WEBVTT 00:55.347 --> 00:56.848 Somebody asked me: 00:57.099 --> 01:00.351 "Phil, if you could be anywhere, where would you be?" 01:00.602 --> 01:03.146 I said to him, "Probably right here... 01:03.397 --> 01:06.482 ...Elko, Nevada." Our nation's high at 79 today. 01:06.775 --> 01:09.402 In California, they'll have warm weather tomorrow... 01:09.653 --> 01:12.280 ...gang wars and some overpriced real estate. 01:12.531 --> 01:15.366 In the Pacific Northwest, they'll have some... 01:15.659 --> 01:17.285 ...very, very tall trees. 01:17.536 --> 01:20.079 Clear across the Rockies and Great Plains. 01:20.330 --> 01:22.749 But look out, here comes trouble. 01:24.918 --> 01:25.960 Oh, boy! 01:26.545 --> 01:28.337 Front coming our way! Look out! 01:28.797 --> 01:32.383 What will that mean to us? One of these big, blue things! 01:32.634 --> 01:36.512 This cold, frigid arctic air, this big mass out of the north. 01:37.431 --> 01:40.725 It'll meet up with all this moisture out of the Gulf. 01:40.976 --> 01:43.352 They'll mix at high altitudes and cause snow. 01:43.854 --> 01:45.062 Going out on a limb: 01:45.230 --> 01:49.066 Not gonna hit us here in Pittsburgh. Gonna push off and hit Altoona. 01:49.276 --> 01:50.359 Close call! 01:50.611 --> 01:52.278 Let's look at the five-day. 01:52.946 --> 01:55.907 As you can see, nothing to be too scared about. 01:56.408 --> 01:59.869 Bundle up warm, but you can leave your galoshes at home. 02:00.078 --> 02:02.830 I won't be here for the 10:00. Tomorrow's Groundhog Day. 02:03.081 --> 02:07.585 I'll be in Punxsutawney for our country's oldest groundhog festival. 02:07.836 --> 02:11.047 According to the legend, tomorrow, February 2nd... 02:11.215 --> 02:13.508 ...if the groundhog wakes and sees his shadow... 02:13.675 --> 02:16.594 ...we've got six more weeks of winter. So cross your fingers. 02:16.762 --> 02:17.804 Sounds like fun. 02:17.971 --> 02:21.516 You must really enjoy it. This is your third year in a row. 02:21.767 --> 02:23.017 Four, Nan. 02:23.268 --> 02:24.310 Four. 02:24.478 --> 02:25.645 Thanks, Phil. 02:26.104 --> 02:30.566 Next, our entertainment editor looks at sex and violence in movies. 02:30.818 --> 02:31.901 Stay with us. 02:34.988 --> 02:36.030 We're clear. 02:36.281 --> 02:38.157 Have fun in Punxsutawney. 02:39.159 --> 02:44.163 For your information, Hairdo, a major network is interested in me. 02:44.414 --> 02:47.041 That would be the Home Shopping Network. 02:48.418 --> 02:51.087 Thanks, Larry. Go wait in the van. 02:51.672 --> 02:54.173 That was nice, Phil. "Big trees"! 02:54.341 --> 02:57.343 Stop, Kenny. Look, can you handle the 10 or not? 02:57.511 --> 02:58.553 Yeah, yeah. 02:58.720 --> 03:02.557 If you don't want to rush back, I can do the 5 tomorrow. 03:02.808 --> 03:05.768 Stay an extra second in Punxsutawney? Please! 03:06.019 --> 03:08.229 Rita thinks it'd be a great idea... 03:08.480 --> 03:11.858 ...to stay for other events. You'll get incredible footage. 03:12.109 --> 03:14.443 The people and the fun. The excitement! 03:14.695 --> 03:17.864 You haven't worked with her yet. She's really nice. 03:18.073 --> 03:21.242 I think she'll be a really good producer. 03:21.493 --> 03:23.911 You guys are going to have fun. 03:26.206 --> 03:29.584 She's fun. But not my kind of fun. I will be here for the 5. 03:29.751 --> 03:30.960 Rita. 04:32.397 --> 04:34.482 Can you keep a secret, Larry? 04:35.233 --> 04:37.193 I'm probably leaving PBH. 04:37.653 --> 04:40.279 So this will be the last time... 04:40.614 --> 04:42.156 ...we do the Groundhog together. 04:42.950 --> 04:45.618 What's wrong with the Groundhog Festival? 04:45.869 --> 04:46.953 In San Diego... 04:47.204 --> 04:50.873 ... I covered the swallows returning to Capistrano for six years. 04:51.541 --> 04:55.711 Someone will see me interview a groundhog, think I have no future. 04:55.921 --> 04:58.005 I think it's a nice story. 04:58.256 --> 05:01.050 He comes out. He looks around. 05:01.259 --> 05:03.010 He wrinkles up his nose. 05:03.261 --> 05:07.056 He sees his shadow or not. It's nice! People like it! 05:07.307 --> 05:09.684 You are new, aren't you? 05:10.394 --> 05:12.561 People like blood sausage too. 05:13.146 --> 05:14.313 People are morons! 05:14.940 --> 05:16.565 Nice attitude. 05:16.817 --> 05:21.153 Look in the mirror and see how you look when you do that groundhog thing. 05:21.405 --> 05:22.571 For me? Once? 05:22.781 --> 05:26.575 He comes out, and there he looks at his little shadow. 05:27.995 --> 05:29.870 Want some blood sausage? I have some-- 05:30.080 --> 05:31.998 I like blood sausage. 06:31.266 --> 06:32.808 Rita, I can't stay here. 06:34.352 --> 06:35.603 Prima donna. 06:36.229 --> 06:38.064 -What's the matter? -I hate this place. 06:38.273 --> 06:40.941 I stayed here two years ago. I was miserable. 06:41.151 --> 06:43.778 -I won't stay here. -You're not staying here. 06:44.029 --> 06:45.946 -I'm not? -No. 06:46.156 --> 06:47.406 Larry's dropping me off. 06:47.616 --> 06:50.201 I booked you in a nice bed-and-breakfast. 06:51.286 --> 06:52.411 Great. 06:53.330 --> 06:56.832 I think this is one of the traits of a good producer. 06:57.125 --> 06:58.793 Keep the talent happy. 06:59.211 --> 07:00.503 Anything I can do. 07:00.879 --> 07:03.297 Would you help me with my pelvic tilt? 07:05.217 --> 07:08.844 Within reason. Want to come to dinner with Larry and me? 07:09.554 --> 07:12.264 No, thank you. I've seen Larry eat. 07:14.684 --> 07:17.394 You get your sleep. See you in the morning. 07:18.271 --> 07:19.647 Don't be late. 07:21.942 --> 07:24.443 Did he actually call himself "the talent"? 07:52.722 --> 07:56.183 Campers, rise and shine! Don't forget your booties. 07:56.434 --> 07:59.228 -It's cold out there! -It's cold every day! 07:59.437 --> 08:01.730 -Is this Miami Beach? -Not hardly! 08:01.982 --> 08:04.775 Expect hazardous travel later today with... 08:05.026 --> 08:06.443 ...that blizzard thing. 08:06.695 --> 08:09.822 That blizzard thing. Here's the report. 08:10.073 --> 08:14.410 The National Weather Service is calling for a big blizzard thing. 08:14.619 --> 08:17.413 There's another reason today's especially exciting-- 08:17.622 --> 08:19.373 Especially cold. 08:19.583 --> 08:22.042 The big question on everybody's lips-- 08:22.294 --> 08:24.962 -Their chapped lips. -On their chapped lips. 08:25.172 --> 08:27.798 Will Phil come out and see his shadow? 08:28.049 --> 08:31.343 -Punxsutawney Phil! -That's right, woodchuck chuckers! 08:31.595 --> 08:33.012 It's Groundhog Day! 08:33.263 --> 08:36.307 Get up and check that hog out there! 08:40.353 --> 08:41.520 -Morning! -Morning. 08:41.771 --> 08:43.856 -Off to see the groundhog? -I am. 08:44.065 --> 08:46.150 Think it'll be an early spring? 08:46.359 --> 08:48.444 I'm predicting March 21st. 08:49.446 --> 08:50.905 Good guess! 08:51.364 --> 08:54.783 I think that actually is the first day of spring. 09:02.042 --> 09:06.045 -Did you sleep well, Mr. Connors? -I slept alone, Mrs. Lancaster. 09:07.214 --> 09:08.547 Like some coffee? 09:08.798 --> 09:13.260 Is there any possibility of getting an espresso or cappuccino? 09:13.470 --> 09:15.471 I really don't know.... 09:15.764 --> 09:19.308 How to spell espresso or cappuccino. This looks fine. 09:19.559 --> 09:21.727 I hope you enjoy the festivities. 09:21.978 --> 09:25.231 -I'm sure I will. -There's talk of a blizzard. 09:25.815 --> 09:28.984 We may catch a break and it will blow right by. 09:29.236 --> 09:31.403 The moisture coming out of the south... 09:31.655 --> 09:33.864 ...by midday will push on to the east. 09:34.074 --> 09:39.078 At high altitudes it'll crystallize and give us what we call snow. 09:39.287 --> 09:43.082 Our high will get to about 30 today, teens tonight. 09:43.291 --> 09:47.044 Chance of precipitation, about 20 percent today, 20 percent tomorrow. 09:47.295 --> 09:50.297 Did you want to talk about the weather or just chitchat? 09:51.216 --> 09:52.258 Chitchat. 09:52.509 --> 09:54.051 See you later. 09:57.597 --> 09:59.515 Will you be checking out today? 09:59.724 --> 10:02.059 Chance of departure today, 100 percent. 10:20.245 --> 10:23.789 Phil? Hey, Phil? 10:23.957 --> 10:27.251 Phil? Phil Connors! I thought that was you! 10:27.460 --> 10:29.753 How you doing? Thanks for watching. 10:30.005 --> 10:34.508 Don't tell me you don't remember me. I sure as heckfire remember you. 10:35.552 --> 10:36.677 Not a chance. 10:36.886 --> 10:38.304 Ned! 10:39.347 --> 10:41.098 Ryerson! 10:41.933 --> 10:43.684 Needlenose Ned. Ned the Head. 10:43.893 --> 10:46.312 Come on, buddy. Case Western High! 10:46.521 --> 10:50.441 I did the whistling bellybutton trick at the talent show. 10:50.692 --> 10:55.571 Bing! Got the shingles real bad senior year. Almost didn't graduate. 10:55.864 --> 10:57.740 Bing again! 10:57.949 --> 11:02.036 I dated your sister a couple times till you told me not to anymore. 11:02.245 --> 11:03.537 Well? 11:04.372 --> 11:06.457 -Ned Ryerson? -Bing! 11:06.708 --> 11:08.000 Bing. 11:08.835 --> 11:11.754 Did you turn pro with that bellybutton thing? 11:11.963 --> 11:13.339 I sell insurance. 11:13.590 --> 11:15.841 -What a shock. -Do you have insurance? 11:16.051 --> 11:18.010 If you do, you could always use more. 11:18.219 --> 11:20.846 Am I right or am I right or am I right? 11:21.806 --> 11:25.642 Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you. 11:25.852 --> 11:27.144 But I'm not going to. 11:27.312 --> 11:28.354 See you. 11:28.605 --> 11:30.439 That's all right! I'll walk with you. 11:30.648 --> 11:33.567 I see an opportunity, I charge it like a bull. 11:33.818 --> 11:35.652 Ned the Bull, that's me now. 11:35.904 --> 11:39.448 I got friends who live and die by the actuarial tables. 11:39.699 --> 11:42.743 I say it's all one big crapshoot anyhoo. 11:42.952 --> 11:47.873 Ever heard of single-premium life? That could be the ticket for you. 11:48.124 --> 11:49.541 Oh, God! 11:49.793 --> 11:53.712 It is so good to see you! What are you doing for dinner? 11:53.963 --> 11:55.255 Something else. 11:55.465 --> 11:58.967 It's been great seeing you, Needlehead. Take care. 12:03.139 --> 12:06.767 Watch out for that first step. It's a doozy! 12:35.672 --> 12:36.755 Phil! 12:36.965 --> 12:38.590 Phil, over here! 12:38.925 --> 12:40.300 Where have you been? 12:40.552 --> 12:42.094 It was horrible. 12:42.345 --> 12:44.263 A giant leech got me. 12:44.639 --> 12:47.099 You're missing all the fun. These people are great! 12:47.350 --> 12:50.978 Some of them partied all night. They sing till they get cold. 12:51.187 --> 12:53.814 Then they go sit by the fire and get warm. 12:54.023 --> 12:56.024 Then they come back and sing some more! 12:56.192 --> 12:59.069 Yeah. They're hicks, Rita. 12:59.946 --> 13:02.239 So, did you sleep okay without me? 13:02.490 --> 13:04.241 You tossed and turned, didn't you? 13:04.451 --> 13:05.659 You're incredible. 13:05.994 --> 13:07.119 Who told you? 13:09.164 --> 13:10.414 It's groundhog time. 13:14.252 --> 13:16.044 Okay. On me in three... 13:16.254 --> 13:17.963 ...two, one. 13:18.923 --> 13:23.677 Once a year, the eyes of the nation turn to this tiny hamlet... 13:23.928 --> 13:25.554 ...to watch a master at work. 13:25.763 --> 13:26.805 The master? 13:26.973 --> 13:28.307 Punxsutawney Phil... 13:28.558 --> 13:31.852 ...the world's most famous weatherman. The groundhog. 13:32.103 --> 13:36.231 Who, as legend has it, can predict an early spring. 13:36.483 --> 13:39.151 The question we have to ask ourselves is: 13:39.402 --> 13:41.403 "Does Phil feel lucky?" 13:43.531 --> 13:47.659 Every year, the guy comes with a big stick and raps on the door. 13:47.869 --> 13:50.621 They pull the little rat out, talk to him. 13:50.872 --> 13:54.166 The rat talks back. Then they tell us what's gonna happen. 14:00.590 --> 14:02.382 Isn't he cute? 14:04.427 --> 14:07.846 Do you like the guys with the prominent upper teeth? 14:08.014 --> 14:09.056 No. 14:18.358 --> 14:22.277 This February 2nd, at 7:20 and 30 seconds... 14:22.487 --> 14:23.946 ...Punxsutawney Phil... 14:24.197 --> 14:25.739 ...the seer of seers... 14:25.990 --> 14:28.951 ...prognosticator of prognosticators... 14:29.244 --> 14:31.161 ...emerged reluctantly... 14:31.412 --> 14:32.454 ...but alertly... 14:32.664 --> 14:34.706 ...in Punxsutawney, PA... 14:35.041 --> 14:37.626 ...and stated in groundhog-ese: 14:37.877 --> 14:40.045 "I definitely see a shadow." 14:42.924 --> 14:46.718 Sorry, folks. Six more weeks of winter. 14:52.183 --> 14:54.977 On me in three, two, one. 14:56.354 --> 14:58.647 This is one time where television fails... 14:58.856 --> 15:01.733 ...to capture the excitement of a large squirrel... 15:01.943 --> 15:03.193 ...predicting the weather. 15:03.444 --> 15:06.738 I'm grateful to have been here. From Punxsutawney... 15:06.990 --> 15:09.658 ...this is Phil Connors. So long. 15:09.867 --> 15:12.035 Want to try it again without the sarcasm? 15:12.287 --> 15:14.830 We got it. I'm out of here. 15:15.707 --> 15:17.374 Prima donnas. 15:30.096 --> 15:32.681 Oh, boy. Take a look at this. 15:33.808 --> 15:35.475 What is going on? 15:35.685 --> 15:39.646 I don't know. Perhaps that blizzard we're not supposed to get. 15:39.939 --> 15:41.231 This is impossible. 15:41.399 --> 15:43.525 Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. 15:43.693 --> 15:46.778 Nobody honks this horn but me, okay, pal? 15:50.742 --> 15:53.744 No, no! 16:08.176 --> 16:09.676 Take it out of here. 16:10.386 --> 16:12.512 Commander, what's going on? 16:12.764 --> 16:14.890 Nothing. We're closing the road. 16:15.141 --> 16:18.727 -Big blizzard moving in. -It's a couple of flakes. 16:18.936 --> 16:21.647 Don't you listen to the weather? We got a major storm. 16:22.190 --> 16:23.857 I make the weather. 16:24.067 --> 16:29.071 All this moisture from the Gulf will push off to the east in Altoona. 16:29.364 --> 16:31.782 You got that moisture on your head. 16:32.075 --> 16:33.992 You can go back to Punxsutawney... 16:34.661 --> 16:37.537 ...or you can freeze to death. It's your choice. 16:37.872 --> 16:39.915 So, what's it going to be? 16:42.877 --> 16:44.044 I'm thinking. 16:44.671 --> 16:48.256 Come on, all the long-distance lines are down? 16:49.092 --> 16:50.550 What about the satellite? 16:50.802 --> 16:52.719 Is it snowing in space? 16:53.888 --> 16:58.225 Don't you keep a line open for emergencies or celebrities? 16:59.352 --> 17:02.729 I'm both. I'm a celebrity in an emergency. 17:03.356 --> 17:05.732 Can you patch me through on that line? 17:12.990 --> 17:16.201 Could I have one more of these with some booze in it? 17:17.328 --> 17:20.163 -Oh, I like it here. -Phil. 17:20.373 --> 17:22.374 Going to the groundhog dinner? 17:22.625 --> 17:24.334 No, I had groundhog for lunch. 17:24.544 --> 17:26.837 Wasn't bad. Tastes like chicken. 17:27.046 --> 17:28.964 You two run along. 17:30.258 --> 17:32.342 Looking foxy tonight, man. 17:32.885 --> 17:36.054 Is your troop selling cookies again this year? 17:36.305 --> 17:37.597 That's so funny. 17:37.932 --> 17:39.307 So, what are you doing? 17:39.851 --> 17:42.060 I think I'll go back to my room... 17:42.311 --> 17:45.856 ...take a hot shower and maybe read Hustler. 17:46.065 --> 17:47.482 Suit yourself. 18:06.127 --> 18:07.210 Yo, mom. 18:07.462 --> 18:09.171 Isn’t there any hot water? 18:09.422 --> 18:11.298 Oh, no, there wouldn't be today. 18:11.549 --> 18:14.009 Of course not. Silly me. 18:14.218 --> 18:15.677 Sweet dreams. 18:39.368 --> 18:42.496 Campers, rise and shine! Don't forget your booties. 18:42.747 --> 18:45.916 -It's cold out there! -It's cold every day! 18:46.167 --> 18:48.001 -Is this Miami Beach? -Not hardly! 18:48.252 --> 18:51.546 Nice going, boys. You're playing yesterday's tape. 18:51.798 --> 18:53.256 --with that blizzard thing. 18:53.508 --> 18:56.176 That blizzard thing? Here's the report. 18:56.385 --> 19:00.889 The National Weather Service is calling for a big blizzard thing. 19:01.098 --> 19:04.100 There's another reason today's especially exciting-- 19:04.310 --> 19:06.353 Especially cold. 19:06.604 --> 19:08.772 The big question on everybody's lips-- 19:09.023 --> 19:11.566 -Chapped lips. -Their chapped lips. 19:11.818 --> 19:14.694 Will Phil come out and see his shadow? 19:14.904 --> 19:18.240 -Punxsutawney Phil! -That's right, woodchuck chuckers! 19:18.449 --> 19:19.825 It's Groundhog Day! 19:20.034 --> 19:22.828 Get up and check that hog out there! 19:26.958 --> 19:28.500 What the hell? 19:36.551 --> 19:39.469 Morning! Off to see the groundhog? 19:40.263 --> 19:42.848 -Yeah. -Think it'll be an early spring? 19:43.724 --> 19:45.600 Didn't we do this yesterday? 19:46.227 --> 19:47.686 I don't know what you mean. 19:48.604 --> 19:50.605 Don't mess with me, Pork Chop! 19:50.982 --> 19:54.067 -What day is this? -It's February 2nd. 19:54.402 --> 19:55.861 Groundhog Day. 19:58.781 --> 20:01.700 I'm sorry. I thought it was yesterday. 20:24.140 --> 20:26.224 Did you sleep well, Mr. Connors? 20:26.809 --> 20:28.518 Did I sleep well? 20:28.811 --> 20:30.478 Like some coffee? 20:30.730 --> 20:33.398 Yes, please. I think I'll have a double. 20:33.691 --> 20:36.067 I hope you enjoy the festivities. 20:36.485 --> 20:38.737 There's talk of a blizzard. 20:41.407 --> 20:43.575 Ever have déjà vu, Mrs. Lancaster? 20:43.826 --> 20:46.453 I don't think so, but I'll check with the kitchen. 20:46.746 --> 20:48.622 No, that's okay. Thank you. 20:50.082 --> 20:52.751 Will you be checking out today, Mr. Connors? 20:55.046 --> 20:59.341 I'd say the chance of departure is 80 percent. 21:00.551 --> 21:02.260 75 to 80. 21:07.475 --> 21:08.934 Excuse me! 21:09.727 --> 21:11.978 Excuse me. Where's everybody going? 21:12.563 --> 21:14.022 To Gobbler's Knob. 21:14.231 --> 21:15.482 It's Groundhog Day. 21:16.317 --> 21:18.735 It's still just once a year, isn't it? 21:26.118 --> 21:28.119 Hey! Phil? 21:28.329 --> 21:30.330 Phil? Hey! 21:31.040 --> 21:33.375 Phil Connors! I thought that was you! 21:33.626 --> 21:35.877 My, oh my, Phil Connors! 21:36.128 --> 21:40.048 Don't say you don't remember me. I sure as heckfire remember you. 21:40.257 --> 21:42.759 -Well? -Ned Ryerson? 21:43.010 --> 21:46.346 Bing! First shot right out of the box! 21:46.555 --> 21:49.182 So how's it going, old buddy? 21:49.475 --> 21:52.310 I'm not feeling well. Would you excuse me? 21:52.561 --> 21:57.357 It's funny you should mention your health. Guess what I do now. 21:57.608 --> 21:59.609 Do you sell insurance? 21:59.902 --> 22:02.737 Bing again! You are sharp as a tack today! 22:02.989 --> 22:04.823 Do you have life insurance? 22:05.074 --> 22:07.367 If you do, you could always use more. 22:07.618 --> 22:09.536 Right! I mean, who couldn't? 22:09.704 --> 22:11.121 But you wanna know something? 22:11.372 --> 22:13.373 I gots a feeling... 22:13.874 --> 22:15.291 ...you ain't got any. 22:15.543 --> 22:18.378 Am I right or am I right or am I right? 22:18.587 --> 22:19.963 I got to go. 22:24.427 --> 22:28.388 Watch out for that first step. It's a doozy! 22:52.371 --> 22:55.415 Phil! Over here! 22:57.585 --> 23:00.253 -Where have you been? -Rita. Do me a favor. 23:00.463 --> 23:03.590 I need someone to give me a good, hard slap in the face. 23:05.259 --> 23:07.719 -How's that? -Good! 23:08.220 --> 23:11.681 If you need help with the other cheek, I'm right here. 23:13.350 --> 23:14.809 Something's going on. 23:15.102 --> 23:17.771 -Are you drunk or something? -Drunk's more fun. 23:18.022 --> 23:20.023 Can I be serious with you for a minute? 23:20.232 --> 23:21.357 I don't know, can you? 23:21.567 --> 23:23.401 Yes, I'm being serious! 23:23.652 --> 23:27.655 I'm having a problem. I may be having a problem. 23:27.865 --> 23:30.116 -Rita, Rita. -It's groundhog time. 23:30.326 --> 23:32.577 See? I knew you'd say that! 23:32.995 --> 23:34.537 I really feel... 23:34.789 --> 23:36.206 ...weird. 23:36.457 --> 23:38.750 Let's just do this. Then we'll talk. 23:40.961 --> 23:42.545 All right, on me in three... 23:43.047 --> 23:44.589 ...two, one. 23:45.216 --> 23:46.925 Well, it's Groundhog Day... 23:47.176 --> 23:48.510 ...again... 23:48.761 --> 23:51.638 ...and that must mean we're up here at Gobbler's Knob... 23:51.889 --> 23:55.642 ...waiting for the world's most famous groundhog weatherman... 23:55.851 --> 23:57.185 ...Punxsutawney Phil... 23:57.436 --> 24:01.397 ...who's gonna tell us how much more winter to expect. 24:07.113 --> 24:08.488 This is a riot! 24:12.034 --> 24:13.201 Isn’t he cute? 24:14.328 --> 24:18.206 This February 2nd, at 7:20 and 30 seconds... 24:18.791 --> 24:22.127 ...Punxsutawney Phil, the seer of seers... 24:22.670 --> 24:25.213 ...prognosticator of prognosticators... 24:25.714 --> 24:27.423 ...emerged reluctantly... 24:27.675 --> 24:29.926 ...but alertly in Punxsu-- 24:32.429 --> 24:34.472 Oh, my gosh! 24:37.059 --> 24:39.060 I know there's a blizzard. 24:39.311 --> 24:42.397 When will the long-distance lines be repaired? 24:44.275 --> 24:48.444 What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today. 25:45.544 --> 25:46.586 Morning! 25:46.795 --> 25:48.338 Off to see the groundhog? 25:54.929 --> 25:57.013 Did you sleep well, Mr.-- 26:11.487 --> 26:13.529 Phil Connors! I thought-- 26:15.074 --> 26:18.326 Don't say you don't remember me. I sure as heckfire remember you! 26:18.535 --> 26:20.620 It's me, Ned! Ryerson! 26:20.829 --> 26:23.331 Needlenose Ned! Ned the Head! 26:27.670 --> 26:30.255 Phil! Over here! 26:31.632 --> 26:34.592 Can I talk to you? It's not work-related. 26:34.802 --> 26:37.720 -You never talk about work. -We have to talk. 26:37.930 --> 26:41.057 -It's a creative meeting. -We've got work to do! 26:41.267 --> 26:43.685 I don't. I've already done it twice. 26:43.936 --> 26:46.896 When you get finished, meet me in the diner. 26:49.358 --> 26:52.443 -What's that all about? -I don't know. 26:52.695 --> 26:54.279 Prima donnas. 26:57.866 --> 26:58.908 More coffee? 26:59.076 --> 27:02.912 Just the check, please. These sticky buns are heaven. 27:03.122 --> 27:04.622 Aren't they? 27:06.000 --> 27:08.459 Just put that anywhere, pal! 27:08.669 --> 27:10.253 Good save! 27:11.880 --> 27:15.216 Tell me why you're too sick to work. It better be good. 27:17.428 --> 27:21.306 I'm reliving the same day over and over. 27:21.682 --> 27:24.017 Groundhog Day. Today. 27:24.601 --> 27:27.770 Okay. I'm waiting for the punch line. 27:28.063 --> 27:30.940 Really! This is the third time! 27:31.191 --> 27:33.151 It's like yesterday never happened! 27:33.610 --> 27:37.363 I'm racking my brain trying to imagine why you'd make this up. 27:38.282 --> 27:40.950 I'm not making it up. I'm asking for help! 27:41.618 --> 27:43.494 What do you want me to do? 27:43.704 --> 27:47.040 I don't know! You're a producer. Come up with something. 27:47.249 --> 27:49.876 You should get your head examined... 27:50.127 --> 27:53.421 ...if you expect me to believe a stupid story like that! 27:53.714 --> 27:55.423 Phil? Like the groundhog Phil? 27:55.758 --> 27:58.343 Yeah. Like the groundhog Phil. 27:58.927 --> 28:01.179 Look out for your shadow, pal! 28:02.056 --> 28:03.973 Morons, your bus is leaving! 28:05.059 --> 28:08.686 You guys ready? We better go, to stay ahead of the weather. 28:08.937 --> 28:13.483 -Let's talk about it in Pittsburgh. -I'm not going back to Pittsburgh. 28:13.776 --> 28:15.985 -Why not? -Because of the blizzard! 28:16.278 --> 28:18.696 You said it was going to hit Altoona. 28:18.906 --> 28:21.574 I know that's what I said. 28:22.242 --> 28:24.285 I think you need help. 28:25.079 --> 28:28.164 That's what I've been saying. I need help. 28:29.041 --> 28:30.792 No spots. 28:31.043 --> 28:33.503 No clots, no tumors. 28:33.754 --> 28:35.129 No lesions. 28:35.339 --> 28:36.923 No aneurysms. 28:37.174 --> 28:38.716 At least none that I can see. 28:38.967 --> 28:42.845 If you want a CAT scan or an MRI, you'll have to go into Pittsburgh. 28:43.055 --> 28:45.264 I can't go into Pittsburgh. 28:45.516 --> 28:49.102 -Why can't you go into Pittsburgh? -I told you, there's a blizzard. 28:49.311 --> 28:50.561 Right. The blizzard! 28:50.813 --> 28:53.481 You know what you may need, Mr. Connors? 28:54.274 --> 28:55.608 A biopsy. 28:56.068 --> 28:57.860 A psychiatrist. 28:59.530 --> 29:02.073 That's an unusual problem... 29:02.324 --> 29:03.408 ...Mr. Connors. 29:05.244 --> 29:09.914 Most of my work is with couples, families. I have an alcoholic now. 29:12.251 --> 29:14.001 You went to college, right? 29:14.211 --> 29:16.546 It wasn't veterinary psychology, was it? 29:16.797 --> 29:19.757 Didn't you take a course that covered this stuff? 29:19.967 --> 29:22.468 Sort of, I guess. 29:24.138 --> 29:25.888 Abnormal psychology. 29:26.306 --> 29:28.266 So... 29:29.393 --> 29:30.685 ...what do I do? 29:31.520 --> 29:32.854 We should meet again. 29:33.814 --> 29:35.815 How's tomorrow for you? 29:38.569 --> 29:39.944 Is that not good? 29:50.789 --> 29:53.583 I was in the Virgin Islands once. 29:53.834 --> 29:55.835 I met a girl. 29:56.044 --> 29:57.336 We ate lobster. 29:57.588 --> 29:59.589 Drank piña coladas. 29:59.840 --> 30:02.383 At sunset, we made love like sea otters. 30:06.221 --> 30:08.556 That was a pretty good day. 30:08.807 --> 30:10.641 Why couldn't I get that day... 30:10.851 --> 30:11.976 ...over... 30:12.186 --> 30:14.395 ...and over and over? 30:14.688 --> 30:18.566 Some guys would look at this glass and say: 30:18.775 --> 30:20.234 "That glass is half empty." 30:20.486 --> 30:24.280 Other guys would say, "That glass is half full." 30:24.531 --> 30:27.867 I peg you as a "glass is half empty" kind of guy. Right? 30:29.870 --> 30:33.206 What would you do if you were stuck in one place... 30:33.457 --> 30:37.376 ...and every day was exactly the same, and nothing you did mattered? 30:39.963 --> 30:42.715 That about sums it up for me. 30:50.307 --> 30:51.349 Good luck. 30:51.558 --> 30:52.975 I'll drop you off. 30:55.145 --> 30:57.355 This thing sticks a little bit. 30:57.606 --> 30:59.106 You got to jiggle it-- 30:59.358 --> 31:01.526 Come on up here, pal. 31:01.735 --> 31:04.195 Give me your keys, pal. Give me the keys. 31:04.404 --> 31:07.156 Friends don't let friends drive, right? Stand up here. 31:07.366 --> 31:10.326 Take a deep breath. You feel okay? 31:10.577 --> 31:11.953 You're all right. 31:18.460 --> 31:21.128 You want to throw up here or in the car? 31:21.505 --> 31:24.048 I think, both. 31:35.227 --> 31:37.186 I don't think I should drive. 31:37.437 --> 31:39.313 I don't either. 31:39.565 --> 31:40.940 Watch your head. 31:41.149 --> 31:44.318 Watch your knees. Don't break anything. 31:44.570 --> 31:46.696 Let's not forget seat belts. 31:48.657 --> 31:51.784 Who else could go for some flapjacks right now? 31:57.040 --> 31:58.749 Let me ask you a question. 31:59.001 --> 32:00.042 Shoot. 32:01.378 --> 32:03.379 What if there were no tomorrow? 32:03.922 --> 32:07.216 No tomorrow? That means there'd be no consequences... 32:07.467 --> 32:09.010 ...no hangovers. 32:09.261 --> 32:11.721 We could do whatever we wanted! 32:13.140 --> 32:14.515 That's true. 32:14.725 --> 32:17.852 We could do whatever we want. 32:23.442 --> 32:26.986 If we wanted to hit mailboxes, we could let Ralph drive! 32:33.785 --> 32:35.369 They want you to stop. 32:35.537 --> 32:36.579 Hang on! 32:42.252 --> 32:44.253 It's the same thing your whole life. 32:44.713 --> 32:47.632 "Clean up your room! Stand up straight! Pick up your feet! 32:48.091 --> 32:49.634 Take it like a man! 32:49.843 --> 32:51.510 Be nice to your sister! 32:52.346 --> 32:54.847 Don't mix beer and wine, ever! 32:56.642 --> 32:58.851 Don't drive on the railroad tracks!" 33:00.437 --> 33:01.729 That's one I agree with. 33:11.323 --> 33:13.449 I don't know, Gus. 33:13.700 --> 33:16.452 Sometimes I think you just have to... 33:16.703 --> 33:19.080 ...take the big chances. 33:19.498 --> 33:21.666 This is the police! Pull over immediately! 33:23.043 --> 33:25.252 We're talking in here! 33:30.425 --> 33:32.343 I bet he swerves first. 33:46.566 --> 33:49.860 I'm not going to live by their rules anymore! 33:50.070 --> 33:51.696 I noticed that. 33:51.905 --> 33:54.448 You make choices and you live with them. 34:09.172 --> 34:10.256 My knee! 34:13.051 --> 34:14.844 Let me handle this. 34:17.431 --> 34:20.182 Three cheeseburgers, two large fries... 34:20.434 --> 34:22.518 ...two chocolate shakes and one large Coke. 34:22.728 --> 34:24.645 And some flapjacks! 34:24.896 --> 34:26.731 Too early for flapjacks? 34:40.287 --> 34:41.579 Yes! 34:42.789 --> 34:44.457 Rise and shine, campers! 34:44.708 --> 34:47.710 Don't forget your booties! It's cold out there today! 34:47.961 --> 34:49.336 It's cold every day. 34:49.588 --> 34:52.673 What is this, Miami Beach? Not hardly! 34:57.262 --> 34:58.679 Slept like a baby. 34:58.847 --> 35:00.848 I'd love some of your coffee. 35:01.016 --> 35:02.808 -I hope-- -Flurries moving in later... 35:03.018 --> 35:05.478 ...but the blizzard's going to hit outside of town. 35:05.645 --> 35:06.687 Mrs. Lancaster? 35:06.855 --> 35:09.148 Was anybody looking for me here this morning? 35:09.399 --> 35:12.818 Perhaps a state official? Maybe a blue hat, gun, nightstick? 35:13.028 --> 35:15.946 No, no one like that! Will there be? 35:16.156 --> 35:17.823 Apparently not. 35:19.951 --> 35:23.329 Will you hold my room for me? I'm staying an extra day. 35:29.169 --> 35:31.170 Catch you tomorrow, pops. 35:36.676 --> 35:38.886 -Phil Connors! -Ned? 36:10.168 --> 36:13.587 I like to see a man of advancing years throw caution to the wind. 36:13.797 --> 36:16.090 It's inspiring, in a way. 36:16.883 --> 36:19.343 My years are not advancing as fast as you think. 36:19.886 --> 36:20.928 More coffee? 36:21.513 --> 36:22.680 Keep it coming. 36:23.014 --> 36:24.139 Sure thing. 36:25.976 --> 36:28.352 Just put that anywhere, pal! 36:28.728 --> 36:29.979 Good save! 36:32.065 --> 36:35.818 Don't you worry about cholesterol, lung cancer, love handles? 36:38.154 --> 36:39.864 I don't worry anymore. 36:40.323 --> 36:42.616 What makes you special? Everybody worries. 36:43.076 --> 36:45.703 That's exactly what makes me so special. 36:45.912 --> 36:47.705 I don't even have to floss. 36:57.424 --> 36:58.465 What? 37:00.302 --> 37:03.971 The wretch, concentered all in self 37:04.389 --> 37:06.724 Living, shall forfeit fair renown 37:07.142 --> 37:10.060 And doubly dying, shall go down 37:10.270 --> 37:13.272 To the vile dust from whence he sprung 37:13.523 --> 37:17.568 Unwept, unhonored and unsung 37:18.194 --> 37:20.237 Sir Walter Scott. 37:23.366 --> 37:24.783 You don't like poetry? 37:25.535 --> 37:26.911 I love poetry! 37:27.120 --> 37:30.247 I just thought that was Willard Scott. I was confused. 37:30.749 --> 37:33.208 You think I act like this because I'm egocentric? 37:33.460 --> 37:36.629 You are egocentric. It's your defining characteristic. 37:38.882 --> 37:42.551 You guys ready? We better go, to stay ahead of the weather. 37:42.761 --> 37:43.802 Thanks, Larry. 37:43.970 --> 37:46.096 Would you like a doggy bag? 37:46.556 --> 37:47.973 I'll stay and finish. 37:48.183 --> 37:50.476 I thought you hated this town. 37:50.685 --> 37:52.561 It's beginning to grow on me. 37:53.897 --> 37:56.732 Larry, quit staring. These are excellent. 38:08.870 --> 38:11.121 You see the groundhog this morning? 38:12.791 --> 38:14.458 I never miss it. 38:14.751 --> 38:16.335 What's your name? 38:18.213 --> 38:20.297 Nancy Taylor. And you are? 38:20.507 --> 38:23.050 -What high school did you go to? -What? 38:23.259 --> 38:24.301 High school. 38:25.679 --> 38:28.263 Lincoln, in Pittsburgh. Who are you? 38:28.473 --> 38:31.684 Who was your 12th grade English teacher? 38:31.935 --> 38:33.310 Are you kidding? 38:33.561 --> 38:35.771 In 12th grade, your English teacher was-- 38:35.981 --> 38:37.898 Mrs. Walsh. 38:38.108 --> 38:41.151 Nancy. Lincoln. Walsh. 38:41.820 --> 38:43.862 Thanks very much. 38:58.962 --> 39:00.546 Nancy? 39:01.423 --> 39:03.882 Nancy Taylor! 39:04.384 --> 39:06.593 Lincoln High School! 39:07.012 --> 39:10.347 I sat next to you in Mrs. Walsh's English class! 39:10.807 --> 39:14.101 -I'm sorry. -Phil Connors! 39:15.437 --> 39:17.855 -That's amazing! -You don't remember me? 39:20.650 --> 39:22.192 I asked you to the prom. 39:23.445 --> 39:25.195 Phil Connors? 39:25.739 --> 39:27.948 I was short and I've sprouted. 39:32.412 --> 39:34.079 How are you? 39:34.789 --> 39:35.831 Great. 39:36.082 --> 39:37.791 You look terrific! 39:38.084 --> 39:41.253 You look very, very terrific! 39:42.756 --> 39:45.174 Listen, I got to go do this report. 39:45.383 --> 39:46.633 Are you a reporter? 39:46.843 --> 39:49.344 A weatherman with Channel 9, Pittsburgh. 39:49.596 --> 39:51.513 I should have known! That's great! 39:51.806 --> 39:53.474 But maybe later we could.... 39:53.683 --> 39:54.933 Yeah, whatever! 39:55.268 --> 39:56.935 Stay right here. 39:57.353 --> 40:00.522 Promise me? I'll be right back. Wish me luck! 40:00.774 --> 40:02.483 Good luck! 40:20.376 --> 40:21.668 Oh, Phil. 40:22.712 --> 40:24.088 Oh, Rita. 40:27.967 --> 40:29.176 Who's Rita? 40:29.677 --> 40:31.261 How should I know? 40:31.554 --> 40:34.098 What is this, some kind of one-night stand? 40:34.349 --> 40:36.308 On the contrary, Nancy... 40:36.559 --> 40:39.812 ... I love you. I've always loved you. 40:40.605 --> 40:43.107 This is going to seem sudden but... 40:44.484 --> 40:46.485 ...Nancy, will you be my wife? 40:53.368 --> 40:54.827 Rita. 40:55.662 --> 40:58.163 -Nancy. -Whatever. 41:02.627 --> 41:04.837 A gust of wind. 41:06.756 --> 41:08.382 A dog barks. 41:09.717 --> 41:11.176 Cue the truck. 41:18.893 --> 41:20.102 Exit Herman. 41:20.812 --> 41:22.688 Walk on to the bank. 41:22.939 --> 41:26.984 Exit Felix, and stand there with a not-so-bright look on your face. 41:28.903 --> 41:30.904 All right, Doris. Come on. 41:31.573 --> 41:34.491 Fix your bra, honey. That's better. 41:35.493 --> 41:36.910 Felix! 41:37.162 --> 41:38.579 How you doing, Doris? 41:38.788 --> 41:41.373 Can I have a roll of quarters? 41:42.584 --> 41:47.212 Ten...nine...eight... 41:47.922 --> 41:49.256 ...car... 41:49.465 --> 41:52.551 ...six...five... 41:52.802 --> 41:54.928 ...quarters... 41:55.305 --> 41:58.891 ...three...two.... 42:06.691 --> 42:07.858 Felix? 42:08.067 --> 42:11.653 -Did I bring out two bags or one? -I don't know. 42:38.932 --> 42:41.475 I thought we were going to a costume party. 42:41.726 --> 42:44.603 It's like I said, I love this film. 42:44.854 --> 42:47.064 I've seen it over 100 times. 42:47.315 --> 42:48.357 Phil! 42:48.566 --> 42:49.816 Told you... 42:50.068 --> 42:52.319 ...call me "Bronco." 42:52.570 --> 42:54.363 Sorry, Bronco. 42:55.615 --> 42:57.282 Hi, Nancy. 43:01.496 --> 43:03.455 My own fiancée... 43:03.706 --> 43:05.832 ...doesn't remember me. 43:08.962 --> 43:11.505 That'll be one adult and-- 43:11.756 --> 43:15.008 -Two adults. -Two adults, I guess. 43:17.804 --> 43:22.933 --groundhog who, as legend has it, can predict an early spring. 43:23.142 --> 43:25.894 The question we have to ask ourselves today is: 43:26.145 --> 43:28.105 "Does Phil feel lucky?" 43:28.314 --> 43:31.108 Rita, if you only had one day to live... 43:31.359 --> 43:32.985 ...what would you do? 43:33.236 --> 43:35.779 I don't know. What are you dying of? 43:36.030 --> 43:40.492 No, the whole world is about to explode. 43:40.702 --> 43:41.743 What do you do? 43:41.953 --> 43:44.246 I want to know where to put the camera. 43:44.455 --> 43:46.957 What are you looking for? A date for the weekend? 43:47.208 --> 43:50.043 No, I'm just interested in you. 43:50.295 --> 43:52.546 What do you want? What do you like? 43:52.755 --> 43:54.631 What do you think about? 43:54.882 --> 43:57.175 What kind of men are you interested in? 43:57.385 --> 43:59.219 What do you do for fun? 43:59.887 --> 44:03.140 Are you trying to make me look like a fool? 44:03.349 --> 44:07.561 I'm trying to talk like normal people. Isn’t this how they talk? 44:07.770 --> 44:10.105 -Close. -Okay, so talk to me. 44:10.356 --> 44:12.566 Let me buy you a cup of coffee. 44:14.736 --> 44:15.777 And a doughnut. 44:15.945 --> 44:17.571 All right. 44:19.949 --> 44:21.950 So what do you want out of life? 44:23.870 --> 44:26.121 I guess I want what everybody wants. 44:26.331 --> 44:29.875 Career, love, marriage, children. 44:30.293 --> 44:31.752 Are you seeing anyone? 44:32.253 --> 44:36.923 This is getting too personal. I'm not ready to share this with you. 44:38.092 --> 44:40.344 How about you? What do you want? 44:41.512 --> 44:44.806 What I really want is someone like you. 44:45.058 --> 44:46.350 Oh, please! 44:46.601 --> 44:48.769 Why not? What are you looking for? 44:49.020 --> 44:50.354 Who's your perfect guy? 44:51.731 --> 44:55.734 First of all, he's too humble to know he's perfect. 44:57.070 --> 44:58.445 That's me! 44:58.696 --> 45:02.032 He's intelligent, supportive, funny.... 45:02.283 --> 45:04.493 Intelligent, supportive, funny. 45:04.744 --> 45:08.080 Me, me, me. 45:08.331 --> 45:11.124 He's romantic and courageous. 45:11.376 --> 45:12.626 Me also. 45:13.211 --> 45:16.797 He's got a good body but doesn't have to look in the mirror often. 45:17.465 --> 45:22.302 I have a great body, and sometimes I go months without looking. 45:24.806 --> 45:28.308 He's kind, sensitive and gentle. 45:28.851 --> 45:30.685 He's not afraid to cry. 45:30.937 --> 45:33.522 This is a man we're talking about, right? 45:33.773 --> 45:38.735 He likes animals, children, and he'll change poopy diapers. 45:38.986 --> 45:41.363 Does he have to use the word "poopy"? 45:42.907 --> 45:46.368 He plays an instrument, and he loves his mother. 45:47.620 --> 45:50.372 I am really close on this one. 45:51.165 --> 45:53.917 Really, really close. 45:58.381 --> 45:59.965 It's Phil Connors! 46:00.174 --> 46:01.466 Hello. 46:01.676 --> 46:03.510 Thanks for watching. 46:16.441 --> 46:19.609 What are the chances of getting out today? 46:19.861 --> 46:22.112 Van won't start. Larry's working on it. 46:22.363 --> 46:23.780 Wouldn't you know it? 46:24.031 --> 46:25.824 Can I buy you a drink? 46:28.453 --> 46:31.121 Jim Beam, ice, water. 46:31.956 --> 46:33.081 For you, miss? 46:33.541 --> 46:36.877 Sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist, please. 46:42.175 --> 46:44.426 What are the chances of getting out today? 46:44.677 --> 46:47.095 Van won't start. Larry's working on it. 46:47.346 --> 46:48.972 Wouldn't you know it? 46:49.182 --> 46:51.057 Can I buy you a drink? 46:53.936 --> 46:56.646 Sweet vermouth, rocks, with a twist, please. 46:56.856 --> 46:59.608 -For you, miss? -The same. 47:00.443 --> 47:02.110 That's my favorite drink. 47:02.361 --> 47:04.112 Mine too! 47:04.363 --> 47:05.906 It makes me think of Rome. 47:06.157 --> 47:09.409 The way the sun hits the buildings in the afternoon. 47:11.162 --> 47:13.163 What should we drink to? 47:14.415 --> 47:16.333 To the groundhog! 47:16.584 --> 47:19.211 I always drink to world peace. 47:28.137 --> 47:30.055 Can I buy you a drink? 47:32.975 --> 47:36.019 Sweet vermouth, rocks, with a twist, please. 47:36.687 --> 47:38.396 For you, miss? 47:38.648 --> 47:40.315 The same. 47:40.942 --> 47:42.400 That's my favorite drink. 47:42.652 --> 47:44.236 Mine too! 47:45.446 --> 47:47.697 It makes me think of Rome. 47:47.949 --> 47:51.743 The way the sun hits the buildings in the afternoon. 47:52.828 --> 47:54.663 What should we drink to? 47:56.707 --> 47:59.876 I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace. 48:01.837 --> 48:03.630 To world peace. 48:13.683 --> 48:17.018 -This is wonderful! -See? Didn't I tell you? 48:17.228 --> 48:19.271 How do you know so much about Punxsutawney? 48:19.480 --> 48:21.898 I spend a lot of time here. 48:22.066 --> 48:24.317 Small-town people are more real, down-to-earth. 48:24.485 --> 48:26.820 -That's how I feel! -Really? 48:27.029 --> 48:30.156 -Some white chocolate? -Yuck, don't make me sick. 48:30.408 --> 48:31.575 No white chocolate. 48:31.784 --> 48:34.703 There is something so familiar about this. 48:34.954 --> 48:37.038 Do you ever have déjà vu? 48:37.290 --> 48:39.499 Didn't you just ask me that? 48:43.462 --> 48:47.048 People place too much emphasis on their careers. 48:47.258 --> 48:50.427 I wish we could all live in the mountains. 48:50.636 --> 48:54.347 That's where I see myself in five years. How about you? 48:54.599 --> 48:57.434 I agree. I just like to go with the flow. 48:57.643 --> 48:59.728 See where it leads me. 48:59.979 --> 49:01.813 Well, it's led you here. 49:03.566 --> 49:07.235 It's about a million miles from where I started in college. 49:07.486 --> 49:10.989 You weren't in broadcasting or journalism? 49:12.074 --> 49:16.202 Believe it or not, I studied 19th-century French poetry. 49:16.495 --> 49:18.079 What a waste of time! 49:18.289 --> 49:21.249 I mean, for someone else that'd be a total waste. 49:21.500 --> 49:23.543 So bold of you to choose that. 49:23.794 --> 49:27.464 It's incredible. You must be a very strong person. 49:29.216 --> 49:32.719 People place too much emphasis on their careers. 49:32.970 --> 49:37.515 I wish we could all live in the mountains. 49:37.767 --> 49:40.018 That's where I see myself in five years. 49:40.227 --> 49:41.269 How about you? 49:41.479 --> 49:45.398 I agree. I like to go with the flow, see what happens. 49:45.650 --> 49:47.942 Well, it's gotten you here. 49:48.486 --> 49:51.696 It's a million miles from where I started in college. 49:51.947 --> 49:55.408 You weren't in broadcasting or journalism or anything like that? 49:56.535 --> 50:00.622 Believe it or not, I studied 19th-century French poetry. 50:17.556 --> 50:18.848 You speak French! 50:24.689 --> 50:27.357 I haven't done this since I was a kid. 50:27.608 --> 50:29.401 Me neither. It's fun! 50:29.694 --> 50:30.735 Clean fun. 50:33.614 --> 50:37.117 I hope one day I can do this with my own children. 50:40.538 --> 50:42.789 Where'd you get that? 50:43.040 --> 50:45.667 Well, I went over to the snowman shop. 50:47.503 --> 50:49.045 Hey, an assassin! 50:49.505 --> 50:51.089 I'll protect you! 50:51.590 --> 50:54.342 I shall die for you. You shall not take her! 50:54.552 --> 50:55.844 Find cover! 50:58.180 --> 51:00.515 I'm getting some good ones. 51:00.725 --> 51:03.601 That's a boy! Good try. 51:03.811 --> 51:05.478 Help me! 52:01.452 --> 52:02.619 What? 52:02.870 --> 52:06.915 I'm just amazed, and I'm not easily amazed. 52:07.166 --> 52:08.583 About what? 52:08.834 --> 52:11.586 How you can start a day with one kind of expectation... 52:11.796 --> 52:13.880 ...and end up so completely different. 52:15.299 --> 52:18.468 Do you like the way this day is turning out? 52:18.677 --> 52:21.095 I like it very much. 52:21.347 --> 52:24.849 It's a perfect day. You couldn't plan a day like this. 52:25.100 --> 52:26.351 Well, you can. 52:26.560 --> 52:29.562 It just takes an awful lot of work. 52:29.814 --> 52:32.023 Come in. I want to show you something. 52:32.233 --> 52:34.526 -I don't think I should. -I agree. 52:34.777 --> 52:39.113 That's why I'll show you one thing, then kick you right out. 52:47.289 --> 52:49.541 It's just lovely. 52:59.927 --> 53:02.679 Would you like to sit and stare at the fake fire? 53:07.351 --> 53:09.561 It's a really wonderful room. 53:09.812 --> 53:11.646 It is now. 53:18.571 --> 53:21.030 I don't think we should do this. 53:21.282 --> 53:22.907 I don't either. 53:25.619 --> 53:28.329 On second thought, I think we should. 53:29.164 --> 53:32.333 It's the perfect end to a perfect day. 53:32.918 --> 53:35.837 Well, it's a little fast for me. 53:36.088 --> 53:37.505 Me too. 53:37.965 --> 53:40.216 Maybe I should go. 53:40.426 --> 53:42.343 Where would you go? 53:42.595 --> 53:43.970 Why? 53:44.179 --> 53:46.472 We've got a perfect fire. 53:46.765 --> 53:49.809 I've got some French poetry here. Baudelaire.... 53:51.353 --> 53:52.854 I will read to you. 53:53.606 --> 53:57.734 I've got some ice cream on the windowsill. Hold on a minute. 54:03.365 --> 54:04.407 Rocky road. 54:04.658 --> 54:06.200 I love rocky road. 54:06.452 --> 54:08.369 Yeah, I thought so. 54:08.662 --> 54:10.371 You have to stay. 54:10.623 --> 54:14.417 No, really, I'm tired. We can see each other tomorrow. 54:14.668 --> 54:18.421 No, tonight. It's got to be tonight. 54:18.631 --> 54:21.507 No, Phil, really. 54:22.426 --> 54:25.678 Just stay for a while and if you like it, stay longer. 54:25.888 --> 54:28.014 And if you like that, stay longer. 54:28.223 --> 54:30.099 Let's not spoil it, okay? 54:30.351 --> 54:32.769 I don't want to spoil it either. 54:32.978 --> 54:35.897 You know I can't stay with you. 54:36.148 --> 54:39.233 Why not? I love you. 54:41.278 --> 54:43.404 You love me? 54:43.656 --> 54:47.784 -You don't even know me. -I know you. 54:49.328 --> 54:52.288 Oh, no. I can't believe I fell for this! 54:52.539 --> 54:54.916 This whole day has been one long setup. 54:55.084 --> 54:56.125 No, it hasn't. 54:56.377 --> 54:59.128 And I ate fudge. Yuck! 54:59.421 --> 55:01.464 No white chocolate, no fudge. 55:02.049 --> 55:05.468 What are you doing? Are you making some kind of list? 55:05.678 --> 55:08.888 Did you call my friends and ask them what I like? 55:09.139 --> 55:12.642 -Is this what love is for you? -This is real. This is love. 55:12.851 --> 55:14.310 Stop saying that! 55:14.937 --> 55:16.479 You must be crazy. 55:16.730 --> 55:20.441 I could never love you because you'll never love anyone but yourself. 55:20.985 --> 55:24.570 I don't even like myself. Give me another chance. 55:26.240 --> 55:28.866 That's for making me care about you. 55:35.833 --> 55:38.292 I haven't done this since I was a kid. 55:38.502 --> 55:39.544 It's fun! 55:39.753 --> 55:44.090 And good, clean fun too. That's what's missing in the world. 55:44.341 --> 55:47.051 I can't wait to do this with my own children. 55:47.261 --> 55:48.803 I want lots of kids! 55:49.054 --> 55:52.890 I want to adopt, I want my own kids, I want to have foster kids. 55:53.142 --> 55:55.393 I got this at Snowman City. 55:55.644 --> 55:58.479 Hey! Some kid just threw a snowball at us. 55:58.731 --> 56:01.566 Come here! Let's have some fun! 56:03.777 --> 56:06.571 I wish these were my own kids. 56:09.199 --> 56:11.826 Are any of you up for adoption? 56:12.536 --> 56:14.954 Here's a humdinger over here! 56:15.205 --> 56:17.248 Wasn't that great? 56:25.674 --> 56:27.300 Stop it! 57:12.096 --> 57:14.097 Phil! Over here! 57:16.475 --> 57:19.102 Where have you been? You're missing the fun. 57:19.353 --> 57:21.229 Phil, you look terrible. 57:21.897 --> 57:24.398 What happened? Rough night? 57:42.626 --> 57:44.293 Okay, campers. 57:44.711 --> 57:46.546 Rise and shine. 57:48.465 --> 57:52.135 Don't forget your booties, because it's cold out there. 57:53.053 --> 57:55.471 It's cold out there every day. 57:56.181 --> 58:00.017 This country's largest lake, Chapala, is located near Guadalajara. 58:01.186 --> 58:02.270 What is Mexico? 58:02.479 --> 58:03.521 What is Mexico? 58:03.856 --> 58:05.690 -Correct. -Lakes and Rivers, 400. 58:05.941 --> 58:08.609 Seneca is the largest of these lakes. 58:09.278 --> 58:10.778 What are the Finger Lakes? 58:10.988 --> 58:13.948 -What are the Finger Lakes? -Correct. 58:14.158 --> 58:18.327 -This lake in Bolivia-- -What is Titicaca? 58:18.579 --> 58:20.329 -What is Titicaca? -Correct. 58:20.497 --> 58:21.539 For 1000. 58:21.707 --> 58:23.624 -Milky-colored-- -The Rhone. 58:23.876 --> 58:25.501 ...when entering Lake Geneva... 58:25.752 --> 58:28.296 ...this river is clear blue upon exiting. 58:28.463 --> 58:29.505 -Jim? -The Rhone. 58:29.715 --> 58:31.048 Good for $1000. 58:31.300 --> 58:33.718 You're $500 off the lead right now. 58:36.513 --> 58:38.181 This is pitiful. 58:38.515 --> 58:39.932 A thousand people... 58:40.184 --> 58:43.186 ...freezing their butts off, waiting to worship a rat. 58:43.395 --> 58:44.979 What a hype. 58:45.647 --> 58:49.692 They used to pull the hog out, and they used to eat it. 58:49.902 --> 58:53.029 You're hypocrites! All of you! 58:55.324 --> 58:56.866 You got a problem, Larry? 58:58.327 --> 59:03.164 Untie your tongue. Come here and talk. Am I upsetting you, princess? 59:03.373 --> 59:05.249 You want a prediction about the weather? 59:05.417 --> 59:08.085 You're asking the wrong Phil. 59:08.337 --> 59:11.005 I'll give you a winter prediction. 59:11.256 --> 59:13.299 It's going to be cold. 59:13.550 --> 59:15.760 It's going to be gray. 59:15.969 --> 59:20.765 And it's going to last you for the rest of your life. 59:55.592 --> 59:59.345 Once again the eyes of the nation have turned here... 59:59.846 --> 1:00:03.099 ...to this tiny village in Western Pennsylvania. 1:00:03.308 --> 1:00:06.227 There is no way that this winter... 1:00:06.478 --> 1:00:09.355 ...is ever going to end... 1:00:09.564 --> 1:00:13.526 ...as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. 1:00:13.777 --> 1:00:15.653 I don't see any other way out. 1:00:16.446 --> 1:00:18.322 He's got to be stopped. 1:00:19.825 --> 1:00:21.200 And I have to stop him. 1:00:23.745 --> 1:00:26.080 Real good, Phil. Real good. 1:00:27.666 --> 1:00:29.250 He's out of his gourd. 1:00:33.922 --> 1:00:37.300 I'm worried. There's something really wrong with Phil. 1:00:37.551 --> 1:00:40.219 There's a lot of things wrong with Phil. 1:00:42.389 --> 1:00:43.639 Hi, Phil. 1:00:44.057 --> 1:00:46.183 I've come to the end of me. 1:00:46.435 --> 1:00:48.561 There's no way out now. 1:00:50.022 --> 1:00:53.357 Just remember, we had a beautiful day together once. 1:00:56.778 --> 1:00:58.195 All right, little fellow. 1:00:58.447 --> 1:01:01.824 Good job. He just smiled at me! Did you see that? 1:01:02.075 --> 1:01:03.576 I believe he did. 1:01:04.494 --> 1:01:07.330 Okay, little fellow. There you go. 1:01:09.333 --> 1:01:11.709 Hi, there. Something I can do you for? 1:01:14.296 --> 1:01:16.213 Hey! What are you doing? 1:01:20.969 --> 1:01:23.012 Get the word out. Somebody kidnapped Phil! 1:01:23.388 --> 1:01:24.722 We are going after him! 1:01:31.396 --> 1:01:33.814 Why would anybody steal a groundhog? 1:01:34.274 --> 1:01:36.067 I could think of reasons. 1:01:36.234 --> 1:01:37.276 Pervert. 1:02:03.303 --> 1:02:05.096 He must have just snapped! 1:02:05.305 --> 1:02:06.639 This ought to be good. 1:02:09.017 --> 1:02:10.267 What is he doing? 1:02:10.477 --> 1:02:12.019 What can he be thinking? 1:02:12.687 --> 1:02:14.271 Not bad for a quadruped. 1:02:14.523 --> 1:02:18.442 Check your mirrors. Side of your eye. Side of your eye. 1:02:24.491 --> 1:02:25.991 That's it. 1:02:26.243 --> 1:02:29.286 Hey, they're chasing us! Come on, make it fun. 1:02:37.504 --> 1:02:38.671 Don't drive angry. 1:02:38.880 --> 1:02:40.089 Don't drive angry. 1:03:00.110 --> 1:03:02.987 There's no way out except the way we came in! 1:03:03.238 --> 1:03:04.697 We got him now! 1:03:24.009 --> 1:03:25.217 What is he doing? 1:03:25.427 --> 1:03:26.469 I don't know. 1:03:30.807 --> 1:03:33.601 If you got to shoot, don't hit the groundhog. 1:03:38.398 --> 1:03:40.149 Mustn't keep them waiting. 1:03:43.487 --> 1:03:44.820 It's showtime. 1:03:51.203 --> 1:03:52.495 On me in three... 1:03:54.789 --> 1:03:56.248 ...two... 1:03:57.375 --> 1:03:58.417 ...one. 1:04:12.140 --> 1:04:13.182 Phil! 1:04:15.519 --> 1:04:16.894 He might be okay. 1:04:21.525 --> 1:04:24.068 Well, no. Probably not now. 1:04:39.709 --> 1:04:40.960 Nuts. 1:04:48.885 --> 1:04:51.804 Did you sleep well, Mr. Connors? 1:04:52.847 --> 1:04:54.515 Would you like... 1:04:55.141 --> 1:04:56.559 ...some toast? 1:05:14.911 --> 1:05:16.996 Oh, my God! 1:05:49.571 --> 1:05:50.946 That's him. 1:05:54.117 --> 1:05:57.536 He was a really, really great guy. 1:05:57.787 --> 1:05:59.496 I really, really liked him... 1:05:59.914 --> 1:06:00.956 ...a lot. 1:06:08.298 --> 1:06:10.299 I'm sorry? What was that again? 1:06:10.717 --> 1:06:13.469 -I'm a god. -You're God? 1:06:13.678 --> 1:06:16.930 I'm a god. I'm not the God, I don't think. 1:06:17.515 --> 1:06:19.642 Because you survived a car wreck? 1:06:19.809 --> 1:06:21.060 You folks ready to order? 1:06:21.269 --> 1:06:24.480 I didn't just survive a wreck. I wasn't just blown up. 1:06:24.898 --> 1:06:27.483 I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned... 1:06:27.692 --> 1:06:31.028 ...frozen, hung, electrocuted and burned. 1:06:31.237 --> 1:06:32.571 Oh, really? 1:06:32.822 --> 1:06:37.034 Every morning I wake up without a scratch, not a dent in the fender. 1:06:37.744 --> 1:06:38.827 I am an immortal. 1:06:39.037 --> 1:06:41.664 Special today is blueberry waffles. 1:06:41.873 --> 1:06:43.707 Why are you telling me this? 1:06:44.000 --> 1:06:46.126 Because I want you to believe in me. 1:06:46.336 --> 1:06:47.670 You are not a god. 1:06:47.879 --> 1:06:51.298 Take my word. It's 12 years of Catholic school talking. 1:06:51.841 --> 1:06:53.801 I can come back if you're not ready. 1:06:54.010 --> 1:06:56.011 How do you know I'm not a god? 1:06:56.221 --> 1:06:57.471 Please. 1:06:57.722 --> 1:07:00.057 -How do you know? -It's not possible. 1:07:00.266 --> 1:07:02.017 I'll come back. 1:07:02.352 --> 1:07:03.602 Doris. 1:07:07.023 --> 1:07:09.608 This is Doris. Her brother-in-law owns this diner. 1:07:09.859 --> 1:07:13.529 She's worked here since she was 17. She wants to see Paris... 1:07:13.738 --> 1:07:14.947 ...before she dies. 1:07:15.115 --> 1:07:16.156 Boy, would I! 1:07:16.324 --> 1:07:18.992 -What are you doing? -Debbie and her fiancé. 1:07:19.244 --> 1:07:20.494 Do I know you? 1:07:20.662 --> 1:07:23.664 They're supposed to get married. She's having second thoughts. 1:07:23.832 --> 1:07:24.998 What? 1:07:25.250 --> 1:07:26.375 Lovely ring. 1:07:26.626 --> 1:07:31.463 Bill's been a waiter three years, since he left Penn State to work. 1:07:31.715 --> 1:07:34.800 He likes the town, paints toy soldiers and he's gay. 1:07:35.009 --> 1:07:36.051 I am. 1:07:36.678 --> 1:07:39.430 Gus hates it here, wishes he'd stayed in the Navy. 1:07:39.681 --> 1:07:42.224 I could've retired on half pay after 20 years. 1:07:42.475 --> 1:07:44.309 Excuse me. Is this a trick? 1:07:44.561 --> 1:07:48.397 Maybe the real God uses tricks. Maybe he's not omnipotent... 1:07:48.648 --> 1:07:50.566 ...he just knows everything. 1:07:50.817 --> 1:07:52.151 -Who's that? -Tom. 1:07:52.402 --> 1:07:54.403 He worked in the coal mine till it closed. 1:07:54.612 --> 1:07:55.779 -And her? -Alice. 1:07:56.030 --> 1:07:58.532 Came from Ireland when she was a baby. Lived in Erie. 1:07:58.700 --> 1:07:59.742 He's right. 1:07:59.909 --> 1:08:01.285 -And her? -Nancy. 1:08:01.536 --> 1:08:05.497 Works in a shop, makes noises like a chipmunk when she gets excited. 1:08:05.749 --> 1:08:07.458 -It's true. -How do you know this? 1:08:07.709 --> 1:08:09.418 I told you, I know everything. 1:08:09.669 --> 1:08:12.546 In five seconds, a waiter will drop a tray. 1:08:12.756 --> 1:08:15.507 -Five, four, three, two, one. -This is nuts. 1:08:17.844 --> 1:08:20.262 -Okay? -Okay, that's enough. 1:08:21.306 --> 1:08:23.515 What about me? Do you know me too? 1:08:23.767 --> 1:08:27.978 I know all about you. You hope for more than Channel 9 Pittsburgh. 1:08:28.188 --> 1:08:30.606 Well, everyone knows that. 1:08:30.982 --> 1:08:33.567 You like boats but not the ocean. 1:08:33.985 --> 1:08:37.362 You go to a lake in the summer with your family. 1:08:37.614 --> 1:08:41.533 There's a dock and a boathouse with boards missing from the roof... 1:08:42.243 --> 1:08:45.162 ...and a place you used to crawl underneath to be alone. 1:08:45.789 --> 1:08:49.041 You're a sucker for French poetry and rhinestones. 1:08:49.751 --> 1:08:51.168 You're very generous. 1:08:51.419 --> 1:08:53.921 You're kind to strangers and children. 1:08:54.464 --> 1:08:57.299 When you stand in the snow you look like an angel. 1:08:57.759 --> 1:08:59.301 How are you doing this? 1:09:00.386 --> 1:09:03.347 I told you. I wake up every day. 1:09:03.598 --> 1:09:05.265 Right here. 1:09:05.475 --> 1:09:08.894 Right in Punxsutawney. And it's always February 2nd. 1:09:09.896 --> 1:09:12.397 And there's nothing I can do about it. 1:09:13.107 --> 1:09:16.193 If you still can't believe me, listen: 1:09:16.444 --> 1:09:18.445 In 10 seconds... 1:09:18.947 --> 1:09:22.407 ...Larry is going to come and take you away from me. 1:09:22.659 --> 1:09:24.493 But you can't let him. 1:09:25.495 --> 1:09:28.539 Please believe me. You've got to believe me. 1:09:33.628 --> 1:09:37.631 You guys ready? We better go, to stay ahead of the weather. 1:09:38.258 --> 1:09:39.508 What's that? 1:09:40.426 --> 1:09:42.845 "--to stay ahead of the weather." 1:09:48.351 --> 1:09:52.437 Maybe it really is happening. How else could you know so much? 1:09:52.647 --> 1:09:55.148 There is no way. I'm not that smart. 1:09:56.276 --> 1:09:58.527 Maybe I should spend the day with you... 1:09:58.778 --> 1:10:02.239 ...as an objective witness, just to see what happens. 1:10:02.490 --> 1:10:04.950 This sounds like a science project. 1:10:06.077 --> 1:10:07.286 Concentrate. 1:10:07.537 --> 1:10:09.329 You got to want it. 1:10:09.789 --> 1:10:11.874 You got to want it, Rita. 1:10:12.333 --> 1:10:16.211 Come on. It's more in the wrist than the fingers. 1:10:24.512 --> 1:10:26.346 Be the hat. Come on, go. 1:10:26.598 --> 1:10:29.558 -It'd take me a year to get good. -Six months. 1:10:29.809 --> 1:10:33.061 Four to five hours a day, and you'd be an expert. 1:10:33.563 --> 1:10:37.190 -Is this what you do with eternity? -Now you know. 1:10:38.610 --> 1:10:40.652 That's not the worst part. 1:10:40.904 --> 1:10:42.321 What's the worst part? 1:10:42.572 --> 1:10:44.573 The worst part is that... 1:10:44.782 --> 1:10:47.326 ...tomorrow you'll have forgotten all about this... 1:10:47.577 --> 1:10:49.786 ...and you'll treat me like a jerk again. 1:10:50.914 --> 1:10:52.372 I am a jerk. 1:10:52.582 --> 1:10:54.416 No, you're not. 1:10:54.792 --> 1:10:59.296 It doesn't make any difference. I've killed myself so many times... 1:10:59.547 --> 1:11:01.256 ... I don't even exist anymore. 1:11:01.841 --> 1:11:04.593 Sometimes I wish I had a thousand lifetimes. 1:11:05.178 --> 1:11:08.180 I don't know. Maybe it's not a curse. 1:11:08.431 --> 1:11:11.058 It just depends on how you look at it. 1:11:12.602 --> 1:11:14.811 Gosh, you're an upbeat lady! 1:11:18.107 --> 1:11:21.276 I want you to know it's been a really nice day for me. 1:11:21.444 --> 1:11:22.486 Me too. 1:11:22.654 --> 1:11:23.820 And maybe... 1:11:24.072 --> 1:11:27.741 ...if it's not too boring, we can do it again sometime. 1:11:27.992 --> 1:11:29.409 I hope so. 1:11:41.589 --> 1:11:43.382 You're still here. 1:11:45.760 --> 1:11:48.595 I thought you were supposed to disappear. Or I was. 1:11:48.846 --> 1:11:50.514 Not until 6. 1:11:51.391 --> 1:11:52.808 You rat! 1:11:53.059 --> 1:11:54.893 I never said midnight. 1:11:55.228 --> 1:11:57.688 You knew I was waiting for midnight. 1:11:58.481 --> 1:11:59.898 Are you going to leave? 1:12:01.734 --> 1:12:03.026 No. 1:12:03.695 --> 1:12:04.820 Good. 1:12:15.498 --> 1:12:17.165 I'm sorry. 1:12:18.668 --> 1:12:20.919 It's all right. You can fall asleep. 1:12:21.921 --> 1:12:24.256 I promise I won't touch you. 1:12:24.966 --> 1:12:26.216 Much. 1:12:27.552 --> 1:12:30.303 It's all right. I'm not tired. 1:12:31.139 --> 1:12:32.806 What were you saying? 1:12:34.225 --> 1:12:37.519 I think the last thing that you heard was: 1:12:37.770 --> 1:12:40.439 "Only God could make a tree." 1:12:40.690 --> 1:12:41.773 Really? 1:13:19.937 --> 1:13:22.230 What I wanted to say was... 1:13:23.983 --> 1:13:26.109 ... I think you are the kindest... 1:13:26.360 --> 1:13:28.904 ...sweetest, prettiest person... 1:13:29.405 --> 1:13:31.406 ... I've ever met in my life. 1:13:32.950 --> 1:13:35.160 I've never seen anyone... 1:13:35.787 --> 1:13:38.288 ...that's nicer to people than you are. 1:13:51.260 --> 1:13:53.303 And the first time I saw you... 1:13:54.388 --> 1:13:56.640 ...something happened to me. 1:13:57.892 --> 1:14:00.018 I never told you... 1:14:03.397 --> 1:14:05.816 ...but I knew I wanted to hold you... 1:14:06.025 --> 1:14:07.901 ...as hard as I could. 1:14:20.873 --> 1:14:23.333 I don't deserve someone like you. 1:14:27.171 --> 1:14:28.964 But if I ever could... 1:14:30.424 --> 1:14:32.509 ... I swear I would love you... 1:14:32.885 --> 1:14:35.011 ...for the rest of my life. 1:14:39.600 --> 1:14:41.476 Did you say something? 1:14:47.191 --> 1:14:48.775 Good night, Rita. 1:14:49.986 --> 1:14:51.570 Good night, Phil. 1:15:16.512 --> 1:15:19.848 Campers, rise and shine! Don't forget your booties. 1:15:20.057 --> 1:15:23.101 -It's cold out there! -It's cold every day. 1:15:23.311 --> 1:15:25.604 -Is this Miami Beach? -Not hardly! 1:16:01.015 --> 1:16:03.475 Who wants coffee? Get it while it's hot. 1:16:04.352 --> 1:16:06.561 -Thanks, Phil. -Larry? 1:16:06.812 --> 1:16:08.897 Skim milk, two sugar. 1:16:09.148 --> 1:16:10.482 Thanks, Phil. 1:16:10.691 --> 1:16:11.858 Pastry? 1:16:12.109 --> 1:16:13.276 We're setting up. 1:16:13.486 --> 1:16:15.278 Pastry, Larry? Take your pick. 1:16:16.530 --> 1:16:18.573 Thanks. Raspberry. Great. 1:16:19.075 --> 1:16:22.244 I talked with Buster Green, the head groundhog honcho. 1:16:22.495 --> 1:16:25.288 He said if we set up here we'll get a better shot. 1:16:25.748 --> 1:16:27.999 -What do you think? -Sounds good. 1:16:28.334 --> 1:16:29.542 Larry? 1:16:30.836 --> 1:16:32.754 Yeah. Let's go for it. 1:16:33.005 --> 1:16:34.047 Good work, Phil. 1:16:34.715 --> 1:16:38.051 Maybe we'll get lucky. Let me give you a hand. 1:16:39.512 --> 1:16:42.430 No, no. You got your coffee. I'll get it. 1:16:43.724 --> 1:16:45.600 We never talk. Do you have kids? 1:17:20.386 --> 1:17:22.220 I'd like a piano lesson. 1:17:22.555 --> 1:17:26.516 I'm with a student. But if you want to come back tomorrow-- 1:17:26.726 --> 1:17:29.978 I kind of want to get started. I can give you $1000. 1:17:32.606 --> 1:17:33.648 Come on in. 1:17:53.210 --> 1:17:55.253 Morning! Off to see the groundhog? 1:17:58.507 --> 1:18:00.967 Think it'll be an early spring? 1:18:01.218 --> 1:18:03.595 Winter, slumbering in the open air 1:18:03.846 --> 1:18:05.472 Wears on his smiling face 1:18:05.723 --> 1:18:07.932 A dream of spring 1:18:08.184 --> 1:18:09.225 Ciao! 1:18:10.519 --> 1:18:11.728 Ciao! 1:18:49.850 --> 1:18:51.101 How does she look? 1:18:51.394 --> 1:18:52.477 Great. 1:18:52.853 --> 1:18:53.895 Thank you. 1:18:54.105 --> 1:18:57.565 -Did you know he could ice sculpt? -No. 1:19:11.622 --> 1:19:14.833 Not bad. You say this is your first lesson? 1:19:15.793 --> 1:19:19.045 Yes, but my father was a piano mover, so.... 1:19:24.969 --> 1:19:29.472 -Phil Connors, I thought it was you. -Ned Ryerson. 1:19:31.183 --> 1:19:33.726 I have missed you so much. 1:19:38.107 --> 1:19:41.651 I don't know where you're headed, but can you call in sick? 1:19:45.072 --> 1:19:46.990 I got to get going. 1:19:47.867 --> 1:19:49.909 It's good to see you, Phil. 1:20:08.012 --> 1:20:09.471 Hello, father. 1:20:10.222 --> 1:20:11.931 Let's get you someplace warm. 1:20:13.767 --> 1:20:15.143 Remember me? 1:20:21.984 --> 1:20:23.693 You brought the old man in? 1:20:23.903 --> 1:20:24.944 How is he? 1:20:25.654 --> 1:20:27.655 He just passed away. 1:20:29.408 --> 1:20:32.452 -What did he die of? -He was just old. 1:20:32.703 --> 1:20:34.537 It was just his time. 1:20:37.291 --> 1:20:40.293 -I want to see his chart. Excuse me. -Sir! 1:20:40.669 --> 1:20:42.295 You can't come in here. 1:20:42.546 --> 1:20:45.173 Sir, this is a restricted area. 1:20:54.350 --> 1:20:56.017 Where's the chart? 1:20:56.519 --> 1:20:58.853 Sometimes people just die. 1:20:59.772 --> 1:21:01.231 Not today. 1:21:13.619 --> 1:21:15.828 Gets hard down there at the bottom. 1:21:18.749 --> 1:21:19.958 Here you go. 1:21:20.292 --> 1:21:21.417 Thank you. 1:21:25.839 --> 1:21:26.923 Come on, dad. 1:21:27.174 --> 1:21:28.550 Come on, pop. 1:21:30.511 --> 1:21:32.303 Come on. Come on, breathe. 1:21:32.555 --> 1:21:35.223 Breathe, pop! Breathe, pop! 1:22:00.958 --> 1:22:03.626 When Chekhov saw the long winter... 1:22:04.086 --> 1:22:07.463 ...he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. 1:22:07.715 --> 1:22:12.385 Yet we know winter is just another step in the cycle of life. 1:22:12.636 --> 1:22:16.306 But standing here among the people of Punxsutawney... 1:22:16.515 --> 1:22:19.350 ...and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts... 1:22:20.436 --> 1:22:22.729 ... I couldn't imagine a better fate... 1:22:22.938 --> 1:22:25.898 ...than a long and lustrous winter. 1:22:26.150 --> 1:22:28.943 From Punxsutawney, it's Phil Connors. 1:22:29.194 --> 1:22:30.486 So long. 1:22:32.364 --> 1:22:34.073 Nice speech. Very nice. 1:22:34.325 --> 1:22:35.491 Thank you. 1:22:36.827 --> 1:22:40.079 -How was that for you two? -My man, you touched me. 1:22:40.331 --> 1:22:41.998 -Thanks, Larry. -Thank you. 1:22:43.375 --> 1:22:44.584 I got to go. 1:22:45.878 --> 1:22:49.922 That was surprising. I didn't know you were so versatile. 1:22:50.174 --> 1:22:51.841 I surprise myself sometimes. 1:22:52.051 --> 1:22:54.052 Would you like a cup of coffee? 1:22:54.261 --> 1:22:58.222 I'd love to. Can I have a rain check? I've got some errands. 1:23:01.977 --> 1:23:03.895 Errands? What errands? 1:23:04.146 --> 1:23:06.356 I thought we were going back. 1:23:23.999 --> 1:23:26.834 What do you say? What do you say? 1:23:27.044 --> 1:23:29.921 You little brat. You have never thanked me! 1:23:30.631 --> 1:23:32.256 I'll see you tomorrow... 1:23:32.508 --> 1:23:33.591 ...maybe. 1:23:41.308 --> 1:23:43.643 You totaled it. 1:23:43.852 --> 1:23:47.980 -It's only a flat tire. -What are we going to do? 1:23:49.358 --> 1:23:52.777 -It's an earthquake! -It's not an earthquake. 1:23:52.986 --> 1:23:54.028 What is it? 1:23:57.574 --> 1:23:59.659 Thank you, young man. 1:24:00.786 --> 1:24:03.162 It's nothing. I had the tire and the jack. 1:24:03.414 --> 1:24:06.040 Just be comfortable. It'll be a minute. 1:24:06.291 --> 1:24:07.500 Who is that? 1:24:07.751 --> 1:24:10.503 He must be from the motor club. 1:24:11.755 --> 1:24:14.424 He's having a heart attack! Do something! 1:24:14.675 --> 1:24:18.761 Call 411, an ambulance, a lawyer, doctor, anything! 1:24:26.019 --> 1:24:27.562 I think that did it. 1:24:31.442 --> 1:24:34.318 If you're going to eat steak, get sharper teeth. 1:24:34.570 --> 1:24:36.904 -Enjoy your meal. -Thank you. 1:24:37.489 --> 1:24:38.823 Who was that? 1:24:39.032 --> 1:24:41.659 -I'm fine, I'm fine. -Are you sure? 1:24:41.827 --> 1:24:42.869 Eat, eat! 1:24:47.291 --> 1:24:48.833 People don't understand... 1:24:49.042 --> 1:24:51.836 ...what's involved. This is an art form. 1:24:52.087 --> 1:24:54.547 I think most people just think... 1:24:54.798 --> 1:24:57.967 ...that I hold a camera and point it at stuff. 1:24:58.218 --> 1:25:00.511 There's a lot more to it than that. 1:25:02.556 --> 1:25:06.058 Would you be interested in seeing the inside of a van? 1:25:06.268 --> 1:25:09.562 You know, I really have to get back to the party. 1:25:09.813 --> 1:25:11.522 Great idea. I'll go with you. 1:25:11.774 --> 1:25:14.025 Let me just drop a tip here. 1:25:20.073 --> 1:25:21.574 Hi! How are you? 1:25:21.825 --> 1:25:23.618 Rita, this is Nancy. 1:25:24.745 --> 1:25:26.996 We were going to the party. You going? 1:25:27.206 --> 1:25:29.832 Sounds like fun. Maybe we should call Phil. 1:25:30.918 --> 1:25:33.002 I think he's already in there. 1:27:29.703 --> 1:27:30.953 Isn’t he good? 1:27:31.204 --> 1:27:32.330 He's great! 1:27:32.581 --> 1:27:34.206 He's my student. 1:27:36.835 --> 1:27:38.711 I'm so proud. 1:27:39.880 --> 1:27:41.088 Thank you. 1:27:42.257 --> 1:27:44.300 Hello, welcome to our party. 1:27:44.551 --> 1:27:46.802 I didn't know you could play like that. 1:27:47.054 --> 1:27:48.763 I'm versatile. 1:27:56.146 --> 1:27:59.190 It's that nice young man from the motor club. 1:27:59.399 --> 1:28:00.900 Thank you again. 1:28:01.151 --> 1:28:02.568 It's nothing, ladies. 1:28:02.819 --> 1:28:06.072 He's the fastest jack in Jefferson County. 1:28:08.533 --> 1:28:10.159 What was that all about? 1:28:10.410 --> 1:28:13.496 Don't know. They've been hitting on me all night. 1:28:14.373 --> 1:28:15.748 There you are! 1:28:17.709 --> 1:28:20.920 I never thanked you properly for what you did. 1:28:21.171 --> 1:28:23.214 He would've choked for sure. 1:28:23.465 --> 1:28:27.176 He may have. He was trying to swallow a whole cow. 1:28:27.427 --> 1:28:28.636 I owe you one, buddy. 1:28:28.887 --> 1:28:32.014 Hang on to him, dear. He's a real find. 1:28:34.434 --> 1:28:36.143 What did you do today? 1:28:36.395 --> 1:28:37.979 Same old, same old. 1:28:43.735 --> 1:28:45.277 Excuse me, Mr. Connors. 1:28:45.487 --> 1:28:47.071 Fred, how was the wedding? 1:28:47.322 --> 1:28:50.324 Thank you for making Debbie go through with it. 1:28:50.575 --> 1:28:53.619 All I did was fan her flame of passion for you. 1:28:53.870 --> 1:28:55.079 You are the best. 1:28:55.330 --> 1:28:56.372 No, you are. 1:28:56.623 --> 1:28:59.792 Rita, this is Debbie and Fred Kleiser. 1:29:00.043 --> 1:29:03.879 -Here you go, kids. Congratulations. -What is this? 1:29:04.339 --> 1:29:06.173 No way! 1:29:06.425 --> 1:29:09.552 WrestleMania! No way! 1:29:10.512 --> 1:29:13.472 How'd you know? We'll be in Pittsburgh anyway! 1:29:13.724 --> 1:29:15.558 Thank you. You're a real pal. 1:29:15.809 --> 1:29:17.685 Oh, this is the best. 1:29:22.482 --> 1:29:23.899 I don't understand. 1:29:24.151 --> 1:29:25.860 I guess not. 1:29:26.361 --> 1:29:29.113 How does everyone know you? You come once a year. 1:29:29.364 --> 1:29:31.198 You're the most popular person in town. 1:29:31.450 --> 1:29:33.659 Excuse me, Dr. Connors? 1:29:33.869 --> 1:29:36.787 I want to thank you for fixing Felix's back. 1:29:36.997 --> 1:29:39.081 He can help around the house again. 1:29:39.291 --> 1:29:41.792 Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Felix. 1:29:44.171 --> 1:29:45.796 Dr. Connors? 1:29:46.173 --> 1:29:48.507 It's kind of an honorary title. 1:29:48.759 --> 1:29:50.342 What is going on? 1:29:50.552 --> 1:29:51.594 I really don't know. 1:29:51.845 --> 1:29:54.305 There is something going on with you. 1:29:54.890 --> 1:29:56.849 You want the long or short version? 1:29:57.100 --> 1:29:59.935 Let's start with the short and go from there. 1:30:05.734 --> 1:30:07.735 Okay, folks, attention. 1:30:08.528 --> 1:30:11.655 Time for the bachelor auction. You know the rules. 1:30:11.907 --> 1:30:14.366 All the eligible bachelors come in front. 1:30:14.659 --> 1:30:16.118 And you ladies... 1:30:16.369 --> 1:30:17.703 ...you bid on them! 1:30:17.954 --> 1:30:19.997 Do whatever you want with them... 1:30:20.248 --> 1:30:21.832 ...no questions asked! 1:30:22.084 --> 1:30:25.169 I don't want to know about it, as long as it's legal. 1:30:25.378 --> 1:30:29.757 Get out your pocketbooks, and remember it's all for charity. 1:30:31.927 --> 1:30:33.511 What are you doing down here? 1:30:33.762 --> 1:30:35.262 Go on, get up there. 1:30:35.472 --> 1:30:38.557 I got 10 bucks that says you're mine. 1:30:38.975 --> 1:30:40.893 Buster, I got your first victim. 1:30:41.103 --> 1:30:43.771 Phil Connors, come on up here! 1:30:48.819 --> 1:30:52.154 All right! Now, what am I bid for this fine specimen? 1:30:52.447 --> 1:30:53.864 Five dollars! 1:30:54.074 --> 1:30:56.033 The bidding has begun at $5. 1:30:56.326 --> 1:30:57.576 Ten dollars! 1:30:57.786 --> 1:30:58.994 Fifteen! 1:30:59.204 --> 1:31:01.205 -Twenty! -Twenty-five! 1:31:01.373 --> 1:31:02.414 Thirty! 1:31:02.582 --> 1:31:04.375 -Thirty-five! -Forty! 1:31:04.543 --> 1:31:05.584 Forty-five! 1:31:06.253 --> 1:31:07.294 Fifty! 1:31:07.504 --> 1:31:08.546 Fifty-five! 1:31:08.713 --> 1:31:09.755 Sixty! 1:31:09.923 --> 1:31:11.590 I'm bid $60. Do I hear more? 1:31:15.387 --> 1:31:18.556 $339.88. 1:31:22.477 --> 1:31:26.313 We won't accept any more bids. I think that's sold... 1:31:26.565 --> 1:31:30.234 ...to the little lady for $339.88! 1:31:31.361 --> 1:31:32.736 Congratulations! 1:31:40.829 --> 1:31:42.746 Okay, bachelors, who's next? 1:31:53.175 --> 1:31:56.468 All right! Now, what am I bid for this guy? 1:31:56.678 --> 1:31:58.512 Do I hear a buck and a half? 1:31:58.805 --> 1:32:00.055 Anybody? 1:32:00.932 --> 1:32:01.974 75 cents? 1:32:02.184 --> 1:32:03.976 I bid two bits! 1:32:04.603 --> 1:32:06.979 Sold to the lady for 25 cents. 1:32:07.189 --> 1:32:08.731 I got him! 1:32:16.990 --> 1:32:19.700 Phil Connors, I thought that was you. 1:32:19.951 --> 1:32:22.411 This is Ned Ryerson, my new insurance agent. 1:32:22.662 --> 1:32:23.913 I'll say. 1:32:25.123 --> 1:32:27.082 I haven't seen him for 20 years. 1:32:27.334 --> 1:32:32.379 He comes up and buys whole life, term, fire, auto, dental, health... 1:32:32.589 --> 1:32:35.507 ...with the optional death and dismemberment plan. 1:32:35.759 --> 1:32:37.927 This is the best day of my life. 1:32:38.178 --> 1:32:40.304 -Mine too. -Mine too. 1:32:40.513 --> 1:32:41.764 Where are we going? 1:32:42.015 --> 1:32:43.724 Let's not spoil it. 1:32:45.268 --> 1:32:47.895 Let's not-- I got that. 1:32:50.815 --> 1:32:52.233 Why can't I look? 1:32:52.692 --> 1:32:54.526 Because you bother me a lot. 1:32:54.819 --> 1:32:56.195 I'm getting cold. 1:32:56.404 --> 1:32:58.030 How long do I have to sit here? 1:32:58.657 --> 1:33:01.784 I'm giving you your money's worth. You paid top dollar for me. 1:33:02.369 --> 1:33:04.703 Well, I think you were a bargain. 1:33:05.538 --> 1:33:07.665 Sweet of you to say. You're right. 1:33:10.418 --> 1:33:11.835 Is it finished yet? 1:33:12.712 --> 1:33:15.589 I still have to put cherry syrup on the top... 1:33:15.799 --> 1:33:16.840 ...then we can eat it. 1:33:17.092 --> 1:33:19.760 Come on, Phil. I'm freezing! 1:33:19.970 --> 1:33:21.637 One second, one second. 1:33:21.888 --> 1:33:23.681 Let me turn it in the light. 1:33:29.187 --> 1:33:30.688 It's amazing. 1:33:31.439 --> 1:33:32.690 It's beautiful. 1:33:36.987 --> 1:33:38.362 How did you do that? 1:33:39.197 --> 1:33:42.992 I know your face so well, I could do it with my eyes closed. 1:33:47.539 --> 1:33:48.956 It's lovely. 1:33:49.708 --> 1:33:51.542 I don't know what to say. 1:33:52.752 --> 1:33:53.961 I do. 1:33:56.047 --> 1:33:58.340 No matter what happens tomorrow... 1:33:58.591 --> 1:34:00.467 ...or for the rest of my life... 1:34:00.677 --> 1:34:02.386 ... I'm happy now... 1:34:03.596 --> 1:34:05.180 ...because I love you. 1:34:06.099 --> 1:34:07.891 I think I'm happy too. 1:35:06.576 --> 1:35:07.743 Please. Not again. 1:35:07.952 --> 1:35:09.828 -That's a great song. -It's not. 1:35:10.080 --> 1:35:12.122 Don't listen to this man-- 1:35:12.707 --> 1:35:15.125 It's too early. 1:35:25.845 --> 1:35:27.638 Something is different. 1:35:28.264 --> 1:35:29.515 Good or bad? 1:35:29.891 --> 1:35:32.184 Anything different is good. 1:35:34.646 --> 1:35:36.939 But this could be real good. 1:35:41.820 --> 1:35:43.237 Why are you here? 1:35:43.696 --> 1:35:45.781 I bought you. I own you. 1:35:48.284 --> 1:35:49.868 But why are you still here? 1:35:50.120 --> 1:35:53.205 You said, "Stay," so I stayed. 1:35:55.875 --> 1:35:57.918 I said, "Stay," so you stayed. 1:35:58.169 --> 1:36:00.712 I can't even make a collie stay. 1:36:02.882 --> 1:36:04.883 I got to check something. 1:36:05.677 --> 1:36:07.052 Stay. 1:36:07.470 --> 1:36:08.595 Stay. 1:36:14.227 --> 1:36:15.519 They're gone! 1:36:16.438 --> 1:36:18.021 They're all gone. 1:36:20.108 --> 1:36:22.818 -Do you know what today is? -No, what? 1:36:24.154 --> 1:36:26.155 Today is tomorrow. 1:36:26.739 --> 1:36:28.073 It happened. 1:36:30.326 --> 1:36:32.578 -You're here. -I'm here. 1:36:36.749 --> 1:36:41.378 Why weren't you like this last night? You just fell asleep. 1:36:43.214 --> 1:36:46.008 It was the end of a very long day. 1:36:49.095 --> 1:36:52.890 Is there anything I can do for you today? 1:36:53.766 --> 1:36:56.393 I'm sure I can think of something. 1:37:29.511 --> 1:37:31.512 It's so beautiful! 1:37:42.148 --> 1:37:43.774 Let's live here.