111 --> 12:03.864 Not later. Tonight, if you like. 12:04.031 --> 12:06.545 - Where? - Here. 12:24.751 --> 12:27.140 Live dangerously until the end! 12:34.031 --> 12:36.864 Have you anything against youth? 12:37.031 --> 12:39.625 Sure do. l prefer old people. 12:59.631 --> 13:02.225 Police killer identified 13:08.751 --> 13:10.662 Mr. Tolmachov here? 13:10.831 --> 13:13.061 At the airline desk. 13:29.711 --> 13:31.667 - Hi, amigo. - Hi, sonny. 13:31.831 --> 13:33.389 Was it you who came by at 1 0? 13:33.551 --> 13:34.700 Yeah, for my money. 13:34.871 --> 13:36.623 lt's ready for you. 13:49.711 --> 13:51.781 - How're things? - l got bored down south. 13:51.951 --> 13:53.987 l came up to see a girl. And you? 13:54.151 --> 13:56.506 l'm getting out of here. l'm rusting away. 13:56.671 --> 13:59.026 Better rusted than busted. 14:02.991 --> 14:04.344 Over here. 14:08.351 --> 14:10.911 Have the envelope l gave you? 14:18.231 --> 14:19.710 Why'd the arsehole cross it? 14:19.871 --> 14:22.590 Sign it over to someone else. 14:22.751 --> 14:26.221 Not to me. l blew my last penny on the races. 14:26.391 --> 14:28.461 And your pal, Bob Montagn? 14:28.631 --> 14:31.668 - He's in the slammer. - No kidding? 14:31.831 --> 14:34.106 There's Berruti, but l don't trust him. 14:34.271 --> 14:36.227 l thought he was your pal. 14:36.391 --> 14:37.506 ls he back? 14:37.671 --> 14:41.983 Yes, l saw him in Montparnasse last night. 14:47.151 --> 14:49.381 What's his number? 14:49.551 --> 14:51.428 ELY. 99.84. 14:51.591 --> 14:53.468 Can l call from here? 14:58.231 --> 14:59.869 Who's the girl you came for? 15:00.031 --> 15:01.623 A New Yorker. 15:01.791 --> 15:02.780 Pretty? 15:02.951 --> 15:05.306 She's amusing. l like her. 15:06.311 --> 15:10.623 ELY. 99.84? 15:10.791 --> 15:13.464 l'd like to speak to Antonio. 15:16.191 --> 15:17.544 l'll call back. 15:19.071 --> 15:21.869 He's out. l'll try around. 15:22.031 --> 15:24.386 - Bye, sonny. - Ciao, amigo. 15:31.391 --> 15:33.461 lnter-Americana Agency? 15:33.631 --> 15:34.984 Yes, it's here. 15:36.071 --> 15:39.984 Do customers have mail forwarded here? 15:40.151 --> 15:43.746 Know a certain Michel Poiccard? 15:43.911 --> 15:47.062 Also goes by the name Laszlo Kovacs? 15:47.231 --> 15:50.223 Ask the gentleman over there. 16:04.231 --> 16:07.860 lf it isn't Tolmachov! 16:08.031 --> 16:09.703 Hello, lnspector. 16:09.871 --> 16:12.021 ln the travel business now? 16:12.191 --> 16:13.943 As you can see. 16:17.351 --> 16:21.310 Remember how you ratted on your friend Bob? 16:21.471 --> 16:22.950 What of it? 16:23.111 --> 16:25.579 Well, you're going to do it again. 16:26.631 --> 16:28.826 Michel Poiccard, 5 ft. 9, 16:28.991 --> 16:32.222 brown hair, former Air France steward. 16:32.391 --> 16:35.428 He has his mail sent here. 16:35.591 --> 16:36.944 Yes, l know him. 16:37.111 --> 16:40.501 He been around lately? 16:48.351 --> 16:51.707 Nobody been to see Mr. Tolmachov recently? 16:51.871 --> 16:54.863 Yes, just 5 minutes ago. Quite a tall man. 16:55.031 --> 16:57.067 Bloody hell! 16:58.071 --> 17:01.381 Accessory to murder - mean anything to you? 17:31.671 --> 17:34.026 The Harder They Fall 17:34.191 --> 17:35.544 Bogey... 18:12.511 --> 18:15.548 - l saw a man die. - Why did he die? 18:15.711 --> 18:17.064 ln an accident. 18:17.231 --> 18:19.586 Take me out to dinner? 18:22.511 --> 18:26.220 Let me make another call first. Wait for me? 18:26.391 --> 18:28.905 Call from the restaurant. 18:29.071 --> 18:32.427 l'll just be a second. 18:32.591 --> 18:36.982 The French always say one second, when they mean 5 minutes. 19:29.191 --> 19:29.987 Where we going? 19:30.151 --> 19:32.949 Anywhere... To Saint Michel. 19:33.111 --> 19:35.579 - Sleep with me tonight? - l don't know. 19:35.751 --> 19:39.141 - Don't you like it with me? - Sure, l do. 19:39.311 --> 19:42.144 l just read something in the paper... 19:42.311 --> 19:44.108 About a bus conductor... 19:44.271 --> 19:48.787 he stole 5 million to seduce a girl. lmpersonated a rich impresario. 19:48.951 --> 19:52.705 He took her down to the Riviera. They blew the lot in 3 days. 19:52.871 --> 19:56.500 The chap didn't chicken out. He told her: 19:56.671 --> 20:00.425 ''lt's stolen money, l'm a hood, but l like you.'' 20:01.951 --> 20:06.581 What's great is that she stuck by him. She said: ''l like you, too''. 20:06.751 --> 20:08.503 They came back to Paris, 20:08.671 --> 20:15.065 and were nabbed trying to burgle some posh villas. She was the look-out. 20:17.231 --> 20:19.347 Excuse me, got a light? 20:19.511 --> 20:22.947 Here! Go buy yourself some matches! 20:23.111 --> 20:25.067 l'd totally forgotten! 20:25.231 --> 20:26.664 - l have an appointment. - Who with? 20:26.831 --> 20:31.302 A journalist on the Champs Elyses. We're going to a press conference. 20:31.471 --> 20:32.824 Where? Now? 20:32.991 --> 20:38.065 None of your business. You can really get on my nerves. 20:38.231 --> 20:40.222 So you're leaving me? 20:40.391 --> 20:44.589 - But l'll see you tomorrow. - Not tomorrow, tonight, Patricia. 20:44.751 --> 20:46.662 l told you l can't. 20:46.831 --> 20:49.026 Why are you so cruel? 20:49.191 --> 20:50.749 Any taxis around? 20:50.911 --> 20:54.984 My car's parked near the Opera. Want a lift? 20:57.071 --> 20:59.187 What happened to the Ford? 20:59.351 --> 21:00.750 lt's in the garage. 21:01.911 --> 21:03.549 Let me stay with you. 21:03.711 --> 21:06.100 l've got a headache. 21:06.271 --> 21:09.343 We won't make love. l just wanna be with you. 21:09.511 --> 21:11.263 That's not it, Michel! 21:17.111 --> 21:18.100 Why are you so sad? 21:18.271 --> 21:20.182 Because l am. 21:20.351 --> 21:21.704 lt's silly. 21:24.031 --> 21:26.465 Why are you so sad? 21:26.631 --> 21:28.428 Should l use ''vous'' or ''tu''? 21:28.591 --> 21:31.264 No difference... But l can't do without you. 21:31.431 --> 21:32.659 Yes, you can. 21:32.831 --> 21:35.026 Maybe. But l don't want to. 21:38.751 --> 21:41.982 Just look at that great Talbot. A 2.5 litre. 21:42.151 --> 21:44.711 - You're a kid... - What? 21:46.391 --> 21:47.506 Oh, l dunno. 21:47.671 --> 21:51.903 Look at me. l forbid you to meet this chap. 21:56.911 --> 22:00.028 Alas, alas, alas! 22:00.191 --> 22:02.421 l love a girl who has a nice neck, 22:02.591 --> 22:05.389 nice breasts, a nice voice... 22:05.551 --> 22:07.064 nice wrists... 22:07.231 --> 22:08.584 a nice forehead... 22:08.751 --> 22:10.503 nice knees... 22:14.671 --> 22:18.141 But she's such a coward! 22:20.111 --> 22:21.066 lt's right here. Stop. 22:21.231 --> 22:24.746 - Let me park first. - Don't bother. 22:26.751 --> 22:29.424 Get lost! 22:29.591 --> 22:31.343 l never want to see you again. 22:31.511 --> 22:32.864 Get lost! 22:35.831 --> 22:37.742 You louse! 23:22.951 --> 23:26.466 lt'd be a shame if that happened to you. 23:26.631 --> 23:27.984 We'll see. 23:28.631 --> 23:29.984 What's wrong? 23:31.711 --> 23:35.545 lf l could dig a hole and hide in it, l would. 23:35.711 --> 23:40.387 You're better off being like elephants. When they're sad... 23:52.431 --> 23:56.344 Let me tell you a story. lt'll take your mind off things. 23:56.511 --> 23:58.308 l've known a girl 2 years. 23:58.471 --> 24:01.941 And now, l suddenly think: l'll ask her to sleep with me. 24:02.111 --> 24:05.467 lt had never occurred to me. We met for lunch. 24:05.631 --> 24:10.102 l wanted to say: We're friends, let's sleep together. 24:10.271 --> 24:14.423 l don't know why, but it completely slipped my mind! 24:16.471 --> 24:20.589 Later l suddenly remembered and sent her a telegram, saying 24:20.751 --> 24:23.311 l'd forgotten to say we should sleep together. 24:23.471 --> 24:27.510 3 hours later l get a message back, saying: 24:27.671 --> 24:29.980 ''What an amazing coincidence! 24:30.151 --> 24:33.461 ''l was going to suggest the same thing!'' 25:45.391 --> 25:48.906 - ls this the late edition? - Yes, sir. 27:02.591 --> 27:03.990 Seen my key? 27:04.151 --> 27:07.302 You must've left it in the door. 27:11.951 --> 27:13.304 Oh, no! 27:16.431 --> 27:18.103 What are you doing here? 27:18.271 --> 27:20.865 The Claridge was booked solid. 27:21.031 --> 27:24.740 So l came here. l took the key downstairs. 27:24.911 --> 27:28.665 There are other places than the Claridge. 27:28.831 --> 27:33.427 - l always stay at the Claridge. - You're crazy! 27:33.591 --> 27:36.867 Quit pulling a long face! 27:37.031 --> 27:38.783 lt doesn't suit you. 27:41.071 --> 27:44.859 - ''Pulling a long face''? - Doing like this! 27:50.671 --> 27:52.787 lt suits me fine. 27:53.951 --> 27:55.430 You're even crazier than me. 27:55.591 --> 27:56.944 What a pain. 27:58.631 --> 28:02.385 l always fall for girls who aren't cut out for me. 28:02.551 --> 28:06.669 Did you notice l followed you last night? 28:09.151 --> 28:10.504 What's wrong? 28:10.671 --> 28:13.390 Leave me alone. l'm thinking. 28:14.351 --> 28:15.704 What about? 28:17.511 --> 28:20.867 The thing is, l don't even know. 28:21.031 --> 28:22.384 Well, l do. 28:22.551 --> 28:24.746 No, nobody does. 28:24.911 --> 28:28.142 You're thinking about last night. Yes, you are. 28:28.311 --> 28:33.260 Last night l was furious, but now l couldn't care less. 28:33.431 --> 28:36.184 l'm not thinking about anything. 28:40.431 --> 28:44.470 l'd like to think about something, but l can't seem to. 28:44.631 --> 28:48.419 Well, l'm tired, very tired, 28:48.591 --> 28:51.503 and l'm going back to sleep. 28:56.991 --> 29:01.109 - Why're you looking at me? - Because l am. 29:01.271 --> 29:04.627 - You should've stayed last night. - l couldn't. 29:04.791 --> 29:08.909 You should've told the chap you couldn't see him. 29:09.071 --> 29:11.710 l had to. He's getting me articles to write. 29:11.871 --> 29:14.385 lt's really important for me. 29:14.551 --> 29:17.429 No, what's important is going to Rome with me. 29:17.591 --> 29:20.867 Maybe, l don't know. 29:21.031 --> 29:23.386 Did you sleep with him? 29:24.751 --> 29:26.104 l bet you did. 29:26.271 --> 29:28.910 No. He's really sweet. 29:29.071 --> 29:32.666 He said one day we'd sleep together but not now. 29:32.831 --> 29:35.026 But he doesn't even know me. 29:35.191 --> 29:37.989 Not you... Him and me. 29:38.151 --> 29:40.824 We had a drink in Montparnasse. 29:40.991 --> 29:44.347 l was there, too. At what time? 29:44.511 --> 29:48.390 l don't know. We didn't stay long. 29:48.551 --> 29:52.146 Why'd you come here, Michel? 29:52.311 --> 29:55.223 Because l want to sleep with you again. 29:55.391 --> 29:58.861 That's hardly a reason. 29:59.031 --> 30:00.987 Sure, it is. lt means l love you. 30:01.151 --> 30:04.621 But l don't know if l love you yet. 30:05.791 --> 30:07.429 When will you know? 30:07.591 --> 30:09.627 Soon. 30:09.791 --> 30:13.261 What do you mean: ''soon''? ln a month, in a year? 30:13.431 --> 30:16.309 Soon means soon. 30:16.471 --> 30:18.860 A woman never wants to do in 8 seconds 30:19.031 --> 30:22.501 what she'll want to do 8 days later. 30:22.671 --> 30:25.947 8 seconds or 8 days, it's all the same. 30:26.111 --> 30:28.705 Why not 8 centuries? 30:28.871 --> 30:31.431 No, 8 days is good. 30:32.591 --> 30:35.503 A woman's all half-measures. 30:35.671 --> 30:38.310 lt gets me down. 30:40.391 --> 30:42.427 Why won't you sleep with me again? 30:42.591 --> 30:45.059 Because l'm trying to find out 30:45.231 --> 30:49.065 what it is that l like about you. 30:49.231 --> 30:52.541 l want us to be like Romeo and Juliet. 30:52.711 --> 30:54.508 Just like a girl! 30:54.671 --> 31:00.064 See? You said last night you couldn't live without me, but you can. 31:00.231 --> 31:04.827 Romeo couldn't live without Juliet, but you can. 31:04.991 --> 31:08.188 No, l can't live without you. 31:09.591 --> 31:12.424 Just like a man! 31:12.591 --> 31:14.582 Give me a smile. 31:15.631 --> 31:18.941 Right! l'll count to 8. 31:19.111 --> 31:23.389 lf by 8 you haven't smiled, l'll strangle you. 31:24.911 --> 31:26.503 2... 31:26.671 --> 31:28.150 3... 31:28.311 --> 31:30.427 4, 5, 6... 31:30.591 --> 31:32.229 7... 31:32.391 --> 31:34.109 7 and a half... 31:34.271 --> 31:37.229 7 and three quarters. 31:37.391 --> 31:41.543 You're such a coward l bet you're gonna smile. 31:45.471 --> 31:48.508 Enough games for today. 31:51.271 --> 31:53.148 Too bad you're a coward. 31:53.311 --> 31:54.949 Why do you say that? 31:55.111 --> 31:56.464 You get on my nerves. 31:56.631 --> 31:58.508 You do, too. 31:58.671 --> 32:00.070 l'm not a coward. 32:00.231 --> 32:01.744 How do you know? 32:01.911 --> 32:05.950 lf a girl says she's not scared, then can't even light her cigarette, 32:06.111 --> 32:08.784 it means she's scared of something. 32:08.951 --> 32:12.626 l don't know of what, but she's scared. 32:13.671 --> 32:17.220 - Have one. - None of those Chesterfields. 32:17.391 --> 32:20.064 Hand me my jacket. 32:20.231 --> 32:22.699 - ln this one? - Give! 32:24.391 --> 32:26.109 This your passport? 32:26.271 --> 32:28.580 No, my brother's. Mine's in the car. 32:28.751 --> 32:31.106 But it says Kovacs here. 32:31.271 --> 32:34.104 Oh, yeah? He's not my real brother. 32:34.271 --> 32:38.469 My mum was divorced by the time he was born. 32:46.951 --> 32:49.226 See? l'm not scared. 32:49.391 --> 32:52.747 - l never said you were. - You bet, pet. 32:54.951 --> 33:00.150 But you wish you had said it. And now you're angry. 33:00.311 --> 33:03.269 l'm not talking to you any more. 33:08.271 --> 33:11.308 Do you ever think about death? 33:11.471 --> 33:13.826 l do, all the time. 33:16.191 --> 33:19.945 - What? - Say something nice. 33:20.111 --> 33:23.228 - Like what? - l don't know. 33:23.391 --> 33:26.064 Then neither do l. 33:27.951 --> 33:30.419 l like your ashtray. 33:30.591 --> 33:32.547 lt's Swiss. 33:32.711 --> 33:36.465 My granddad had a Rolls-Royce. Great car! 33:36.631 --> 33:40.146 Never had to raise the bonnet in 1 5 years! 33:42.071 --> 33:44.790 Seen my new poster? 33:45.471 --> 33:48.144 Come here! 33:48.311 --> 33:50.700 Come here, for Christ's sake! 33:50.871 --> 33:55.228 lt won't do here. Where can l put it? 33:57.191 --> 33:59.625 Why'd you slap me when l looked at your legs? 33:59.791 --> 34:02.146 lt wasn't my legs. 34:04.511 --> 34:05.944 lt's exactly the same thing. 34:06.111 --> 34:12.550 The French always say things are the same when they're not at all. 34:12.711 --> 34:14.429 l've thought of something nice. 34:14.591 --> 34:16.582 What? 34:16.751 --> 34:19.549 l want to sleep with you again 34:19.711 --> 34:21.144 because you're beautiful. 34:21.311 --> 34:23.142 l'm not. 34:23.311 --> 34:24.790 Then because you're ugly. 34:24.951 --> 34:26.304 ls it the same? 34:32.751 --> 34:34.821 Yeah, kid, it's the same. 34:34.991 --> 34:36.344 You're a liar, Michel. 34:36.431 --> 34:38.626 No, lying's stupid. 34:38.791 --> 34:42.101 lt's like at poker... lt's better to tell the truth. 34:42.351 --> 34:47.345 The others think you're bluffing, and that's how you win. 34:47.551 --> 34:48.904 What is it? 34:52.871 --> 34:55.749 l'll stare at you until you stop staring at me. 34:55.911 --> 34:57.264 Me, too. 35:23.631 --> 35:26.907 l'll put my poster in the bathroom. 35:27.951 --> 35:30.101 Can l phone? 35:34.631 --> 35:36.826 lt's not bad here. 35:36.991 --> 35:39.107 Just fine. 35:43.431 --> 35:46.184 You like my poster? 35:46.351 --> 35:47.704 Not bad. 35:49.791 --> 35:52.146 Renoir's a really great painter. 35:52.311 --> 35:55.223 l said, not bad! 35:56.271 --> 35:59.024 Think she's prettier than me? 36:01.711 --> 36:06.546 When you're scared or surprised, or both at once, 36:06.711 --> 36:08.303 there's a funny glint in your eyes. 36:08.471 --> 36:09.540 So what? 36:09.711 --> 36:13.340 l wanna sleep with you again, because of that glint. 36:18.271 --> 36:21.502 Mind if l piss in the basin? 36:21.671 --> 36:23.423 Guess what l'm going to say. 36:23.591 --> 36:25.786 No idea. 36:25.951 --> 36:28.465 l'm pregnant, Michel. 36:32.271 --> 36:34.262 You heard me. 36:34.431 --> 36:35.910 Whose is it? Mine? 36:36.071 --> 36:38.426 l think so. 36:38.591 --> 36:40.183 Seen a doctor? 36:40.351 --> 36:42.069 Yesterday. 36:42.231 --> 36:46.110 l have to go back Thursday for tests. 36:46.271 --> 36:48.910 You should've been more careful! 37:02.751 --> 37:05.424 Get me ELY. 99.84. 37:11.511 --> 37:13.263 ls Antonio there? 37:15.671 --> 37:19.061 You don't know if he's coming back? 37:19.231 --> 37:21.267 l'll call back. 37:31.031 --> 37:33.829 ELY. 25.32. 37:36.111 --> 37:39.467 l'm calling the man who owes me money. 37:41.511 --> 37:43.661 Mr. Tolmachov, please. 37:45.711 --> 37:47.906 Hey, sonny. 37:51.351 --> 37:54.468 l couldn't find Berruti. 37:55.471 --> 37:59.100 l wandered around Montparnasse all night. 38:01.511 --> 38:03.308 The police? 38:06.071 --> 38:07.948 Thanks. Ciao, sonny. 38:10.831 --> 38:11.661 Shit! 38:11.831 --> 38:13.947 - What? - l slipped. 38:15.111 --> 38:18.706 Heard the one about the condemned man? 38:18.871 --> 38:25.026 As he's climbing the scaffold, he slips and says, ''That figures!'' 38:30.071 --> 38:32.665 You look like a Martian up close. 38:32.831 --> 38:35.504 Because my head's in the clouds. 38:35.671 --> 38:37.627 Some idea, having a kid! 38:37.791 --> 38:39.509 But it's not sure. 38:39.671 --> 38:41.741 l wanted to see what you'd say. 38:41.911 --> 38:44.948 - Take your clothes off. - What's the point? 38:45.111 --> 38:48.228 - You Americans are so stupid. - Why? 38:48.391 --> 38:52.179 You adore La Fayette and Maurice Chevalier. 38:52.351 --> 38:55.707 And they're the stupidest French! 38:55.871 --> 38:58.066 l'm making another call. 39:00.231 --> 39:02.108 Belle Epine 35.26. 39:02.271 --> 39:05.308 Patricia, come here! 39:07.831 --> 39:09.742 Mr. Mansard? 39:09.911 --> 39:15.702 Will he be in this afternoon? Tell him l'll come by. 39:15.871 --> 39:18.863 l'm a friend of Tony's. From Marseilles. 39:19.031 --> 39:22.626 l've got an American. 39:24.831 --> 39:26.184 An American? 39:29.511 --> 39:34.949 Not you. An American car. 39:38.831 --> 39:43.268 l can't find the man who owes me money. What a pain! 39:43.431 --> 39:45.706 Do you prefer records or the radio? 39:45.871 --> 39:48.943 Quiet, l'm thinking! 40:05.191 --> 40:08.069 l know them all. 40:08.231 --> 40:10.187 - How old are you? - l'll put the radio on. 40:10.351 --> 40:12.228 l'm 20. 40:12.391 --> 40:15.144 You don't look it. 40:15.311 --> 40:17.381 Why don't you like music? 40:17.551 --> 40:19.621 lt depends. l do... 40:19.791 --> 40:22.259 C'mon, Patricia, come to ltaly. 40:26.591 --> 40:30.140 What's the point of studying at the Sorbonne? 40:30.311 --> 40:33.269 You never took any exams. 40:33.431 --> 40:37.310 Sure, the baccalaureate. But l packed it in. 40:37.471 --> 40:39.109 What's ''packed it in''? 40:39.271 --> 40:40.829 l did other things. 40:40.991 --> 40:43.459 - Like what? - l sold cars. 40:43.631 --> 40:45.110 Here? 40:48.111 --> 40:49.464 ln New York. 40:50.511 --> 40:53.628 You sleep with a lot of men? 40:53.791 --> 40:55.782 Not so many. 40:57.751 --> 40:59.104 How many? 41:01.391 --> 41:03.143 How about you? 41:06.351 --> 41:08.103 Not so many either. 41:09.591 --> 41:13.379 You know where l'd like to live? Mexico. 41:13.551 --> 41:15.428 l hear it's really lovely. 41:15.591 --> 41:19.823 When l was a kid my dad would say: We'll go next Saturday. 41:19.991 --> 41:22.789 But he'd always forget. 41:24.551 --> 41:26.826 No, Mexico doesn't grab me. 41:26.991 --> 41:29.107 l bet it's not all that great. 41:29.271 --> 41:31.421 People are such liars. 41:31.591 --> 41:34.549 lt's like Stockholm. Everyone says... 41:34.711 --> 41:39.626 ''Swedish girls are terrific. l had 3 a day. Go there.'' 41:39.791 --> 41:43.181 l went there. lt's not true. 41:43.351 --> 41:46.184 Swedish girls don't act the way they do here. 41:46.351 --> 41:49.468 And most of them are dogs like Parisian girls. 41:49.631 --> 41:53.180 No, Swedish girls are very pretty. 41:53.351 --> 41:56.149 lt's a myth. 41:56.311 --> 42:02.261 One or two maybe - just like in Paris or London - but not all of them. 42:02.431 --> 42:05.503 The cities where the girls are pretty 42:05.671 --> 42:09.664 - not gorgeous, but like you, charming - 42:09.831 --> 42:17.704 girls who rate 1 5 out of 20, because they have a certain something... 42:17.871 --> 42:23.184 aren't Rome or Paris or Rio but Lausanne and Geneva. 42:25.671 --> 42:27.980 You tell me something nice, too. 42:28.151 --> 42:31.188 l don't know what, either. 42:34.991 --> 42:39.303 Would you let another man caress you? 42:41.551 --> 42:47.228 You know, you said l'm scared. lt's true, l'm scared. 42:47.391 --> 42:50.303 Because l want you to love me. 42:50.471 --> 42:55.670 But at the same time, l want you to stop loving me. 42:55.831 --> 42:58.982 l'm very independent, you know. 43:01.351 --> 43:04.946 l love you, but not the way you think. 43:05.111 --> 43:08.069 - How then? - Not the way you think. 43:08.231 --> 43:12.190 But you don't know what l think. You don't know. 43:12.351 --> 43:15.661 - Sure, l do. - But you don't. 43:15.831 --> 43:20.382 l want to know what's behind your face. 43:21.431 --> 43:26.346 l've looked at it for 1 0 minutes now, and l still know nothing, nothing. 43:26.511 --> 43:29.662 l'm not sad. l'm scared. 43:30.711 --> 43:32.542 Sweet, gentle Patricia. 43:32.711 --> 43:39.708 OK, then, cruel, stupid, heartless, pathetic, cowardly, despicable. 43:40.831 --> 43:44.301 You don't even how to apply your lipstick. 43:44.471 --> 43:46.348 Now you're hideous. 43:46.511 --> 43:49.105 Say what you like, l don't care. 43:49.271 --> 43:51.626 l'll put all this in my book. 43:51.791 --> 43:54.749 - What book? - l'm writing a novel. 43:54.911 --> 43:58.699 - You? - Why not me? What are you doing? 43:58.871 --> 44:00.224 Taking off your top. 44:00.391 --> 44:01.870 Not now. 44:02.031 --> 44:06.104 You're a bloody pain! What is all this? 44:06.271 --> 44:08.990 You know William Faulkner? 44:09.151 --> 44:12.029 No, who's he? Someone you slept with? 44:12.191 --> 44:14.500 No way, Jos! 44:14.671 --> 44:16.389 To hell with him, then! 44:16.551 --> 44:17.904 Take off your top. 44:18.071 --> 44:21.666 He's one of my favourite writers. Have you read ''Wild Palms''? 44:21.831 --> 44:23.742 Take off your top, l said. 44:23.911 --> 44:27.870 Listen. The last sentence is beautiful. 44:38.391 --> 44:40.985 Which would you choose? 44:41.151 --> 44:42.664 Let me see your toes. 44:42.831 --> 44:46.460 Toes are important in a woman. Don't laugh. 44:46.631 --> 44:48.110 Which would you choose? 44:48.271 --> 44:50.910 Grief's stupid. 44:51.071 --> 44:52.629 l'd choose nothing. 44:52.791 --> 44:55.100 lt's not better, 44:55.271 --> 44:57.227 but grief's a compromise. 44:57.391 --> 44:59.268 l want all or nothing. 44:59.431 --> 45:02.025 And now l know. 45:02.191 --> 45:05.627 Now l do. What are you shutting your eyes for? 45:05.791 --> 45:09.466 l'm shutting my eyes tight so everything goes black. 45:09.631 --> 45:13.419 But l can't do it. lt's never entirely black. 45:13.591 --> 45:14.944 Your smile... 45:15.831 --> 45:19.506 seen in profile, it's the nicest thing about you. 45:19.671 --> 45:21.548 That's you. 45:21.711 --> 45:23.064 That's me! 45:32.671 --> 45:37.904 We look each other in the eyes, but what for? 45:41.391 --> 45:45.748 l hate that name. l'd like to be called lngrid. 45:47.391 --> 45:49.825 Sit on your haunches. 45:51.591 --> 45:52.944 What's wrong? 45:55.431 --> 45:57.308 l'm looking at you. 45:57.471 --> 46:00.429 The French are stupid, too. 46:07.471 --> 46:09.985 l want you to stay with me. 46:11.511 --> 46:17.586 We interrupt our programming in order to synchronise our networks. 46:23.831 --> 46:27.221 Funny, l can see my reflection in your eyes. 46:27.391 --> 46:30.269 This is a real Franco-American reconciliation. 46:30.431 --> 46:32.899 We're like happy elephants in hiding. 46:33.071 --> 46:34.982 A woman's hips are touching. 46:35.151 --> 46:36.982 lt's hot under here. 46:50.071 --> 46:53.700 lf it was another man caressing you, would you mind? 46:53.871 --> 46:55.350 You asked me that. 47:31.551 --> 47:37.547 Do you know a book by Dylan Thomas, ''Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog''? 47:39.431 --> 47:42.821 Sunday morning is most satisfyin' 47:42.991 --> 47:46.506 To have a really long lie-in 47:47.111 --> 47:48.863 l'm getting dressed. 47:49.911 --> 47:52.983 - What time is it? - Noon. 47:53.151 --> 47:54.903 Was it good? 47:57.311 --> 47:58.664 Let's stay in bed. 47:58.831 --> 48:01.186 Nope, l've got to buy a dress. 48:01.351 --> 48:04.707 - Got your car? - Sure. 48:17.711 --> 48:20.987 ELY. 99.84. 48:31.111 --> 48:33.466 Did Antonio come by? 48:37.071 --> 48:40.143 This is maddening! 48:40.311 --> 48:43.109 You don't know where he is? 48:43.271 --> 48:46.263 No, never mind. 48:46.431 --> 48:47.944 Michel Poiccard again. 48:48.111 --> 48:50.784 Want me to wear a bra? 48:58.431 --> 49:02.982 Which do you like best: my eyes, my mouth or my shoulders? 49:04.031 --> 49:06.386 lf you had to choose. 49:11.511 --> 49:13.741 There was no press conference. 49:13.911 --> 49:17.540 No, it's at Orly in a little while. 49:17.711 --> 49:22.148 l'm not much of a looker, but l'm quite a boxer! 49:25.871 --> 49:28.385 Going to your press conference? 49:28.551 --> 49:31.065 l have to drop by the office first. 49:31.231 --> 49:32.584 l'll come with you. 49:32.751 --> 49:34.787 Pres. Eisenhower, with Gen. de Gaulle, 49:34.951 --> 49:38.864 will lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 49:39.031 --> 49:41.864 Were you in the army? 49:42.031 --> 49:44.750 What did you do? 49:44.911 --> 49:46.867 l did in the sentries. 49:47.031 --> 49:49.750 - ''Did in''? - l laid them out flat. 49:49.911 --> 49:51.424 Don't, Michel! 49:54.951 --> 49:58.546 l'm exhausted. l'm gonna die. 49:58.711 --> 50:00.383 You're crazy. 50:00.551 --> 50:03.384 Yeah, totally barmy. 50:03.551 --> 50:04.984 What's ''barmy''? 50:05.151 --> 50:06.504 That's me. 50:25.431 --> 50:28.229 Your car's not here? 50:29.391 --> 50:32.189 lt's at the garage. l'll go pick it up now. 50:54.911 --> 50:56.742 Great, a Ford! 51:06.351 --> 51:09.502 - What floor? - Fifth. 51:28.431 --> 51:30.581 l got the wrong floor. 51:59.951 --> 52:01.987 Scared of getting old? l am. 52:02.151 --> 52:03.903 You're a dope! 52:07.151 --> 52:11.224 l told you, the worst flaw is cowardice. 52:13.231 --> 52:15.267 Buy me a dress at Dior's? 52:15.431 --> 52:19.344 Not on your life! There are nicer dresses at Prix Unique. 52:19.511 --> 52:21.866 You don't buy dresses at Dior, you make calls. 52:22.031 --> 52:24.704 lt's the only place where you can phone for free. 52:24.871 --> 52:27.146 There are 1 2 call boxes. 52:27.311 --> 52:28.790 France Soir! 52:54.711 --> 52:57.350 Police Killer Still At Large 53:41.511 --> 53:42.990 How long will it last? 53:43.151 --> 53:44.743 Half an hour or so. 53:44.911 --> 53:48.062 l'll go and see my chap, then. 54:06.111 --> 54:09.467 Why did you call your novel ''Candidate''? 54:12.111 --> 54:14.989 l'm convinced that the French will give my book 54:15.151 --> 54:18.780 a cool reception because of their prudishness. 54:18.951 --> 54:21.101 Mr Parvulesco! 54:23.951 --> 54:27.421 Can one still believe in love in our time? 54:27.591 --> 54:32.381 Of course, especially in our time. 54:33.951 --> 54:40.345 What about Rilke's saying: Modern life increasingly separates men and women? 54:40.511 --> 54:44.868 Rilke was a great poet, he was probably right. 54:46.591 --> 54:48.900 Out of my way! 54:49.351 --> 54:51.228 You and your Path-Journal! 54:52.831 --> 54:59.179 Do French and American women differ in their romantic attitudes? 54:59.351 --> 55:01.103 French women 55:01.271 --> 55:02.943 are totally unlike Americans. 55:03.111 --> 55:08.469 The American woman dominates the man. The French doesn't dominate him yet. 55:11.191 --> 55:13.421 What's your greatest ambition? 55:13.591 --> 55:18.346 Who are more moral: unfaithful women or deserting males? 55:18.511 --> 55:21.309 Unfaithful women. 55:21.471 --> 55:24.065 Are women more sentimental than men? 55:24.231 --> 55:28.349 Feelings are a luxury few women can afford. 55:29.511 --> 55:34.301 ls there a difference between eroticism and love? 55:37.031 --> 55:39.386 No, not really. 55:39.551 --> 55:42.463 l don't think so, because... 55:42.631 --> 55:46.306 eroticism is a form of love, and vice versa. 55:46.471 --> 55:49.702 Does the soul exist in modern society? 55:53.831 --> 55:59.667 Do women have a role to play in modern society? 55:59.831 --> 56:04.063 lf she's charming and wears a striped dress and dark glasses. 56:04.231 --> 56:06.620 Casanova said that there's no woman 56:06.791 --> 56:09.385 who can't be seduced with displays of gratitude. 56:09.551 --> 56:12.190 Cocteau will answer that. 56:12.351 --> 56:16.139 How many men can a woman love in a lifetime? 56:16.311 --> 56:18.620 Physically, l mean. 56:22.871 --> 56:25.305 More than that! 56:25.471 --> 56:26.950 Miss, you're in the shot. 56:27.111 --> 56:32.743 Two things matter in life. For men, it's women, and for women, money. 56:32.911 --> 56:34.708 You're a pessimist! 56:34.871 --> 56:37.704 lf you see a pretty girl with a rich chap, you know 56:37.871 --> 56:41.227 she's nice and he's a bastard. 56:44.591 --> 56:46.422 Do you like Brahms? 56:46.591 --> 56:48.024 Like everyone, no. 56:48.191 --> 56:51.149 - And Chopin? - Lousy! 56:51.311 --> 56:54.667 What's your greatest ambition? 56:57.591 --> 57:01.379 To become immortal and then die. 57:43.231 --> 57:45.028 You're Claudius Mansard? 57:45.191 --> 57:46.544 Yes, Mr. Kovacs. 57:48.151 --> 57:50.711 l called this morning. l was told you'd be here. 57:50.871 --> 57:52.224 Yes, Mr Kovacs. 57:52.391 --> 57:54.143 Tony sent me. 57:56.511 --> 57:59.548 Didn't we meet in Nice? 58:01.151 --> 58:02.266 Nobody phoned you? 58:02.431 --> 58:05.787 Yes. But they said it'd be an Oldsmobile. 58:05.951 --> 58:08.419 lt fell through at the last minute. 58:08.591 --> 58:10.388 And so? 58:10.551 --> 58:11.904 So, it's this. 58:24.111 --> 58:25.863 800,000. 58:28.191 --> 58:31.979 But l'll only have the money next week. 58:32.151 --> 58:34.221 You bastard! 58:34.391 --> 58:38.384 And you, Mr Kovacs? Who are you? 58:40.231 --> 58:41.584 So what? 58:42.591 --> 58:44.866 So you don't get the money now. 58:45.031 --> 58:48.341 - Tough. ls it 3 yet? - Quarter past. 58:48.511 --> 58:50.308 Can l use the phone? 59:06.431 --> 59:08.103 ls Antonio there? 59:08.271 --> 59:09.624 He just left. 59:09.791 --> 59:10.746 Bloody hell! 59:10.911 --> 59:13.823 He said to meet him at the Escale at 4. 59:13.991 --> 59:17.188 The Escale at 4. OK, thanks. 59:20.871 --> 59:23.704 Don't bother. l carry my cash on me. 59:23.871 --> 59:26.465 Lend me 1 0,000. 59:28.511 --> 59:29.864 5000. 59:31.031 --> 59:32.384 2500. 59:38.191 --> 59:40.022 She's not running? 59:42.751 --> 59:44.469 Hey, you! 59:45.751 --> 59:48.504 You remove the distributor cap? 59:51.231 --> 59:54.348 - You owe me a phone call! - For a taxi! 59:56.071 --> 59:58.027 Step on it! Step on it! 59:58.191 --> 1:00:01.228 Never mind the pedestrians! Just hurry up! 1:00:01.391 --> 1:00:03.621 Step on it, for Christ's sake! 1:00:05.031 --> 1:00:09.627 The Thunderbird's left wing torn off! Me, not a scratch! 1:00:11.351 --> 1:00:12.830 That's where l was born. 1:00:12.991 --> 1:00:17.303 Look at the eyesore they built opposite! 1:00:17.471 --> 1:00:21.987 Houses like that get me down. They ruin the whole square. 1:00:22.151 --> 1:00:26.349 l have a feeling for beauty, Beauty. 1:00:27.511 --> 1:00:30.662 lf we're late it's your fault. 1:00:30.831 --> 1:00:32.184 Certainly not. 1:00:32.351 --> 1:00:34.103 Overtake that Peugeot! 1:00:34.271 --> 1:00:35.624 Don't change gears! 1:00:35.791 --> 1:00:40.911 Don't brake for a 4CV! You're being overtaken by a scooter! 1:00:41.071 --> 1:00:43.710 Take the next left! 1:00:43.871 --> 1:00:46.260 Wait. l'll be back. 1:01:14.231 --> 1:01:16.187 He left 5 minutes ago. 1:01:16.351 --> 1:01:18.911 The friend who owes you money? 1:01:19.071 --> 1:01:23.064 Antonio Berruti, yeah, and it's your fault. 1:01:23.231 --> 1:01:25.108 Now it's double or quits. 1:01:25.271 --> 1:01:27.307 - Why? - Tell you later. 1:01:27.471 --> 1:01:29.302 Overtake that 2CV. 1:01:29.471 --> 1:01:32.144 - Where you going? - To the New York Herald. 1:01:32.311 --> 1:01:33.744 Eyes on the road! 1:01:33.911 --> 1:01:35.310 Why bother writing? 1:01:35.471 --> 1:01:39.020 To have money and not rely on men. 1:01:39.191 --> 1:01:42.342 Paris girls look like tarts in those short dresses. 1:01:42.511 --> 1:01:46.186 Makes me wanna run up behind them and do like this... 1:01:46.351 --> 1:01:47.909 Don't mind me! 1:01:57.791 --> 1:02:00.146 - We'll be right back. - OK. 1:02:00.311 --> 1:02:02.188 - Not paying the fare? - Fast! 1:02:08.151 --> 1:02:12.702 - Where are we going? - The Champs Elyses. 1:02:12.871 --> 1:02:16.659 l hate taxi-drivers who are afraid their car'll get scratched. 1:02:16.831 --> 1:02:19.026 The Gestapo put up a wall here 1:02:19.191 --> 1:02:21.182 so nobody could escape them. 1:02:21.351 --> 1:02:23.706 l've been thinking about that girl. 1:02:23.871 --> 1:02:24.986 What girl? 1:02:25.151 --> 1:02:28.063 The one with that chap on the Riviera. 1:02:28.231 --> 1:02:30.620 You said you admired her. 1:02:30.791 --> 1:02:34.670 Yeah, an ordinary girl. That's rare. 1:02:37.231 --> 1:02:38.983 Come with me to the paper? 1:02:39.151 --> 1:02:40.789 No, l've a call to make. 1:02:40.951 --> 1:02:44.023 l'm going to see my tailor. l'll pick you up later. 1:02:44.191 --> 1:02:45.943 Ciao, kid! 1:03:05.591 --> 1:03:09.345 You're late. They're waiting. 1:03:35.591 --> 1:03:37.343 Over there. 1:03:55.031 --> 1:03:56.783 You speak French? 1:03:56.951 --> 1:03:59.021 Do you know this man? 1:04:16.471 --> 1:04:20.384 Careful, little girl, don't mess with the Paris police. 1:04:20.551 --> 1:04:22.269 Yes, it's Michel. 1:04:24.031 --> 1:04:27.580 l didn't recognise him. lt's an old photo. 1:04:27.751 --> 1:04:31.824 You were seen with him this morning just outside. 1:04:31.991 --> 1:04:32.741 Who saw me? 1:04:32.911 --> 1:04:38.383 He was driving a Ford Thunderbird, 3382 GM 75. 1:04:39.311 --> 1:04:40.460 Where is he? 1:04:40.631 --> 1:04:42.508 l don't know. 1:04:43.551 --> 1:04:47.226 Watch it, watch what you say, little girl! 1:04:47.391 --> 1:04:49.746 l've seen him five or six times. 1:04:49.911 --> 1:04:55.065 l found him nice. l don't know where he lives or what he does. 1:04:55.231 --> 1:04:58.348 Known him long? 1:04:58.511 --> 1:05:02.663 l met him 3 weeks ago in Nice. l was on holiday. 1:05:02.831 --> 1:05:06.506 He came to Paris to see someone who owes him money. 1:05:06.671 --> 1:05:10.630 - Who? - l don't know. He had an ltalian name. 1:05:12.391 --> 1:05:14.905 Think you'll see him again? 1:05:15.071 --> 1:05:20.987 Maybe. Sometimes he calls me and asks me out. Like this morning. 1:05:24.791 --> 1:05:27.259 Got a work permit? 1:05:27.431 --> 1:05:29.786 You don't want any passport difficulties? 1:05:29.951 --> 1:05:31.304 No, l don't. 1:05:31.471 --> 1:05:34.508 So if you see him, here's my number. 1:05:37.111 --> 1:05:40.501 Danton 01 .00. 1:08:21.111 --> 1:08:24.990 President Eisenhower is waving his arms... 1:08:29.271 --> 1:08:32.707 Was that what you meant by double or quits? 1:08:34.031 --> 1:08:35.544 More or less. 1:08:35.711 --> 1:08:37.861 Let's go see a western. 1:08:38.031 --> 1:08:40.704 Yeah, better wait till dark. 1:08:52.391 --> 1:08:54.063 Beware, Jessica 1:08:54.231 --> 1:08:56.586 On the kiss's bevelled edge Time is a void 1:08:56.751 --> 1:09:00.266 Avoid, avoid Memory's broken pledge 1:09:03.351 --> 1:09:04.864 You're wrong, Sheriff 1:09:05.031 --> 1:09:08.148 Your tale is noble and tragic As the mask of a tyrant 1:09:08.311 --> 1:09:12.668 No drama so perilous or magnetic No detail can make our love pathetic 1:09:23.031 --> 1:09:24.384 Hi, cutie! 1:09:29.551 --> 1:09:37.185 Police closing in on Michel Poiccard. 1:09:37.911 --> 1:09:40.505 - What's it say? - l'm reading it. 1:09:40.671 --> 1:09:42.821 The cops are stupid to be after me. 1:09:42.991 --> 1:09:45.824 l'm one of the few people who like them. 1:09:48.391 --> 1:09:50.382 Let me caress you. 1:09:51.311 --> 1:09:52.664 Say something! 1:09:52.831 --> 1:09:54.628 - Well! - What? 1:09:54.791 --> 1:09:57.589 - So you're married. - Show me. 1:10:00.831 --> 1:10:02.708 That was long ago. 1:10:02.871 --> 1:10:05.180 She was crazy. She dumped me. 1:10:05.351 --> 1:10:07.387 Or l dumped her. l can't remember. 1:10:07.551 --> 1:10:09.985 l really like you, Michel. 1:10:10.151 --> 1:10:13.029 What's it feel like, riding in a stolen car? 1:10:13.191 --> 1:10:15.625 - And killing a policeman? - l was scared! 1:10:15.791 --> 1:10:18.464 How did they know l knew you? 1:10:18.631 --> 1:10:22.624 Someone must've seen us together and gave us away. 1:10:22.791 --> 1:10:24.543 - That's very bad. - What is? 1:10:24.711 --> 1:10:26.508 Giving people away. 1:10:26.671 --> 1:10:29.981 No, it's normal. lnformers inform, 1:10:30.151 --> 1:10:31.664 burglars burgle, 1:10:31.831 --> 1:10:36.063 murderers murder, lovers love. 1:10:38.631 --> 1:10:41.941 Look, isn't the Concorde gorgeous! 1:10:43.111 --> 1:10:46.706 Yes, mysterious, with all the lights. 1:10:46.871 --> 1:10:50.750 l was a fool to keep this car. Gotta switch. 1:10:50.911 --> 1:10:53.869 - What? - Switch cars. 1:11:06.391 --> 1:11:08.666 Let's steal the Cadillac. 1:11:11.511 --> 1:11:12.864 What about the keys? 1:11:13.031 --> 1:11:17.104 You drive, l hide. They leave the keys in the car here. 1:11:21.671 --> 1:11:25.346 - What do l tell the man? - Say goodnight... in English. 1:11:25.511 --> 1:11:28.867 He won't say a thing. The French are yellow-bellied. 1:11:29.031 --> 1:11:30.384 ''Yellow-bellied''? 1:11:30.551 --> 1:11:33.111 Scared stiff. Are you scared? 1:11:33.271 --> 1:11:36.229 lt's too late to be scared. 1:11:44.871 --> 1:11:51.470 Michel Poiccard: arrest imminent. 1:12:00.431 --> 1:12:03.423 l've just gotta find Antonio. 1:12:03.591 --> 1:12:07.140 Once you look for someone, you never find him. 1:12:11.111 --> 1:12:13.420 Who was that? 1:12:13.591 --> 1:12:16.389 - Step on it, poppet. - What's ''poppet''? 1:12:35.391 --> 1:12:37.188 Seen Antonio? 1:12:37.351 --> 1:12:40.184 l'll tell you if l can kiss her. 1:12:40.351 --> 1:12:42.865 lt's not up to me, 1:12:43.031 --> 1:12:44.783 it's up to her. 1:12:48.311 --> 1:12:50.871 He's with Zumbart. 1:12:53.351 --> 1:12:54.704 Carl! 1:12:58.831 --> 1:13:02.107 - How's things? - Antonio's not with you? 1:13:02.271 --> 1:13:04.227 There he is. 1:13:06.751 --> 1:13:07.979 Who is he? 1:13:08.151 --> 1:13:09.630 - Antonio? - No, the other one. 1:13:14.031 --> 1:13:15.828 Let's see those socks. 1:13:15.991 --> 1:13:18.300 Silk socks with a tweed jacket! 1:13:18.471 --> 1:13:20.780 - l like silk. - Not with tweed! 1:13:23.311 --> 1:13:24.664 - Hi, amigo. - Hi, sonny. 1:13:24.831 --> 1:13:26.822 l'll be off. 1:13:26.991 --> 1:13:30.267 You've been looking for me? 1:13:30.431 --> 1:13:31.784 Yeah, l'm in the shit. 1:13:34.711 --> 1:13:36.383 Got a minute? 1:13:36.551 --> 1:13:38.189 - lt's that man. - What do l say? 1:13:38.351 --> 1:13:39.830 Anything you want. 1:13:39.991 --> 1:13:42.107 l'll just be a sec. 1:13:42.271 --> 1:13:45.980 - What will they do? - Take photos of her kissing the man. 1:13:46.151 --> 1:13:49.746 - What for? - Blackmail, probably. 1:14:08.151 --> 1:14:10.062 Be right back. 1:14:11.111 --> 1:14:12.510 Who's the chick? 1:14:12.671 --> 1:14:16.061 - The thing is, l'm in love with her. - Damn! 1:14:35.591 --> 1:14:37.866 1 .3 million, can do. 1:14:38.031 --> 1:14:40.465 - What's your bank? - The B.N.C.l. 1:14:40.631 --> 1:14:41.984 Let's see. 1:14:44.951 --> 1:14:47.829 - What do we do? - Dunno. 1:14:47.991 --> 1:14:50.789 - Where can l reach you tomorrow? - Dunno. 1:14:50.951 --> 1:14:53.545 The hotels are crawling with tourists. 1:14:53.711 --> 1:14:56.430 My friend in Montmartre has a big flat. 1:14:56.591 --> 1:14:59.549 - Not Montmartre. - No, not Montmartre. 1:14:59.711 --> 1:15:01.303 Why not? 1:15:01.471 --> 1:15:04.110 Too many enemies in Montmartre. 1:15:04.271 --> 1:15:06.148 Try Zumbart's Swedish girl. 1:15:06.311 --> 1:15:09.109 Rue Campagne Premire? 1:15:09.271 --> 1:15:11.227 Call me there tomorrow. 1:15:28.271 --> 1:15:30.705 Antonio said we could stay the night. 1:15:30.791 --> 1:15:34.261 Sure. Sit down. l'll be right with you. 1:15:39.791 --> 1:15:41.144 Smile! 1:15:43.711 --> 1:15:46.350 You could pose. lt pays good. 1:15:46.511 --> 1:15:48.979 You have to sleep around. 1:15:49.151 --> 1:15:51.949 - l was just thinking... - What? 1:15:52.111 --> 1:15:53.863 l can't decide... 1:15:54.031 --> 1:15:55.703 Decide what? 1:15:55.871 --> 1:16:00.581 l don't know. Otherwise l wouldn't hesitate... 1:16:05.471 --> 1:16:09.146 You dumped your journalist? 1:16:09.311 --> 1:16:10.790 Why did you say hello? 1:16:10.951 --> 1:16:13.385 To make sure l didn't love him any more. 1:16:13.551 --> 1:16:16.270 You make life difficult. 1:16:16.431 --> 1:16:19.821 That's it. Drop me on the Champs Elyses? 1:16:35.231 --> 1:16:36.869 What record? 1:16:37.031 --> 1:16:41.547 Mozart's clarinet concerto. Do you mind? 1:16:41.711 --> 1:16:43.190 No, l like that one. 1:16:43.351 --> 1:16:46.104 l thought you didn't like music. 1:16:46.271 --> 1:16:50.583 This one's OK. My dad was a clarinettist. 1:16:50.751 --> 1:16:53.823 My dad was a brilliant clarinet-player. 1:16:53.991 --> 1:16:55.982 Want to turn in? 1:16:56.151 --> 1:16:58.187 Sleeping's so sad. 1:16:58.351 --> 1:16:59.864 We have to separ. 1:17:00.031 --> 1:17:03.660 - ...ate. - ''Separ-ate''. 1:17:03.831 --> 1:17:07.665 They say ''sleep together'', but it's not true. 1:17:18.951 --> 1:17:21.021 What is it? 1:17:24.951 --> 1:17:26.304 Nothing. 1:17:30.551 --> 1:17:32.303 Come here. 1:17:40.911 --> 1:17:44.699 Go buy France Soir and a bottle of milk. 1:17:51.071 --> 1:17:52.902 What time is it? 1:17:53.071 --> 1:17:54.424 Five. 1:17:59.551 --> 1:18:01.826 Engaged all the time. 1:18:09.151 --> 1:18:11.142 - What? - Nothing. 1:18:11.311 --> 1:18:12.869 France Soir! 1:18:13.031 --> 1:18:15.147 l'm looking at you. 1:18:18.791 --> 1:18:22.420 lt's your lucky day. Take a ticket. 1:18:22.591 --> 1:18:24.263 - A whisky. - Don't have any. 1:18:24.431 --> 1:18:26.501 Make it coffee. 1:18:30.151 --> 1:18:34.224 Danton 01 .00? 1:18:34.391 --> 1:18:37.827 lnspector Vital, please. 1:18:44.911 --> 1:18:47.471 Patricia Franchini. 1:18:47.631 --> 1:18:52.102 l've just seen the fellow you're looking for. 1:18:52.271 --> 1:18:56.901 He's at 1 1 , rue Premire Campagne. 1:18:57.071 --> 1:19:00.268 Yes. 1 1 , rue Campagne Premire. 1:19:52.831 --> 1:19:55.664 Thirsty? 1:19:55.831 --> 1:19:59.028 Antonio's coming by. He just called. 1:19:59.191 --> 1:20:02.547 We're on our way to ltaly, girlie! 1:20:04.111 --> 1:20:07.786 - l can't go. - Sure you can, l'm taking you. 1:20:07.951 --> 1:20:10.988 Berruti's lending me his Simca. 1:20:11.151 --> 1:20:13.062 An Amedeo Gordini lodel. 1:20:13.231 --> 1:20:16.428 Michel, l called the police. 1:20:16.591 --> 1:20:20.869 - l said you were here. - Are you crazy? 1:20:21.031 --> 1:20:23.784 No, l'm fine. 1:20:25.071 --> 1:20:26.982 No, l'm not. 1:20:27.151 --> 1:20:30.302 l don't want to go with you. 1:20:30.471 --> 1:20:32.507 l knew it. 1:20:32.671 --> 1:20:33.706 l don't know. 1:20:33.871 --> 1:20:36.943 l just talked about myself, and you, yourself. 1:20:37.111 --> 1:20:38.464 l'm so stupid. 1:20:38.631 --> 1:20:42.226 You should've talked about me, and me, about you. 1:20:42.391 --> 1:20:45.940 l don't want to be in love with you. 1:20:46.911 --> 1:20:50.586 That's why l called the police. 1:20:50.751 --> 1:20:55.871 l stayed with you to see if l was in love with you. 1:20:56.031 --> 1:20:58.864 Or if l wasn't. 1:21:01.151 --> 1:21:03.984 And since l'm being cruel to you, 1:21:04.151 --> 1:21:06.870 it proves l'm not in love with you. 1:21:07.031 --> 1:21:08.987 Say that again! 1:21:09.151 --> 1:21:12.666 And since l'm being cruel to you, 1:21:12.831 --> 1:21:17.302 it proves l'm not in love with you. 1:21:17.471 --> 1:21:20.349 They say there's no happy love. 1:21:20.511 --> 1:21:23.423 lf l loved you... 1:21:23.591 --> 1:21:25.309 lt's too complicated! 1:21:25.471 --> 1:21:29.783 On the contrary, there's no unhappy love. 1:21:29.951 --> 1:21:33.227 l want people to let me be. 1:21:33.391 --> 1:21:34.904 l'm independent. 1:21:35.071 --> 1:21:39.269 - Maybe you love me. - You think you are. You're not. 1:21:39.431 --> 1:21:41.262 That's why l gave you away. 1:21:41.431 --> 1:21:44.264 l'm better than you are. 1:21:44.431 --> 1:21:47.867 Now you have no choice but to go. 1:21:48.911 --> 1:21:50.902 You're nuts! 1:21:52.071 --> 1:21:55.461 That's a rotten way to reason! 1:22:01.631 --> 1:22:05.590 You're like those women who sleep with everyone... 1:22:05.751 --> 1:22:10.063 except the one man who loves them... 1:22:10.231 --> 1:22:13.985 saying it's because they sleep with everyone. 1:22:15.751 --> 1:22:18.390 Why don't you go? 1:22:20.751 --> 1:22:25.029 l've slept with lots of men. Don't count on me. 1:22:26.231 --> 1:22:28.347 What are you waiting for? 1:22:28.511 --> 1:22:30.945 No, l'm staying. l'm in bad shape. 1:22:31.111 --> 1:22:33.500 l prefer jail. 1:22:33.671 --> 1:22:35.423 You're mad! 1:22:39.551 --> 1:22:42.224 Nobody'll talk to me. 1:22:42.391 --> 1:22:45.110 l can look at the walls. 1:22:45.271 --> 1:22:46.624 Damn, Berruti! 1:22:48.351 --> 1:22:51.024 Hey, amigo! l'll just park. 1:22:54.031 --> 1:22:55.908 - Cops are coming. - Your money! 1:22:56.071 --> 1:22:58.346 The American gave me away. 1:22:58.511 --> 1:23:00.069 - Get in! - No, you go! 1:23:00.231 --> 1:23:04.349 - Get in! - No, l'm staying. 1:23:06.551 --> 1:23:08.701 l've had enough. 1:23:08.871 --> 1:23:10.270 l'm tired. 1:23:10.431 --> 1:23:11.830 l want to sleep. 1:23:11.991 --> 1:23:13.310 You're nuts! 1:23:13.471 --> 1:23:16.986 Damn the police. l'll save my neck. 1:23:17.151 --> 1:23:21.702 l shouldn't be thinking of her but l can't help it. 1:23:21.871 --> 1:23:24.749 Want my automatic? 1:23:26.711 --> 1:23:28.906 - Don't be stupid! - Get lost! 1:25:27.031 --> 1:25:29.591 You're a real louse. 1:25:41.351 --> 1:25:42.670 What did he say? 1:25:42.831 --> 1:25:46.426 He said you're a real louse. 1:25:50.711 --> 1:25:53.783 What's a ''louse''?