00:26.880 --> 00:29.480
Good morning!
00:29.480 --> 00:32.210
It's 8:15 on November 5th!
00:32.210 --> 00:36.090
Ms. Akane Tsunemori's Psycho-Pass
Hue this morning is powder blue!
00:36.090 --> 00:39.890
Have a wonderful day
with that healthy mind of yours!
00:54.670 --> 00:56.500
Ahh... I messed up...
00:57.470 --> 01:08.450
My head is overflowing with thoughts
I can't allow anyone to know about
01:08.450 --> 01:17.120
I've strayed into a world void of even mistakes
01:24.800 --> 01:27.540
It's being rubbed in so deep it's hard to believe
01:27.540 --> 01:31.640
This "world" that holds
only what the eye can see
01:31.640 --> 01:34.180
Can I flush out the truth?
01:34.180 --> 01:38.810
Plastic Tac Tic,
no one can go crazy anymore
01:38.810 --> 01:41.880
You, too, are in a plastic beautiful world
01:41.880 --> 01:52.360
In a world with too much beauty,
for some reason I can't see the light
01:52.360 --> 02:03.010
My bursting heart is an eternal reflection
02:03.010 --> 02:08.980
Secret remains for you
02:08.980 --> 02:19.360
Don't expose these false colors and futures
02:19.360 --> 02:23.850
fake's plastic world
keep it secret motion
02:28.700 --> 02:31.730
I'm not on the day shift today... right?
02:31.730 --> 02:35.170
You're meeting up with Ms. Yuki
Funahara and Ms. Kaori Minase
02:35.170 --> 02:37.440
at Akebonobashi Station at 1100.
02:37.440 --> 02:42.380
At 14:30, you start second shift
duty at the Public Safety Bureau.
02:42.380 --> 02:44.900
Oh, that's right...
02:45.580 --> 02:48.020
What's your room preference today?
02:48.020 --> 02:50.590
Victor Horta's Hotel Tassel.
02:50.590 --> 02:53.380
Okay! I'll use the library as reference!
02:55.120 --> 02:57.680
#02: Those Capable
03:06.440 --> 03:10.770
Your dietary intake yesterday
was a total of 2200 kilocalories.
03:10.770 --> 03:15.610
The proper amount for today's
breakfast is 240 kilocalories.
03:15.610 --> 03:19.280
I'll have a 200-kilocalorie
Chinese-flavored breakfast.
03:19.280 --> 03:20.710
03:28.090 --> 03:30.660
It was my very first day on the job...
03:30.660 --> 03:34.960
Why'd I have to? Gimme a break...
03:46.010 --> 03:49.180
Today's weather is cloudy
followed by sunny skies.
03:49.180 --> 03:51.910
The chance of precipitation is 0 percent.
03:51.910 --> 03:55.680
The anticipated group stress
in Shinjuku Ward is Level 3.
03:55.680 --> 03:59.520
I recommend you take a supplement
to prevent mental contamination.
04:23.110 --> 04:25.100
I guess this is okay.
04:25.710 --> 04:27.350
Well then, see you later.
04:27.350 --> 04:30.340
Take care!
04:38.530 --> 04:42.030
So... you messed up, huh?
04:42.030 --> 04:45.670
Yeah... though since
I work for the MWPSB,
04:45.670 --> 04:47.970
I can't give you the details.
04:47.970 --> 04:50.070
I don't know much about these things,
04:50.070 --> 04:54.310
but what you did wasn't in
violation of your duties, right?
04:54.310 --> 04:55.810
Well, yeah.
04:55.810 --> 04:58.250
Then, you don't
have to worry about it, right?
04:58.250 --> 05:00.850
Besides, your Psycho-Pass
isn't that clouded, either.
05:00.850 --> 05:03.720
Isn't it actually that you're
not really bothered by it?
05:03.720 --> 05:08.220
Oh, don't be mean!
I couldn't sleep at all last night.
05:08.220 --> 05:10.930
To think that the Hue Check
shows a clear color for you
05:10.930 --> 05:14.230
even when you were so distressed...
05:14.230 --> 05:16.830
You don't give yourself
much psychological care,
05:16.830 --> 05:18.930
and yet, you're such a mental beauty.
05:18.930 --> 05:22.000
How can you stay so healthy?
05:22.000 --> 05:25.740
Well... I wonder if I'm thick-skinned...
05:27.280 --> 05:29.550
God is really unfair.
05:29.550 --> 05:30.940
05:31.710 --> 05:36.420
I-In any case... it's not that
I doubt the Sibyl System,
05:36.420 --> 05:40.010
but I wonder if a career at the
Public Safety Bureau is really for me.
05:41.190 --> 05:43.630
Argh! That's a problem you're lucky to have!
05:43.630 --> 05:47.360
I know you're ditzy, but still,
I can't believe you'd say that!
05:48.930 --> 05:51.770
To start with, it was indicated
that you have an aptitude for jobs
05:51.770 --> 05:54.200
at the Ministry of Economy
and the Ministry of Technology,
05:54.200 --> 05:57.870
and yet, you rejected them all and
picked the Public Safety Bureau, right?
05:57.870 --> 06:01.410
I could only get C rankings.
06:01.410 --> 06:05.110
What's the problem?
You're good at blue-collar work.
06:05.110 --> 06:09.890
I'm a systems engineer. I'm always
having trouble with stiff shoulders.
06:09.890 --> 06:15.420
Akane, you were an honor student
who scored 700 points in the last exam.
06:15.420 --> 06:18.830
Any job should be a piece
of cake for you, right?
06:24.300 --> 06:27.170
Sorry. We teased you too much.
06:27.170 --> 06:31.740
But I think you're
capable of pulling off that job.
06:31.740 --> 06:34.910
It's not just because of
the aptitude the System indicated.
06:34.910 --> 06:37.080
My intuition as your friend says so, too.
06:37.080 --> 06:39.980
"What needs to be done is
done by those capable of doing it.
06:39.980 --> 06:43.980
Such is the grace bestowed
upon mankind by Sibyl."
06:45.620 --> 06:47.490
Just kidding.
07:47.320 --> 07:51.580
Excuse me! Is Analyst
Shion Karanomori here?
07:53.320 --> 07:56.310
Yeah, that's me. Who are you?
08:00.330 --> 08:04.700
I'm Akane Tsunemori. I've been
assigned to the CID as of yesterday!
08:04.700 --> 08:09.710
Oh! You're the new Inspector
who shot Shinya, aren't you?!
08:09.710 --> 08:14.040
Wow... You're a lot cuter than I thought.
08:14.040 --> 08:17.510
That cute face of yours hides
how daring you can be, though.
08:17.510 --> 08:21.880
What happened? Did Shinya grab
your butt or something?
08:21.880 --> 08:27.360
No. Well... I was told I should come
to you to find out how Mr. Kogami is doing.
08:27.360 --> 08:30.260
Oh, that.
08:30.260 --> 08:33.530
While I do have a physician's license,
can you believe the government would
08:33.530 --> 08:36.770
actually delegate employee health care
to the Analysis Lab just because of that?
08:36.770 --> 08:39.870
Sure, I'm a latent criminal, too.
08:39.870 --> 08:42.370
But that doesn't mean
they can just slave drive me
08:42.370 --> 08:44.370
as much as they want, right?
08:44.370 --> 08:45.970
08:45.970 --> 08:49.270
Let's see... Akane, was it?
08:51.110 --> 08:54.580
If you're an Inspector, that means you're
on the fast track at the MWPSB, right?
08:54.580 --> 08:58.820
Hurry up and become a high-ranking
official so you can reform the system.
08:58.820 --> 09:03.760
You can start by furnishing a swimming
pool and a bar lounge at the CID.
09:03.760 --> 09:04.730
I'm counting on you!
09:04.730 --> 09:09.060
Uhm, well... how's
Mr. Kogami's treatment going?
09:09.060 --> 09:11.060
Oh, that's right.
09:15.300 --> 09:20.440
Well, you got a solid
direct hit on his spinal cord,
09:20.440 --> 09:25.450
so he isn't in good shape yet.
Things like standing and talking are still...
09:25.450 --> 09:28.680
Joining him in bed,
of course, isn't possible, either.
09:33.320 --> 09:37.860
If you just want to peek in
on him, though, that'd be okay.
09:37.860 --> 09:39.430
What do you wanna do?
09:39.430 --> 09:42.460
W-Well, I don't want to bother him, then.
09:42.460 --> 09:46.770
If he rests today,
the aftereffects should go away.
09:46.770 --> 09:49.170
Come back tomorrow morning.
09:50.610 --> 09:52.010
10:25.040 --> 10:26.470
10:27.380 --> 10:27.980
10:27.980 --> 10:29.380
10:29.910 --> 10:33.320
Excuse me, are there any other tablets?
10:33.320 --> 10:38.520
Enforcer Kogami is
using the spare equipment.
10:38.520 --> 10:42.320
But, uhm... Mr. Kogami is...
10:42.320 --> 10:45.490
...undergoing treatment
after being shot by the Paralyzer.
10:45.490 --> 10:48.700
Ow! Ouch...
10:48.700 --> 10:50.100
10:51.830 --> 10:53.270
Use this.
10:53.270 --> 10:54.840
10:54.840 --> 10:57.340
Sorry for getting in late.
10:57.340 --> 11:00.740
Oh? You're on duty tonight, young lady?
11:00.740 --> 11:02.210
Ah, yes.
11:02.210 --> 11:05.350
It must be tough after
what happened yesterday.
11:05.350 --> 11:08.340
Well, let's hope that it'll
be a peaceful day today and...
11:09.420 --> 11:12.190
This is an elevated
Area Stress Level warning!
11:12.190 --> 11:15.590
Inside Iko Gryce Hill in Adachi Ward,
11:15.590 --> 11:18.630
a Psycho-Pass above the
regulation value has been detected.
11:18.630 --> 11:23.730
Inspector on duty, please go straight
to the site with Enforcers immediately.
11:23.730 --> 11:26.260
Just when we were talking
about having a peaceful day...
11:27.370 --> 11:31.240
Well, our shift just ended, so... good luck.
11:31.240 --> 11:34.040
Would you like me to cover for Kogami?
11:34.040 --> 11:36.810
Well, that won't be necessary.
11:36.810 --> 11:39.780
Now, let's get going, Ms. Inspector.
11:42.720 --> 11:44.120
11:54.230 --> 11:55.900
Drones have been watching
11:55.900 --> 11:58.970
the entrances to the mall
since the warning was triggered.
11:58.970 --> 12:02.070
They haven't caught anyone.
12:02.070 --> 12:07.910
In other words, the very person who's
raising the Area Stress is still in the mall.
12:07.910 --> 12:10.280
Are we going to use Dominators?
12:10.280 --> 12:13.150
We'll have them delivered
to us as a precaution,
12:13.150 --> 12:16.080
but we probably won't have to use them.
12:16.080 --> 12:19.080
Well then, let's go, shall we?
12:31.930 --> 12:33.470
Is this uncomfortable for you?
12:33.470 --> 12:38.010
Your generation is used to
playing with holo-suits on, right?
12:38.010 --> 12:41.180
I feel a little uncomfortable
with my whole body being an Avatar.
12:41.180 --> 12:43.210
It's okay, so let me see.
12:43.210 --> 12:44.950
Oh, stop it.
12:44.950 --> 12:46.940
I won't stop it.
12:53.560 --> 12:58.730
Oh, that guy is the one. On the right,
he's hiding behind the front column.
12:58.730 --> 13:01.660
But... how can you tell
without even using a scanner?
13:01.660 --> 13:04.660
A beast can sniff
out another beast's smell.
13:09.370 --> 13:13.740
Excuse me. Could we please
measure your Psycho-Pass?
13:34.430 --> 13:37.000
Whoa... It's cloudy.
13:37.000 --> 13:40.340
My assessment is that
you require emergency therapy.
13:40.340 --> 13:42.570
Please come with me.
13:42.570 --> 13:46.270
What? Why? I haven't done anything yet...
13:49.440 --> 13:52.510
To think that you really
can identify latent criminals...
13:52.510 --> 13:57.750
You'll intuitively know at first glance
when someone's up to no good.
13:57.750 --> 14:00.420
Committing a crime or cracking down on one...
14:00.420 --> 14:04.690
Either way, they're talents
that deal with criminal behavior.
14:04.690 --> 14:09.060
That's why my Crime Coefficient
shows a crazy number.
14:10.730 --> 14:15.970
Because of that, I'm now treated as
a hunting dog who takes on dirty jobs.
14:15.970 --> 14:20.540
I was... useless.
14:20.540 --> 14:23.080
No, you were quite helpful.
14:23.080 --> 14:27.320
Enforcers can't walk around outside
without an accompanying Inspector.
14:27.320 --> 14:29.420
But that's...
14:29.420 --> 14:31.320
Like I said...
14:34.590 --> 14:37.930
After you bring Enforcers to the site,
all you need to do is watch them
14:37.930 --> 14:42.830
so that they won't slack off,
run away, or cause society trouble.
14:42.830 --> 14:44.970
That's all you need to do.
14:44.970 --> 14:48.800
In other words, you're telling
me not to do anything, right?
15:00.250 --> 15:03.850
Can I join you, Ms. Inspector?
15:03.850 --> 15:05.290
15:13.830 --> 15:16.770
I thought you were already off duty today.
15:16.770 --> 15:19.760
We, Enforcers, are prisoners, you know.
15:21.100 --> 15:23.670
Even when we're off duty,
there's nowhere else we can go
15:23.670 --> 15:26.610
besides the CID floor and our quarters.
15:26.610 --> 15:28.510
Well, sorry about earlier.
15:28.510 --> 15:31.550
I just got carried away.
15:31.550 --> 15:35.220
As you can see, all the women
who work here are scary, so...
15:35.220 --> 15:40.290
I'm so glad that a cute girl
like you joined the CID, Akane.
15:40.290 --> 15:43.060
Oh, can I call you Akane?
15:43.060 --> 15:44.690
Yeah, sure.
15:45.390 --> 15:51.530
At any rate, MWPSB Inspector?
What a crazy place you chose to work for.
15:51.530 --> 15:53.360
Why here?
15:55.470 --> 15:58.510
Do you think I'm not suited for it?
15:58.510 --> 16:03.880
After what happened yesterday,
anyone would probably think that way.
16:03.880 --> 16:06.580
Sibyl's Judgment of my job aptitude
16:06.580 --> 16:09.650
exceeded the MWPSB's
employment standards, so...
16:09.650 --> 16:12.190
That's the thing I don't get.
16:12.190 --> 16:14.520
If you passed the MWPSB's standards,
16:14.520 --> 16:18.230
you must've gotten a good
ranking for other places too, right?
16:18.230 --> 16:20.700
Couldn't you pick a different job?
16:20.700 --> 16:22.090
16:22.700 --> 16:28.240
I got an A ranking for all thirteen ministries
and agencies, and six companies.
16:28.240 --> 16:30.670
What?! S-Seriously?
16:30.670 --> 16:32.710
Yeah. But...
16:32.710 --> 16:35.740
...for all the other jobs, there were
at least one or two people besides me
16:35.740 --> 16:39.050
that got the same ranking.
16:39.050 --> 16:42.520
I was the only one who
got an A ranking for the MWPSB.
16:42.520 --> 16:47.220
There were more than 500
students and I was the only one.
16:47.220 --> 16:53.060
So I thought that there must be some
work that only I could do at the MWPSB.
16:53.060 --> 16:56.770
If I went there,
I thought I could find my real life...
16:56.770 --> 17:00.360
I thought I should be able to find
out why I was born here and now!
17:01.770 --> 17:04.710
Do you think I'm wrong?
17:04.710 --> 17:08.710
I don't know. What makes you think
that someone like me would know?
17:08.710 --> 17:10.710
You could've become anything.
17:10.710 --> 17:13.550
You could've chosen any kind of life.
17:13.550 --> 17:15.920
You even agonized over it, right?
17:15.920 --> 17:20.590
That's incredible. You're just like those
old people before Sibyl was created.
17:20.590 --> 17:23.890
Nowadays, the Sibyl System reads your talent
17:23.890 --> 17:29.000
and tells you the way of living
that will bring you the most happiness.
17:29.000 --> 17:32.230
And yet, you're talking about your
real life? The reason you were born?
17:32.230 --> 17:37.240
I never even thought there were
people who stressed over things like that!
17:37.240 --> 17:40.610
I was flagged in a Psycho-Pass
test when I was five.
17:40.610 --> 17:43.180
I've been a latent criminal ever since.
17:43.180 --> 17:48.280
No possibility for rehabilitation through
treatment. That's why I'm here now.
17:48.280 --> 17:51.850
Becoming one of the MWPSB's hunting
dogs and taking on assassination jobs
17:51.850 --> 17:55.080
is better than spending my
entire life in an isolation facility...
17:56.520 --> 17:59.360
That was the only choice I had, so...
17:59.360 --> 18:03.420
I wasn't going to be mean to you or anything,
18:05.770 --> 18:10.640
but I changed my mind. So I'll ask you again.
18:10.640 --> 18:14.270
Why did you become an Inspector?
18:29.390 --> 18:31.290
I'm very sorry!
18:31.290 --> 18:35.730
It's rare to see an Inspector
who would apologize to an Enforcer.
18:35.730 --> 18:37.970
I guess you're angry, right?
18:37.970 --> 18:42.130
That was your decision.
I have no right to complain.
18:44.470 --> 18:47.710
Was my decision wrong?
18:47.710 --> 18:52.670
Did I just stand in everyone's way
and put them in danger?
18:57.250 --> 19:00.490
I've been an Enforcer for a long time.
19:00.490 --> 19:04.160
The hunting dogs' behavior of
following orders to take down prey
19:04.160 --> 19:10.830
with neither hesitation nor
doubt is engrained in my hands.
19:10.830 --> 19:15.540
Obeying what that gun said,
I've shot many latent criminals.
19:15.540 --> 19:18.210
It was for the best for this society.
19:18.210 --> 19:21.010
I accepted such convenient
logic without questioning it,
19:21.010 --> 19:24.250
and at some point,
I even stopped thinking about it.
19:24.250 --> 19:28.180
I even forgot to look back and
see what I was doing.
19:30.190 --> 19:31.950
It's foolish.
19:31.950 --> 19:34.860
Being a detective isn't
about bringing someone down...
19:34.860 --> 19:37.690
...rather, it should be about protecting someone.
19:38.930 --> 19:40.430
Mr. Kogami...
19:40.430 --> 19:44.100
You decided what was right on your own.
19:44.100 --> 19:47.090
You were able to
put justice before your duty.
19:49.140 --> 19:54.630
Under a boss like that, I may be able
to work as a detective, not just a dog.
20:00.150 --> 20:02.380
Thank you very much!
20:02.380 --> 20:05.610
It's also rare to see an Inspector
who would thank an Enforcer.
20:07.220 --> 20:10.490
If you had more time to think about it calmly,
20:10.490 --> 20:15.130
you would've tried not to shoot her, too, right?
20:15.130 --> 20:17.000
I don't know.
20:17.000 --> 20:22.140
I didn't hesitate at the time.
I thought I'd die if I hesitated.
20:22.140 --> 20:24.770
I thought, "I don't want
to die in a place like this.
20:24.770 --> 20:28.640
I cannot die here no matter what!"
20:28.640 --> 20:31.810
That one thought consumed me.
20:31.810 --> 20:34.250
I have unfinished business to take care of.
20:34.250 --> 20:38.250
There's something I have
to settle no matter what!
20:38.250 --> 20:39.850
Mr. Kogami!
20:52.100 --> 20:56.640
So, you're saying that you
made the right decision at the time?
20:56.640 --> 21:00.340
Is that your conclusion, Inspector Tsunemori?
21:00.340 --> 21:04.980
Yes. The rise of her
Crime Coefficient was temporary.
21:04.980 --> 21:08.550
In fact, the therapy she's receiving after
being taken into custody is going well,
21:08.550 --> 21:11.620
and her Psycho-Pass is recovering.
21:11.620 --> 21:14.990
Kogami, is there anything you want to say?
21:14.990 --> 21:19.230
No. Inspector Tsunemori fulfilled her duty.
21:19.230 --> 21:19.990
That's all.
21:19.990 --> 21:20.820
That's all.
21:36.480 --> 21:47.160
Looks like the fairy tale died a moment ago
21:47.160 --> 21:57.770
In a hospital ward made of bricks,
I found it hard to sing
21:57.770 --> 22:08.440
Red moon, come out on this foggy night
22:08.440 --> 22:17.780
Now look at me, don't avert your gaze
22:19.790 --> 22:25.130
I was born behind black iron bars
22:25.130 --> 22:27.430
Wish for payback for the evil done
22:27.430 --> 22:33.130
As you wish, I'll give you your justice
22:33.130 --> 22:35.870
Before you destroy and get destroyed
22:35.870 --> 22:39.440
Pay karma's price, and let's go together
22:39.440 --> 22:46.240
Monster without a name
22:46.590 --> 22:50.680
A world where humans' state of mind and the tendency of their
personalities can be quantified. While all sorts of inclinations
are recorded and policed, these measured numbers
used to judge people's souls are commonly called "Psycho-Pass."
This story is fiction.
The names of all individuals and organizations that appear in the show
are fictitious and have no relation to those in existence in the real world.