00:06.020 --> 00:10.590
<b>Shepherd 2, you're going too fast.
Where are you right now?</b>

00:10.590 --> 00:14.220
<b>I can't find Hound 4... Sasayama.</b>

00:14.220 --> 00:16.890
<b>What's going on? Where did he go?</b>

00:16.890 --> 00:20.900
<b>Calm down, Kogami! Things are getting
out of control. Come back for now!</b>

00:20.900 --> 00:23.260
<b>I'll bring Sasayama back!</b>

00:28.340 --> 00:30.170

00:45.920 --> 00:56.900
<b><i>My head is overflowing with thoughts</i>
<i>I can't allow anyone to know about</i></b>

00:56.900 --> 01:05.570
<b><i>I've strayed into a world void of even mistakes</i></b>

01:13.250 --> 01:15.980
<b><i>It's being rubbed in so deep it's hard to believe</i></b>

01:15.980 --> 01:20.090
<b><i>This "world" that holds</i>
<i>only what the eye can see</i></b>

01:20.090 --> 01:22.620
<b><i>Can I flush out the truth?</i></b>

01:22.620 --> 01:27.260
<b><i>Plastic Tac Tic,</i>
<i>no one can go crazy anymore</i></b>

01:27.260 --> 01:30.330
<b><i>You, too, are in a plastic beautiful world</i></b>

01:30.330 --> 01:40.810
<b><i>In a world with too much beauty,</i>
<i>for some reason I can't see the light</i></b>

01:40.810 --> 01:51.450
<b><i>My bursting heart is an eternal reflection</i></b>

01:51.450 --> 01:57.430
<b><i>Secret remains for you</i></b>

01:57.430 --> 02:07.800
<b><i>Don't expose these false colors and futures</i></b>

02:07.800 --> 02:12.300
<b><i>fake's plastic world</i>
<i>keep it secret motion</i></b>

02:15.610 --> 02:18.650
<b>#06 Return of the 
Psychotic Prince</b>

02:17.650 --> 02:20.150
<b>Looks like she's working hard, huh?</b>

02:20.150 --> 02:25.020
<b>Since she's still inexperienced,
she acts unprofessionally rather often.</b>

02:25.020 --> 02:27.490
<b>But it's still true that she's
an excellent employee.</b>

02:27.490 --> 02:29.320
<b>I think she's got a bright future.</b>

02:29.320 --> 02:31.830
<b>I hope so.</b>

02:31.830 --> 02:34.960
<b>There's still at least a chance she'll end
up in an unfortunate state similar to</b>

02:34.960 --> 02:38.300
<b>that of your partner,
who started the same year as you.</b>

02:39.230 --> 02:41.740
<b>Yes, Chief.</b>

02:41.740 --> 02:44.710
<b>You Inspectors have very demanding jobs.</b>

02:44.710 --> 02:50.880
<b>Even when you face the distorted
minds of criminals and Enforcers,</b>

02:50.880 --> 02:55.820
<b>you still need to have an unyielding
spirit to pursue your duties.</b>

02:55.820 --> 02:59.350
<b>You, too, should be on your guard, Ginoza.</b>

02:59.350 --> 03:02.560
<b>A causal relationship between
genes and Crime Coefficients</b>

03:02.560 --> 03:06.230
<b>still hasn't been scientifically proven.</b>

03:06.230 --> 03:11.690
<b>However, that also means that it
hasn't been scientifically disproven.</b>

03:12.700 --> 03:17.270
<b>I hope that you won't make
the same mistake as your father...</b>

03:17.270 --> 03:20.180
<b>I hope it from the bottom of my heart.</b>

03:20.180 --> 03:22.170
<b>I'll keep that in mind.</b>

03:24.550 --> 03:29.050
<b>"In faith, they are as true of heart as we/'</b>

03:29.050 --> 03:34.290
<b>"We men may say more,
swear more, but indeed</b>

03:34.290 --> 03:39.260
<b>Our shows are more
than will, for still we prove</b>

03:39.260 --> 03:46.640
<b>Much in our vows,
but little in our love."</b>

03:46.640 --> 03:47.740
<b>Stop there.</b>

03:47.740 --> 03:49.360
<b>Yes ma'am.</b>

03:50.370 --> 03:52.740
<b>The first performance of
<i>Twelfth Night</i> took place in 1601.</b>

03:52.740 --> 03:54.710
<b>In the sentences Kagami just read,</b>

03:54.710 --> 03:59.820
<b>you can get a glimpse of the
astonishing universality of Shakespeare.</b>

03:59.820 --> 04:02.280
<b>Are you in literature class right now?</b>

04:05.450 --> 04:09.160
<b>Yes. We're studying
<i>Twelfth Night</i> by Shakespeare.</b>

04:09.160 --> 04:12.460
<b>Shakespeare's comedies are boring.</b>

04:12.460 --> 04:14.300
<b>You don't like his work?</b>

04:14.300 --> 04:20.070
<b>I do like his tragedies, especially
<i>Macbeth</i> and <i>Titus Andronicus.</i></b>

04:20.070 --> 04:23.110
<b>So those two are the interesting ones, huh?</b>

04:23.110 --> 04:28.100
<b>Not only are they interesting,
but they're especially cruel.</b>

04:35.450 --> 04:39.420
<b>But why aren't you looking
it up in the database?</b>

04:39.420 --> 04:41.690
<b>You're an Inspector.
You have authorization, right?</b>

04:41.690 --> 04:46.030
<b>If I access those files, Mr. Kogami will know.</b>

04:46.030 --> 04:48.160
<b>You don't want him to know?</b>

04:48.160 --> 04:52.360
<b>Or are you that concerned about Ko?</b>

04:53.940 --> 04:56.130
<b>Are you in love?</b>

04:57.270 --> 05:00.280
<b>Have you even been in love, Kagari?</b>

05:00.280 --> 05:04.810
<b>Listen, Akane. I'm more
experienced in life than you are.</b>

05:04.810 --> 05:08.380
<b>Not only love, but I've
done all sorts of bad things.</b>

05:08.380 --> 05:13.960
<b>I've glimpsed into a world you,
a wholesome girl, can't even imagine.</b>

05:13.960 --> 05:15.550

05:16.390 --> 05:17.790
<b>For example, this one.</b>

05:17.790 --> 05:19.190

05:19.860 --> 05:23.300
<b>No! It's alcohol. Real alcohol.</b>

05:23.300 --> 05:26.400
<b>Ol' Masaoka shared it with me.</b>

05:26.400 --> 05:29.370
<b>These days, people are
afraid of getting addicted to it,</b>

05:29.370 --> 05:33.170
<b>so they stick to safe therapeutic
tripping or go virtual, right?</b>

05:33.880 --> 05:37.550
<b>That's for drinking, right?
Not for blowing fire?</b>

05:37.550 --> 05:38.710
<b>Say what?</b>

05:38.710 --> 05:40.720
<b>No, nothing.</b>

05:40.720 --> 05:46.420
<b>Well, this kind of naughty fun is now our privilege.</b>

05:46.420 --> 05:47.850
<b>I see...</b>

05:48.920 --> 05:50.360
<b>Whoa! This is good!</b>

05:50.360 --> 05:53.100
<b>This is real cooking.</b>

05:53.100 --> 05:55.900
<b>Hey, hey! I told you those are
the snacks for those who're drinking!</b>

05:55.900 --> 05:56.930
<b>You're stingy!</b>

05:56.930 --> 05:59.170
<b>Or, would you like to try?</b>

05:59.170 --> 05:59.900

05:59.900 --> 06:03.890
<b>If I get drunk, I may start
talking about all sorts of things.</b>

06:12.780 --> 06:14.780
<b>The thing is...</b>

06:14.780 --> 06:19.960
<b>...when I came on, Ko had already
been stripped of his position as Inspector.</b>

06:19.960 --> 06:22.860
<b>So I don't know the details,</b>

06:22.860 --> 06:29.260
<b>though I heard that an Enforcer
who was under him at the time got killed.</b>

06:29.260 --> 06:30.200

06:30.200 --> 06:36.240
<b>Right. He was going after a culprit,
but then he became a victim.</b>

06:36.240 --> 06:39.440
<b>If I remember correctly,
his name was Sasayama.</b>

06:39.440 --> 06:44.540
<b>He was killed in the same manner as
the other victims. I heard it was terrible.</b>

06:46.150 --> 06:51.290
<b>So it messed Ko up and his
Crime Coefficient went way too high.</b>

06:51.290 --> 06:57.090
<b>That case was never solved,
but I heard Ko's still investigating it.</b>

06:58.330 --> 06:59.800
<b>I see...</b>

06:59.800 --> 07:02.460

07:02.460 --> 07:05.760
<b>...how come you're okay after drinking so much?</b>

07:09.910 --> 07:12.270
<b>Well, you get drunk too easily.</b>

07:12.270 --> 07:18.350
<b>Enforcer Sasayama? Ah, there's no
way I could forget the Specimen Case.</b>

07:18.350 --> 07:19.850
<b>Specimen Case?</b>

07:19.850 --> 07:24.020
<b>That's how we, and the detectives,
referred to the case.</b>

07:24.020 --> 07:26.660
<b>Do you know what plastination is, Akane?</b>

07:26.660 --> 07:29.830
<b>It's a process used to
create biological specimens, right?</b>

07:29.830 --> 07:35.330
<b>Right. It's a technique for preserving
tissue by impregnating it with resin.</b>

07:35.330 --> 07:39.320
<b>So in the Specimen Case, this process
was used to commit grotesque murders.</b>

07:40.670 --> 07:42.670
<b>They first dismembered and cut open the body,</b>

07:42.670 --> 07:44.970
<b>and then they used plastination
to turn it into a human specimen.</b>

07:44.970 --> 07:49.140
<b>Then they brought it right into
the middle of town and displayed it...</b>

07:49.140 --> 07:54.180
<b>...underneath a Holographic illumination
used in the entertainment district.</b>

07:54.180 --> 07:55.650
<b>How terrible...</b>

07:55.650 --> 08:00.360
<b>Thousands of passersby thought
they were just looking at environment Holo.</b>

08:00.360 --> 08:05.530
<b>But the truth was that they were
facing the dismembered body underneath it.</b>

08:05.530 --> 08:09.360
<b>When people found that out,
the area stress jumped up four levels.</b>

08:09.360 --> 08:12.830
<b>It was so bad that even
a news ban was imposed.</b>

08:12.830 --> 08:15.500
<b>Uhm, I'm sorry for discussing
this while you're eating.</b>

08:16.810 --> 08:19.040
<b>Hm? What're you talking about?</b>

08:19.040 --> 08:22.240
<b>Yayoi wouldn't get worked up
over something like this.</b>

08:22.240 --> 08:25.870
<b>She's into more violent
and passionate stuff.</b>

08:27.220 --> 08:28.520

08:28.520 --> 08:31.880
<b>You guys were talking about
the Specimen Case, right? Go on.</b>

08:33.220 --> 08:37.530
<b>Well, since it was
obviously done by an expert,</b>

08:37.530 --> 08:42.990
<b>the investigation was focused
on experts in pharmacy and chemistry.</b>

08:44.730 --> 08:49.040
<b>But then, while working
on it, Sasayama was...</b>

08:49.040 --> 08:52.710
<b>In the end, while investigating a
totally unrelated report of a missing</b>

08:52.710 --> 08:57.950
<b>high school teacher, they came across
plastination resin in his apartment.</b>

08:57.950 --> 09:01.420
<b>See, this guy. Kouzaburou Touma.</b>

09:01.420 --> 09:05.090
<b>Right after he went missing,
the crimes stopped,</b>

09:05.090 --> 09:08.190
<b>so it's certain that he
must've been the culprit.</b>

09:08.190 --> 09:10.430
<b>But all we had was
circumstantial evidence.</b>

09:10.430 --> 09:13.600
<b>So it actually ended
up as an unsolved case.</b>

09:13.600 --> 09:17.030
<b>In addition, Touma didn't
have any knowledge of chemistry,</b>

09:17.030 --> 09:21.970
<b>so even the question of who
created the resin remains a mystery.</b>

09:21.970 --> 09:24.570
<b>Does that mean that there was an accomplice?</b>

09:24.570 --> 09:28.610
<b>I don't know if we can call this person
an accomplice when we don't even know</b>

09:28.610 --> 09:32.880
<b>if he made the resin knowing what it
was going to be used for in the first place.</b>

09:32.880 --> 09:35.320
<b>How it was acquired remains a mystery, too.</b>

09:35.320 --> 09:39.050
<b>At this point, God only knows.</b>

09:45.960 --> 09:48.400
<b>Looks like you're having a rough time as usual.</b>

09:49.800 --> 09:51.000
<b>You can tell?</b>

09:51.000 --> 09:54.970
<b>Considering how gloomy
you look, it'd be hard not to.</b>

09:54.970 --> 09:57.470
<b>Being on the fast track is tough, huh?</b>

09:57.470 --> 09:59.240
<b>You have to keep lots of things confidential.</b>

09:59.240 --> 10:02.270
<b>Exactly. It's hard.</b>

10:04.110 --> 10:07.680
<b>Is this still about that
erratic colleague of yours?</b>

10:07.680 --> 10:10.690
<b>I feel like I don't know what to make of him.</b>

10:10.690 --> 10:15.290
<b>In addition, it seems that
he was in the same position as me.</b>

10:15.290 --> 10:18.690
<b>Don't tell me this troublemaker
used to be an honor student</b>

10:18.690 --> 10:21.660
<b>whose test scores
were over 700 or something?</b>

10:21.660 --> 10:24.030
<b>Right! It's like that!</b>

10:24.030 --> 10:26.270
<b>This is just a thought, but...</b>

10:26.270 --> 10:27.040

10:27.040 --> 10:31.270
<b>Could it be that you and
your subordinate are quite similar?</b>

10:31.270 --> 10:32.670

10:38.950 --> 10:41.780
<b>It's urgent! I gotta go!</b>

10:41.780 --> 10:43.950
<b>Hey, we just got here!</b>

10:43.950 --> 10:46.890
<b>I'll make it up to you next time!</b>

10:51.360 --> 10:55.860
<b>It seems that
Satsuki Kuzuhara is still missing.</b>

10:55.860 --> 10:58.630
<b>I've heard the teachers have
been ordered to keep silent about it,</b>

10:58.630 --> 11:01.370
<b>in order not to worry the students.</b>

11:01.370 --> 11:02.970

11:02.970 --> 11:04.970
<b>That worries us even more.</b>

11:04.970 --> 11:08.480
<b>The selling point of this school is
that they keep girls of susceptible age</b>

11:08.480 --> 11:11.680
<b>isolated from society in
a conservatory environment</b>

11:11.680 --> 11:14.920
<b>in order to prevent their
Psycho-Pass from getting cloudy.</b>

11:14.920 --> 11:18.320
<b>So they sweep problems under the rug.</b>

11:18.320 --> 11:20.920
<b>They also need to keep up
appearances in front of our parents, so...</b>

11:20.920 --> 11:22.860
<b>Oh no, I'm scared!</b>

11:22.860 --> 11:25.530
<b>There are some more scary rumors.</b>

11:25.530 --> 11:30.730
<b>One of the teachers who used
to teach in this school was actually...</b>

11:30.730 --> 11:32.500
<b>Miss Ouryou!</b>

11:32.500 --> 11:34.490
<b>That's Miss Rikako!</b>

11:38.910 --> 11:43.450
<b>I wonder why Rikako Ouryou is so popular...</b>

11:43.450 --> 11:46.350
<b>She's pretty. She's very smart, too.</b>

11:46.350 --> 11:48.720
<b>It's pretty obvious.</b>

11:48.720 --> 11:51.890
<b>I'm a little afraid of her.</b>

11:51.890 --> 11:53.020

11:53.020 --> 11:57.290
<b>Her eyes... are sometimes blank.</b>

11:57.290 --> 11:58.690
<b>It seems as if...</b>

11:58.690 --> 12:01.600
<b>...they're staring into a different dimension.</b>

12:01.600 --> 12:04.260
<b>Kawarazaki. Shimotsuki...</b>

12:05.400 --> 12:06.270

12:06.270 --> 12:07.870

12:07.870 --> 12:10.240
<b>Sorry to interrupt your lunch.</b>

12:10.240 --> 12:11.540
<b>What brings you here?</b>

12:11.540 --> 12:15.610
<b>Neither of you belong to any clubs, right?</b>

12:15.610 --> 12:18.780
<b>Educational organizations
that have club activities</b>

12:18.780 --> 12:22.780
<b>like our school, Ousou Academy,
are very rare these days.</b>

12:22.780 --> 12:24.590
<b>I thought it'd be a shame to
miss out on that, so...</b>

12:24.590 --> 12:25.920
<b>Are you recruiting us?</b>

12:25.920 --> 12:27.320
<b>Oh, you figured it out!</b>

12:27.320 --> 12:30.630
<b>I'm the president of the art club.</b>

12:30.630 --> 12:33.960
<b>If you like, please come
and see us in our club room.</b>

12:33.960 --> 12:35.930
<b>Also, Shimotsuki...</b>

12:35.930 --> 12:38.770
<b>I sometimes get absorbed in thought,</b>

12:38.770 --> 12:41.970
<b>but it's not like I'm looking
into a different dimension.</b>

12:41.970 --> 12:44.630
<b>I'm not an alien, you know.</b>

12:47.310 --> 12:50.610
<b>You dummy, Mika! She heard you!</b>

12:51.780 --> 12:52.970

13:03.290 --> 13:04.920
<b>Pardon me.</b>

13:12.170 --> 13:14.100
<b>Thank you for coming.</b>

13:17.340 --> 13:21.310
<b>I heard about your father.</b>

13:21.310 --> 13:24.470
<b>Your mother's new husband...</b>

13:25.680 --> 13:29.520
<b>So you took... notice of it?</b>

13:29.520 --> 13:33.520
<b>Yes, since I've been watching
you all this time, Yoshika.</b>

13:33.520 --> 13:35.180
<b>Miss Ouryou!</b>

13:38.330 --> 13:42.500
<b>Will you tell me what happened?</b>

13:42.500 --> 13:45.530
<b>That man... uhm...</b>

13:45.530 --> 13:48.200
<b>...clearly looks at me... with...</b>

13:48.200 --> 13:51.170
<b>...o- obscene eyes.</b>

13:51.170 --> 13:57.210
<b>Every time I go home, I find
indications that someone was in my room.</b>

13:57.210 --> 14:00.920
<b>I can't stand it anymore... but...</b>

14:00.920 --> 14:03.890
<b>You can't talk to your mother, right?</b>

14:03.890 --> 14:06.550
<b>The debt my biological father left is so big</b>

14:06.550 --> 14:10.230
<b>that my mother cannot repay it by herself.</b>

14:10.230 --> 14:12.830
<b>So we have to depend on that man.</b>

14:12.830 --> 14:19.430
<b>But at last week's regular check up,
my Psycho-Pass was very cloudy.</b>

14:19.430 --> 14:21.560
<b>As it stands, I'll...</b>

14:24.240 --> 14:25.710

14:26.540 --> 14:31.350
<b>It seems you can't choose the life you wish.</b>

14:31.350 --> 14:33.340
<b>I understand how hard that is.</b>

14:34.580 --> 14:37.090
<b>In this era, the System determines</b>

14:37.090 --> 14:40.590
<b>everyone's aptitudes and we
all have no choice but to live by it</b>

14:40.590 --> 14:44.430
<b>and be satisfied with only
a happiness forced upon us...</b>

14:44.430 --> 14:48.920
<b>...as we are unable to make
our real dreams come true.</b>

14:50.630 --> 14:55.300
<b>The person you desire to be...
Your true worth...</b>

14:55.300 --> 14:58.940
<b>Don't you want to try discovering them?</b>

14:58.940 --> 15:00.070

15:00.070 --> 15:02.740
<b>I can show you...</b>

15:02.740 --> 15:06.580
<b>...the true beauty that's
hiding inside you, Yoshika.</b>

15:16.060 --> 15:20.300
<b>Shall I tell you more
about Shakespeare's work?</b>

15:20.300 --> 15:21.560

15:21.560 --> 15:23.900
<b><i>Titus Andronicus...</i></b>

15:23.900 --> 15:28.240
<b>The character I like in
it is Titus's daughter, Lavinia.</b>

15:28.240 --> 15:30.770
<b>She got dragged into trouble
because of her father.</b>

15:30.770 --> 15:34.110
<b>The enemy raped her,</b>

15:34.110 --> 15:36.110
<b>cut out her tongue,</b>

15:36.110 --> 15:38.910
<b>and cut off her arms as well.</b>

15:38.910 --> 15:43.990
<b>"It was my deer..."</b>

15:43.990 --> 15:46.590
<b>Poor Lavinia...</b>

15:46.590 --> 15:49.990
<b>She was killed by her own father.</b>

15:57.630 --> 16:03.710
<b>There are tons of things that
humans can do but animals can't.</b>

16:03.710 --> 16:07.010
<b>One of them is safety control.</b>

16:07.010 --> 16:11.980
<b>No matter what it is, humans
have always put a safety device on it.</b>

16:11.980 --> 16:16.850
<b>Enforcers are also equipped
with a safety device called Inspectors.</b>

16:16.850 --> 16:22.490
<b>Particularly, the Drones you controlled
were equipped with rigorous controls.</b>

16:22.490 --> 16:25.360
<b>Those Drones were
supposed to be absolutely safe,</b>

16:25.360 --> 16:29.960
<b>and yet, this memory card
made them kill people.</b>

16:31.330 --> 16:33.320
<b>Where did you obtain it?</b>

16:38.510 --> 16:43.040
<b>The safety canceller that Kanehara
used in the Hachioji Drone incident</b>

16:43.040 --> 16:45.710
<b>and Mido's Holograph cracking...</b>

16:45.710 --> 16:51.020
<b>Well, in both cases, I could
only recover a bit of the source code,</b>

16:51.020 --> 16:53.350
<b>but they clearly have similarities.</b>

16:53.350 --> 16:56.320
<b>I think the same programmer
wrote the code for both.</b>

16:56.320 --> 16:59.190
<b>I'd bet the bra I'm wearing today on it.</b>

16:59.190 --> 17:00.730
<b>You can keep it!</b>

17:00.730 --> 17:04.230
<b>It's true that Mido was
obsessed with social networks,</b>

17:04.230 --> 17:08.740
<b>but he wasn't skilled enough
to mess with public Holo.</b>

17:08.740 --> 17:10.570
<b>There's no mistake that</b>

17:10.570 --> 17:14.410
<b>both Kanehara and Mido were being
backed by a professional cyber-criminal.</b>

17:14.410 --> 17:18.950
<b>But this testimony of
Kanehara's isn't going to help.</b>

17:18.950 --> 17:22.850
<b>It's true! It was sent to me
one day by mail all of a sudden!</b>

17:23.180 --> 17:25.690
<b>The letter from the
sender had no name on it.</b>

17:25.690 --> 17:27.620
<b>It just said that he had
a grudge against that factory,</b>

17:27.620 --> 17:29.960
<b>so he wanted the two of
us to mess it up together!</b>

17:29.960 --> 17:33.290
<b>That's pretty vicious for someone
who'd commit crimes just for kicks, isn't it?</b>

17:33.290 --> 17:39.030
<b>How could the sender predict that
Kanehara would kill in the first place?</b>

17:39.030 --> 17:42.240
<b>Pops figured out Kanehara
just by checking the records</b>

17:42.240 --> 17:43.970
<b>of the staff's periodic checkups.</b>

17:43.970 --> 17:47.280
<b>There was someone else
who could do the same thing.</b>

17:47.280 --> 17:49.780
<b>That periodic checkup
record wasn't confidential, either.</b>

17:49.780 --> 17:53.450
<b>Then what was the motive
for this guy to help Mido?</b>

17:53.450 --> 17:56.150
<b>It was Kanehara and Mido
who had the motive.</b>

17:56.150 --> 17:59.590
<b>That must've been enough reason for <i>him.</i></b>

18:00.790 --> 18:01.620

18:01.620 --> 18:03.790
<b>The intent and means to kill...</b>

18:03.790 --> 18:08.990
<b>Creating a crime by bringing those
two otherwise separate things together...</b>

18:10.160 --> 18:12.160
<b>That's <i>his</i> goal.</b>

18:20.140 --> 18:21.340

18:21.840 --> 18:23.280

18:31.020 --> 18:33.090
<b>Kogami, you are...</b>

18:33.090 --> 18:36.020
<b>Gino, this is the same as that case.</b>

18:36.020 --> 18:39.990
<b>There's someone who gives the means
to those who have not yet found a way</b>

18:39.990 --> 18:43.790
<b>to manifest their desire to kill,
and turns them into real killers.</b>

18:45.300 --> 18:48.840
<b>Calm down and think about it.
A special resin was used that time.</b>

18:48.840 --> 18:51.840
<b>But in this case, it's a
tool for cracking programs.</b>

18:51.840 --> 18:53.340
<b>They're totally different!</b>

18:53.340 --> 18:55.640
<b>The engineer and the
middleman are two different people!</b>

18:56.840 --> 18:59.180
<b>There's someone who brings
together those who want to kill</b>

18:59.180 --> 19:02.980
<b>and those who can create
the tools they need to do it.</b>

19:02.980 --> 19:04.690
<b>That's the real mastermind.</b>

19:04.690 --> 19:06.290
<b>Enough already!</b>

19:06.290 --> 19:09.880
<b>You're chasing a ghost
that we don't even know exists!</b>

19:11.160 --> 19:14.530
<b>Sasayama was on the brink of figuring it out.</b>

19:14.530 --> 19:17.400
<b>I'll settle the score for him.</b>

19:17.400 --> 19:20.390
<b>That's what I've spent the
past three years working towards!</b>

19:26.170 --> 19:28.810
<b>This is Takahashi from the
Public Cleaning Bureau calling.</b>

19:28.810 --> 19:31.180
<b>I'm at the Central Fountain Tower right now.</b>

19:31.180 --> 19:33.510
<b>Noise has been appearing
in the Hologram for a while now...</b>

19:33.510 --> 19:35.020
<b>Yes, that's right.</b>

19:35.020 --> 19:38.140
<b>Please turn off the fountain
Holo so that we can check it out.</b>

19:42.890 --> 19:44.360
<b>What's that?</b>

19:45.560 --> 19:47.400
<b>Whoa! That's creepy!</b>

19:47.400 --> 19:49.330
<b>Is that a doll?</b>

19:50.870 --> 19:54.000
<b>Isn't it some sort of artwork or something?</b>

19:54.000 --> 19:57.710
<b>Yeah... but isn't this in too poor taste?</b>

19:57.710 --> 19:59.870
<b>Who the hell did it?</b>

20:05.350 --> 20:10.440
<b>But... when you look closely,
it looks pretty real, doesn't it?</b>

20:12.090 --> 20:13.710
<b>How elaborate...</b>

20:15.120 --> 20:19.860
<b>...though I wouldn't want
to display it at my home.</b>

20:28.940 --> 20:32.740
<b>Do you think Lavinia was happy...</b>

20:32.740 --> 20:35.640
<b>...being freed from her violated body?</b>

20:35.640 --> 20:39.410
<b>"Because the girl
should not survive her shame,</b>

20:39.410 --> 20:46.290
<b>And by her presence still renew
his sorrows," was it, Mr. Makishima?</b>

20:46.290 --> 20:49.590
<b>Beautiful flowers, too,
eventually wither and fall.</b>

20:49.590 --> 20:52.630
<b>That's the fate of all living beings.</b>

20:52.630 --> 20:57.930
<b>If that's the case, it's just natural
for one to want to stop time</b>

20:57.930 --> 20:59.630
<b>while they're still blossoming in full glory.</b>

20:59.630 --> 21:06.240
<b>But if you really loved her as if she
was your own daughter, will you too say...</b>

21:06.240 --> 21:11.810
<b>"Kill'd her, for whom my tears
have made me blind," as Titus did?</b>

21:11.810 --> 21:15.250
<b>Oh, that'd be a problem...</b>

21:15.250 --> 21:21.250
<b>...because I still have many more
drawings to complete in the future.</b>

21:21.420 --> 21:23.990
<b><i>I'll give you your justice</i></b>

21:23.990 --> 21:26.490
<b><i>Before you destroy and get destroyed</i></b>

21:26.490 --> 21:30.130
<b><i>Pay karma's price, and let's go together</i></b>

21:30.130 --> 21:36.640
<b><i>Monster without a name</i></b>

21:36.640 --> 21:47.350
<b><i>Looks like the fairy tale died a moment ago</i></b>

21:47.350 --> 21:57.860
<b><i>In a hospital ward made of bricks,</i>
<i>I found it hard to sing</i></b>

21:57.860 --> 22:08.570
<b><i>Red moon, come out on this foggy night</i></b>

22:08.570 --> 22:19.980
<b><i>Now look at me, don't avert your gaze</i></b>

22:19.980 --> 22:25.150
<b><i>I was born behind black iron bars</i></b>

22:25.150 --> 22:27.890
<b><i>Wish for payback for the evil done</i></b>

22:27.890 --> 22:33.190
<b><i>As you wish, I'll give you your justice</i></b>

22:33.190 --> 22:35.760
<b><i>Before you destroy and get destroyed</i></b>

22:35.760 --> 22:39.500
<b><i>Pay karma's price, and let's go together</i></b>

22:39.500 --> 22:46.430
<b><i>Monster without a name</i></b>

22:46.920 --> 22:50.970
<b>A world where humans' state of mind and the tendency of their
personalities can be quantified. While all sorts of inclinations
are recorded and policed, these measured numbers
used to judge people's souls are commonly called "Psycho-Pass."

This story is fiction.
The names of all individuals and organizations that appear in the show
are fictitious and have no relation to those in existence in the real world.</b>