WEBVTT 00:53.982 --> 00:57.582 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 00:57.683 --> 01:01.683 ♫ Welcome Christmas, ♫ Bring your light 01:01.384 --> 01:05.684 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 01:05.685 --> 01:10.185 ♫ Welcome in the ♫ cold dark night 01:10.486 --> 01:14.786 ♫ Welcome Christmas ♫ Fah who rah-moose! 01:14.887 --> 01:18.587 ♫ Welcome Christmas ♫ Dah who dah-moose! 01:18.688 --> 01:22.588 ♫ Welcome Christmas ♫ While we stand 01:22.789 --> 01:27.289 ♫ Heart to heart ♫ And hand in hand 01:29.190 --> 01:32.990 ♫ Trim up the tree with Christmas stuff ♫ Like bingle balls, and whofoo fluff 01:33.291 --> 01:36.591 ♫ Trim up the tree with goowho gums ♫ and bizilbix and wums 01:37.392 --> 01:41.592 ♫ Trim every blessed window and ♫ trim every blessed door 01:41.682 --> 01:43.482 ♫ Hang up whoboohoo bricks 01:43.883 --> 01:46.283 ♫ Then run out and get some more 01:46.483 --> 01:50.283 ♫ Hang pantookas on the ceilings ♫ Pile pankunas on the floor 01:50.484 --> 01:54.784 ♫ Trim every blessed needle ♫ on the blessed Christmas tree 01:55.085 --> 01:59.885 ♫ Christmas comes tomorrow ♫ Trim you, trim me 02:00.086 --> 02:03.586 ♫ Trim up the tree with fuzzle fuzz ♫ and bliffer bloofs, and wuzzle wuzz 02:03.587 --> 02:07.687 ♫ Trim up your uncle and your aunt ♫ With yards of whofont 02:07.787 --> 02:11.687 ♫ - Flant ♫ - Trim up your uncle and your aunt ♫ With yards of whofont flant ♫ 02:12.883 --> 02:16.802 NARRATOR: Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot. 02:17.070 --> 02:18.679 But the Grinch... 02:19.348 --> 02:24.227 ...who lived just north of Who-ville, did not. 02:25.521 --> 02:30.483 The Grinch hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. 02:30.651 --> 02:35.154 Now, please, don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. 02:35.322 --> 02:38.825 It could be perhaps that his shoes were too tight. 02:38.992 --> 02:43.162 It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right. 02:43.330 --> 02:46.791 But I think that the most likely reason of all... 02:46.959 --> 02:52.880 ...may have been that his heart was two sizes too small. 02:53.340 --> 02:56.050 But whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes... 02:56.218 --> 03:01.848 ...he stood there on Christmas Eve hating the Whos. 03:02.015 --> 03:07.270 Staring down from his cave with a sour Grinchy frown... 03:07.437 --> 03:11.440 ...at the warm lighted windows below in their town. 03:11.608 --> 03:14.986 For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath... 03:15.153 --> 03:19.198 ...was busy now hanging a holly Who-wreath. 03:19.533 --> 03:21.701 And they're hanging their stockings. 03:21.869 --> 03:24.662 He snarled with a sneer. 03:24.830 --> 03:29.208 Tomorrow is Christmas. It's practically here. 03:29.376 --> 03:34.547 Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming: 03:34.923 --> 03:40.428 I must find some way to keep Christmas from coming. 03:40.596 --> 03:44.348 Or tomorrow, I know, all those Who girls and boys... 03:44.516 --> 03:48.561 ...will wake bright and early, they'll rush for their toys. 03:48.729 --> 03:54.483 And then-- Oh, the noise. Oh, the noise. Noise, noise, noise. 03:55.319 --> 04:02.325 There's one thing I hate. All the noise. Noise, noise, noise. 04:04.286 --> 04:09.081 And they'll shriek squeaks and squeals, racing round on their wheels. 04:11.168 --> 04:15.004 They'll dance with Jing-Tinglers tied onto their heels. 04:15.172 --> 04:19.342 They'll blow their Floo-Floobers. They'll bang their Tah-Tinkers. 04:23.180 --> 04:27.934 They'll blow their Who-Hoobers. They'll bang their Gah-Ginkers. 04:31.480 --> 04:37.485 They'll beat their Trum-Tookers. They'll slam their Sloo-Slonkers. 04:38.528 --> 04:44.367 They'll beat their Blum-Blookers. They'll wham their Who-Wonkers. 04:44.534 --> 04:48.371 And they'll play noisy games like Zoo Zitta Ka Zay... 04:48.538 --> 04:53.668 ...a roller-skate type of lacrosse and croquet. 04:57.881 --> 05:01.384 And then they'll make earsplitting noises deluxe... 05:01.551 --> 05:06.389 ...on their great big Electro Who-Cardio Shluxe. 05:14.856 --> 05:19.986 Then the Whos, young and old, will sit down to a feast. 05:20.153 --> 05:27.076 And they'll feast, and they'll feast. And they'll feast, feast, feast, feast. 05:27.244 --> 05:33.082 They'll feast on Who-pudding and rare Who-roast-beast. 05:33.250 --> 05:37.420 Oh, roast beast is a feast I can't stand in the least. 06:00.485 --> 06:05.072 And then they'll do something I hate most of all. 06:05.240 --> 06:09.827 Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small... 06:09.995 --> 06:15.958 ...will stand close together with Christmas bells ringing. 06:16.126 --> 06:23.132 They'll stand hand in hand, and those Whos will start singing. 06:27.971 --> 06:31.472 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 06:31.673 --> 06:35.273 ♫ Welcome Christmas, ♫ Come this way 06:35.474 --> 06:39.374 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 06:39.575 --> 06:43.575 ♫ Welcome Christmas, ♫ Christmas Day. 06:43.776 --> 06:47.576 ♫ Welcome, Welcome ♫ Fah who rah-moose 06:47.777 --> 06:51.477 ♫ Welcome, Welcome ♫ Dah who dah-moose 06:51.578 --> 06:55.478 ♫ Christmas day is in our grasp 06:55.606 --> 06:59.506 ♫ So long as we have hands to clasp 06:59.707 --> 07:03.307 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who for-aze... ♫ 07:03.507 --> 07:05.674 And they'll sing, and they'll sing. 07:05.842 --> 07:10.346 And they'll sing. Sing, sing, sing. 07:10.639 --> 07:13.766 NARRATOR: And the more the Grinch thought of this Who-Christmas sing... 07:13.934 --> 07:16.018 ...the more the Grinch thought: 07:16.186 --> 07:19.021 I must stop this whole thing. 07:19.189 --> 07:23.025 Why, for 53 years, I've put up with it now. 07:23.193 --> 07:28.239 I must stop Christmas from coming. 07:28.490 --> 07:30.616 But how? 07:32.202 --> 07:37.790 Then he got an idea. An awful idea. 07:38.208 --> 07:44.213 The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea. 07:49.052 --> 07:50.678 GRINCH: I know just what to do. 07:50.846 --> 07:52.721 The Grinch laughed in his throat. 07:54.057 --> 07:58.060 GRINCH: I'll make a quick Santy Claus hat and a coat. 07:58.687 --> 08:00.271 Then he chuckled and clucked: 08:00.438 --> 08:04.066 GRINCH: What a great Grinchy trick. 08:04.234 --> 08:08.872 With this coat and this hat, I'll look just like Saint Nick. 08:15.973 --> 08:18.973 ♫ You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch 08:20.274 --> 08:23.874 ♫ You really are a heel 08:24.675 --> 08:31.075 ♫ You're as cuddly as a cactus ♫ You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch 08:32.277 --> 08:34.677 You're a bad banana with a... 08:35.278 --> 08:38.278 ♫ ...Greasy black peel ♫ 08:45.479 --> 08:48.579 ♫ You're a monster, Mr. Grinch 08:49.980 --> 08:53.980 ♫ Your heart's an empty hole 08:54.281 --> 09:00.981 ♫ Your brain is full of spiders ♫ You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch 09:02.583 --> 09:04.483 I wouldn't touch you with a... 09:05.184 --> 09:09.084 ♫ ...Thirty nine and a half foot pole ♫ 09:09.841 --> 09:11.759 All I need is a reindeer. 09:11.927 --> 09:13.177 The Grinch looked around. 09:13.345 --> 09:16.430 But since reindeer are scarce, there was none to be found. 09:16.598 --> 09:20.476 Did that stop the Grinch? Ha. The Grinch simply said: 09:20.644 --> 09:25.397 GRINCH: If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead. 09:27.192 --> 09:30.694 So he took his dog, Max, and he took some black thread... 09:30.862 --> 09:34.240 ...and he tied a big horn on the top of his head. 09:54.010 --> 09:57.263 Then he loaded some bags and some old empty sacks... 09:57.430 --> 10:02.059 ...on a ramshackle sleigh, and he whistled for Max. 10:02.227 --> 10:03.560 [WHISTLES] 10:27.794 --> 10:29.628 Then the Grinch said: GRINCH: Giddap. 10:31.881 --> 10:33.632 And the sleigh started down... 10:33.800 --> 10:38.304 ...toward the homes where the Whos lay a-snooze in their town. 12:05.141 --> 12:08.435 All their windows were dark. No one knew he was there. 12:08.603 --> 12:13.774 All the Whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care... 12:14.317 --> 12:20.531 ...when he came to the first little house on the square. 12:21.741 --> 12:23.450 This is stop number one. 12:23.618 --> 12:29.665 The old Grinchy Claus hissed as he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist. 12:34.629 --> 12:37.339 Then he slid down the chimney. A rather tight pinch. 12:37.507 --> 12:40.676 But if Santa could do it, then so could the Grinch. 12:40.844 --> 12:44.513 He got stuck only once, for a minute or two. 12:44.681 --> 12:47.516 Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue... 12:47.684 --> 12:52.312 ...where the little Who stockings hung all in a row. 12:52.480 --> 12:53.522 These stockings-- 12:53.690 --> 12:54.690 He Grinched. 12:54.858 --> 12:57.693 --are the first things to go. 13:00.780 --> 13:06.118 Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant... 13:06.286 --> 13:09.997 ...around the whole room and he took every present. 13:10.165 --> 13:13.292 Pop guns, pampoonas, pantookas and drums... 13:13.460 --> 13:16.628 ...checkerboards, bizzel-binks, popcorn and plums. 13:16.796 --> 13:19.756 Then he stuffed them in bags. Then the Grinch, very nimbly... 13:19.924 --> 13:25.012 ...stuffed all the bags, one by one, up the chimbly. 13:27.182 --> 13:28.223 [WHISTLES] 13:30.224 --> 13:33.724 ♫ You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch 13:34.725 --> 13:38.825 ♫ You have termites in your smile 13:39.126 --> 13:46.126 ♫ You have all the tender sweetness ♫ of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch 13:47.728 --> 13:51.928 Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the a... 13:52.529 --> 13:55.929 ♫ ...Seasick crocodile ♫ 14:10.164 --> 14:13.264 ♫ You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch 14:14.665 --> 14:18.065 ♫ You're the king of sinful sots 14:18.566 --> 14:25.866 ♫ Your hearts a dead tomato splotched ♫ with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch 14:27.368 --> 14:30.368 You’re a 3 decker sauerkraut and toad stool sandwich... 14:30.869 --> 14:33.369 ♫ ...with arsenic sauce ♫ 15:05.947 --> 15:10.325 Then he slunk to the icebox. He took the Whos' feast. 15:10.493 --> 15:14.246 He took the Who-pudding. He took the roast beast. 15:14.414 --> 15:17.583 He cleaned out the icebox as quick as a flash. 15:17.750 --> 15:22.254 Why, that Grinch even took the last can of Who Hash. 15:22.422 --> 15:24.923 Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. 15:25.300 --> 15:27.467 GRINCH: Now-- - Grinned the Grinch. 15:27.635 --> 15:30.637 GRINCH: -- I will stuff up the tree. 15:39.772 --> 15:42.733 As the Grinch took the tree, as he started to shove... 15:44.110 --> 15:46.862 ...he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. 15:47.030 --> 15:50.532 He turned around fast, and he saw a small Who... 15:50.700 --> 15:54.870 ...little Cindy-Lou Who, who was no more than 2. 15:55.038 --> 15:57.789 She stared at the Grinch and said: 15:58.207 --> 16:00.876 Santy Claus, why? 16:01.044 --> 16:05.839 Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why? 16:06.007 --> 16:11.887 But, you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick... 16:12.055 --> 16:15.557 ...he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. 16:15.725 --> 16:19.061 Why, my sweet little tot-- 16:19.228 --> 16:21.146 The fake Santy Claus lied. 16:21.481 --> 16:26.568 -- there's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. 16:26.736 --> 16:30.322 So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear. 16:30.740 --> 16:35.911 I'll fix it up there, then l'll bring it back here. 16:36.329 --> 16:40.248 And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted her head. 16:40.416 --> 16:44.086 And he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. 16:44.253 --> 16:48.674 And when Cindy-Lou Who was in bed with her cup... 16:48.841 --> 16:52.928 ...he crupt to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. 16:53.096 --> 16:56.139 Then he went up the chimney himself, the old liar. 16:56.307 --> 17:01.603 And the last thing he took was the log for their fire. 17:01.771 --> 17:07.275 On their walls, he left nothing but hooks and some wire. 17:07.443 --> 17:11.363 And the one speck of food that he left in the house... 17:11.531 --> 17:16.827 ...was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. 17:18.788 --> 17:21.832 Then he did the same thing to the other Whos' houses... 17:21.999 --> 17:27.045 ...leaving crumbs much too small for the other Whos' mouses. 17:29.546 --> 17:33.446 ♫ You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch 17:34.347 --> 17:38.147 ♫ With a nauseous supernaus 17:38.848 --> 17:45.848 ♫ You’re a crooked jerky jockey and, ♫ you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Grinch 17:47.749 --> 17:51.249 Your soul is an appalling dump heap. 17:51.350 --> 17:56.450 Overflowing with the most disgraceful Assortment of rubbish imaginable 17:57.051 --> 17:57.951 Mangled up,... 17:58.152 --> 18:00.552 ♫ ...in tangled up knots ♫ 18:10.353 --> 18:14.053 ♫ You’re a foul one Mr. Grinch 18:15.354 --> 18:18.654 ♫ You’re a nasty wasty skunk 18:19.755 --> 18:26.755 ♫ Your heart is full of unwashed socks, ♫ Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch ♫ 18:28.156 --> 18:32.856 The 3 words that best describe you, are as follows, and I quote... 18:33.057 --> 18:34.057 "Stink, 18:34.157 --> 18:35.057 Stank, 18:35.157 --> 18:36.157 Stunk!" 18:44.123 --> 18:47.501 It was a quarter of dawn, all the Whos still abed... 18:47.668 --> 18:49.961 ...all the Whos still a-snooze... 18:50.213 --> 18:52.255 ...when he packed up his sled. 18:52.423 --> 18:56.635 Packed it up with their presents, their ribbons, their wrappings... 18:56.803 --> 19:01.306 ...their snoof and their fuzzels, their tringlers and trappings. 19:21.327 --> 19:27.165 Ten thousand feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit... 19:27.333 --> 19:31.670 ...he rode with his load to the tiptop to dump it. 19:55.444 --> 19:56.695 Pooh-pooh to the Whos. 19:56.863 --> 19:58.864 NARRATOR: He was Grinch-ily humming. 19:59.031 --> 20:02.200 They're finding out now that no Christmas is coming. 20:02.368 --> 20:05.495 They're just waking up. I know just what they'll do. 20:05.663 --> 20:07.998 Their mouths will hang open a minute or two. 20:08.165 --> 20:13.879 Then the Whos down in Who-ville will all cry boohoo. 20:14.046 --> 20:15.797 -That's a noise-- -Grinned the Grinch. 20:15.965 --> 20:18.884 --that I simply must hear. 20:19.051 --> 20:24.306 He paused. And the Grinch put a hand to his ear. 20:24.640 --> 20:28.727 And he did hear a sound rising over the snow. 20:28.895 --> 20:32.147 It started in low... 20:32.773 --> 20:34.983 ...then it started to grow. 20:35.451 --> 20:38.952 [WHOS HUMMING] 20:46.245 --> 20:50.346 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 20:50.547 --> 20:54.347 ♫ Welcome Christmas, ♫ Come this way 20:54.648 --> 20:58.948 ♫ Fah who for-aze ♫ Dah who dor-aze 20:59.149 --> 21:03.149 ♫ Welcome Christmas, ♫ Christmas Day. 21:03.550 --> 21:07.450 ♫ Welcome, Welcome ♫ Fah who rah-moose 21:07.851 --> 21:11.851 ♫ Welcome, Welcome ♫ Dah who dah-moose 21:12.152 --> 21:16.052 ♫ Christmas day is in our grasp 21:16.153 --> 21:21.853 ♫ - So long as we have hands to clasp ♫ - But this... this sound wasn't sad. 21:22.233 --> 21:26.785 Why... this sound sounded glad. 21:28.371 --> 21:33.416 Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small... 21:33.584 --> 21:38.380 ...was singing without any presents at all. 21:38.547 --> 21:43.843 He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it came. 21:44.011 --> 21:50.558 Somehow or other, it came just the same. 21:50.726 --> 21:55.730 And the Grinch, with his Grinch feet ice-cold in the snow... 21:55.898 --> 21:59.234 ...stood puzzling and puzzling. 21:59.402 --> 22:03.989 How could it be so? It came without ribbons. 22:05.199 --> 22:08.076 It came without tags. 22:09.453 --> 22:13.957 It came without packages, boxes or bags. 22:14.333 --> 22:19.170 He puzzled and puzzed till his puzzler was sore. 22:19.338 --> 22:22.799 Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. 22:22.967 --> 22:28.513 "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. 22:28.681 --> 22:34.769 Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more." 23:20.483 --> 23:24.360 And what happened then? Well, in Who-ville they say... 23:24.528 --> 23:30.742 ...that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. 23:32.745 --> 23:36.706 And then the true meaning of Christmas came through. 23:36.874 --> 23:42.504 And the Grinch found the strength of 10 Grinches plus two. 23:43.923 --> 23:46.883 And now that his heart didn't feel quite so tight... 23:47.051 --> 23:50.261 ...he whizzed with his load through the bright morning light. 23:50.429 --> 23:53.765 With a smile in his soul, he descended Mount Crumpit... 23:53.933 --> 23:57.268 ...cheerily blowing Who-Who on his trumpet. 23:59.230 --> 24:02.232 He rode into Who-ville, he brought back their toys. 24:02.399 --> 24:06.069 He brought back their floof to the Who girls and boys. 24:06.237 --> 24:10.281 He brought back their snoof and their tringlers and fuzzels. 24:10.449 --> 24:14.160 He brought back their pantookas, their dafflers and wuzzels. 24:14.328 --> 24:18.373 He brought everything back, all the food for the feast. 24:18.541 --> 24:23.378 And he... ...he himself, The Grinch... 24:23.546 --> 24:27.048 ...carved the roast beast. 24:28.717 --> 24:34.305 Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. 24:34.640 --> 24:39.727 Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. 24:39.895 --> 24:45.233 Christmas day will always be just as long as we have we. 24:45.401 --> 24:52.407 Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand.