WEBVTT 00:58.900 --> 01:09.880 <b><i>My head is overflowing with thoughts</i> <i>I can't allow anyone to know about</i></b> 01:09.880 --> 01:18.550 <b><i>I've strayed into a world void of even mistakes</i></b> 01:26.230 --> 01:28.960 <b><i>It's being rubbed in so deep it's hard to believe</i></b> 01:28.960 --> 01:33.070 <b><i>This "world" that holds</i> <i>only what the eye can see</i></b> 01:33.070 --> 01:35.600 <b><i>Can I flush out the truth?</i></b> 01:35.600 --> 01:40.240 <b><i>Plastic Tac Tic,</i> <i>no one can go crazy anymore</i></b> 01:40.240 --> 01:43.310 <b><i>You, too, are in a plastic beautiful world</i></b> 01:43.310 --> 01:53.790 <b><i>In a world with too much beauty,</i> <i>for some reason I can't see the light</i></b> 01:53.790 --> 02:04.430 <b><i>My bursting heart is an eternal reflection</i></b> 02:04.430 --> 02:10.370 <b><i>Secret remains for you</i></b> 02:10.370 --> 02:20.780 <b><i>Don't expose these false colors and futures</i></b> 02:20.780 --> 02:25.280 <b><i>fake's plastic world</i> <i>keep it secret motion</i></b> 02:30.490 --> 02:33.630 <b>The victim is Daisuke Shioyama, twenty-seven years old.</b> 02:33.630 --> 02:35.900 <b>He worked at the Hachioji Drone factory.</b> 02:35.900 --> 02:39.030 <b>His body was found at precisely 4 AM.</b> 02:39.030 --> 02:42.910 <b>They said he was dismembered by a Drone he was testing.</b> 02:42.910 --> 02:45.470 <b>Do you think... it was an accident?</b> 02:45.470 --> 02:51.180 <b>I heard that this is already the third casualty in the past year at this factory.</b> 02:51.180 --> 02:53.010 <b>It's clearly unusual.</b> 02:53.820 --> 02:56.550 <b>The body was found in the Drones' behavior inspection section,</b> 02:56.550 --> 03:01.660 <b>the only manned area in the completely automated production line.</b> 03:01.660 --> 03:05.930 <b>About fifty debuggers are there around the clock.</b> 03:05.930 --> 03:08.430 <b>Is that a live-in job?</b> 03:08.430 --> 03:10.570 <b>If over 1000 Drones...</b> 03:10.570 --> 03:14.000 <b>...need to be evaluated and verified by that few people every month,</b> 03:14.000 --> 03:16.770 <b>they have no choice but to work around the clock.</b> 03:16.770 --> 03:21.080 <b>If you install a program that induces a malfunction in a Drone before it's tested,</b> 03:21.080 --> 03:24.580 <b>there's a good chance you can make it look like an accident.</b> 03:24.580 --> 03:26.250 <b>Which means...</b> 03:26.250 --> 03:28.680 <b>It's possible that this is a murder case.</b> 03:29.720 --> 03:36.230 <b>But if there are only fifty people, if we check everyone's Crime Coefficient...</b> 03:36.230 --> 03:38.960 <b>Well, it's not that simple.</b> 03:39.760 --> 03:42.890 <b>#03: Rearing Conventions</b> 03:53.210 --> 03:54.740 <b>Inspector Ginoza...</b> 03:54.740 --> 03:55.580 <b>What is it?</b> 03:55.580 --> 04:00.610 <b>I feel like I'll be able to get along well with the Enforcers.</b> 04:01.320 --> 04:05.050 <b>Do you mean get along with them as colleagues?</b> 04:05.050 --> 04:09.460 <b>Or do you mean as their handler?</b> 04:10.930 --> 04:13.060 <b>They say that fools learn from their experiences,</b> 04:13.060 --> 04:15.930 <b>while the wise learn from history.</b> 04:15.930 --> 04:18.230 <b>I hope you're not a fool.</b> 04:20.970 --> 04:22.960 <b>Welcome, detectives.</b> 04:26.240 --> 04:28.080 <b>I'd like to see where it happened.</b> 04:28.080 --> 04:31.070 <b>Of course. I'll show you the way.</b> 04:35.150 --> 04:39.960 <b>We do a safety check, as well as a test run, here after the Drones are built.</b> 04:39.960 --> 04:42.760 <b>We depend on machines for all the other processes,</b> 04:42.760 --> 04:46.930 <b>but the final check still needs to be done by humans, just as it's always been.</b> 04:46.930 --> 04:49.330 <b>As you can see, it's dangerous work.</b> 04:49.330 --> 04:53.270 <b>Isn't it quite tough on debuggers?</b> 04:53.270 --> 04:55.270 <b>Yes, it is.</b> 04:55.270 --> 04:57.610 <b>In fact, there aren't many ways to deal with stress here,</b> 04:57.610 --> 04:59.270 <b>unlike in the outside world.</b> 04:59.270 --> 05:03.710 <b>Since you can't connect to the net, there aren't many diversions, so...</b> 05:03.710 --> 05:06.480 <b>Is this place offline?</b> 05:06.480 --> 05:09.620 <b>We aren't wired for it,</b> 05:09.620 --> 05:13.160 <b>and this building itself is an anechoic chamber.</b> 05:13.160 --> 05:17.530 <b>So there's no way to access outside communications networks here.</b> 05:17.530 --> 05:21.620 <b>This is the most efficient security system against hacking.</b> 05:25.030 --> 05:29.330 <b>How horrifying... A totally isolated area, huh?</b> 05:32.970 --> 05:37.550 <b>The body has already been taken away by a Drone during the initial response.</b> 05:37.550 --> 05:40.380 <b>I was told that this is the record of that.</b> 05:47.490 --> 05:51.330 <b>So it was like his body was dissected by a Drone while he was still alive...</b> 05:51.330 --> 05:52.490 <b>Nasty...</b> 05:52.490 --> 05:56.530 <b>Did the victim, Mr. Shioyama, have anyone with a grudge against him?</b> 05:56.530 --> 05:59.840 <b>No, he didn't. He was an excellent worker.</b> 05:59.840 --> 06:03.170 <b>His Psycho-Pass showed no indication of problems.</b> 06:03.170 --> 06:05.510 <b>It must have been an accident.</b> 06:05.510 --> 06:10.610 <b>But this is the third incident. Don't you think it's happening too often?</b> 06:10.610 --> 06:15.520 <b>As I told you earlier, this is a dangerous work environment.</b> 06:15.520 --> 06:19.390 <b>If you have criticisms of our management, we're all ears,</b> 06:19.390 --> 06:24.430 <b>but please air those concerns through the appropriate channels.</b> 06:24.430 --> 06:27.360 <b>What about the inspection of the Drone that went out of control?</b> 06:27.360 --> 06:29.600 <b>I'm having it sent to headquarters.</b> 06:29.600 --> 06:32.430 <b>We'll just have to wait for Karanomori to complete her analysis,</b> 06:32.430 --> 06:35.370 <b>but I was told that its memory, including the backup, is gone.</b> 06:35.370 --> 06:38.460 <b>We probably shouldn't expect much.</b> 06:41.140 --> 06:45.080 <b>For now, head back to the car and forward this to headquarters.</b> 06:45.080 --> 06:48.950 <b>I need to talk to Chief Goda more.</b> 06:48.950 --> 06:50.380 <b>Okay.</b> 06:54.820 --> 06:59.260 <b>These are the Psycho-Passes for all the staff within this facility.</b> 06:59.260 --> 07:01.500 <b>This record contains the results of our detailed periodic checks</b> 07:01.500 --> 07:05.100 <b>along with the Hue Assessments by the scanners installed in the building.</b> 07:05.100 --> 07:06.500 <b>Thank you.</b> 07:08.340 --> 07:11.410 <b>You'll see for yourself when you check it,</b> 07:11.410 --> 07:16.480 <b>but no staff members continuously exceeded the regulation value.</b> 07:16.480 --> 07:20.520 <b>Even if you suspect murder, there's no suspect to be found.</b> 07:20.520 --> 07:25.350 <b>We won't know that until we analyze this data using the Sibyl System.</b> 07:25.350 --> 07:27.790 <b>That will take some time.</b> 07:27.790 --> 07:31.330 <b>But there's an easier way to check.</b> 07:31.330 --> 07:33.460 <b>Oh? Like?</b> 07:33.460 --> 07:35.600 <b>We can use our Dominators.</b> 07:35.600 --> 07:39.330 <b>Please have all the staff come outside the anechoic chamber</b> 07:39.330 --> 07:41.770 <b>and let us check them using our devices.</b> 07:41.770 --> 07:45.370 <b>But that'll disrupt our operations.</b> 07:45.370 --> 07:47.970 <b>This involves people's lives.</b> 07:50.610 --> 07:55.880 <b>If you submit evidence that Shioyama's case is a murder case,</b> 07:55.880 --> 07:58.790 <b>we will certainly cooperate with you.</b> 07:58.790 --> 08:02.290 <b>But as things stand, we have no choice but to consider this an accident.</b> 08:02.290 --> 08:07.160 <b>If you want to investigate our staff even to the point of disrupting production,</b> 08:07.160 --> 08:11.720 <b>please file a request with the Ministry of Economy first.</b> 08:20.740 --> 08:25.980 <b>I bet Nobuchika is trying to put some pressure on that chief by now.</b> 08:25.980 --> 08:27.980 <b>What a pain...</b> 08:27.980 --> 08:30.150 <b>What do you mean?</b> 08:30.150 --> 08:32.190 <b>You saw the documents, too, right?</b> 08:32.190 --> 08:36.360 <b>This is a government facility under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy.</b> 08:36.360 --> 08:39.930 <b>Government offices try to protect the profit within their territories.</b> 08:39.930 --> 08:45.170 <b>So they don't want anyone meddling and causing a drop in productivity.</b> 08:45.170 --> 08:47.770 <b>When someone's life was lost?</b> 08:47.770 --> 08:52.940 <b>That's exactly why they want to settle it as an accident as soon as possible.</b> 08:52.940 --> 08:58.550 <b>But their scanner hasn't actually detected anyone dangerous, right?</b> 08:58.550 --> 09:01.350 <b>Well, who knows...</b> 09:01.350 --> 09:03.920 <b>At best, what the installed scanners can measure is</b> 09:03.920 --> 09:08.190 <b>a person's stress patterns by performing a Hue Assessment.</b> 09:08.190 --> 09:12.190 <b>If you are to compute a person's mental state based on the cymatic scan data</b> 09:12.190 --> 09:16.060 <b>and check their job aptitude and Crime Coefficient,</b> 09:16.060 --> 09:19.470 <b>it'll require an analysis by the Sibyl System.</b> 09:19.470 --> 09:21.870 <b>There's always a waiting line for Sibyl's analysis.</b> 09:21.870 --> 09:24.310 <b>But no matter what tasks are waiting,</b> 09:24.310 --> 09:28.610 <b>our Dominators can cut into that line and request an analysis.</b> 09:28.610 --> 09:30.880 <b>That's why they can lay bare a person's mind with no time lag</b> 09:30.880 --> 09:34.820 <b>as soon as you point the gun at them.</b> 09:34.820 --> 09:36.250 <b>But...</b> 09:40.560 --> 09:42.550 <b>Hold it in your hand.</b> 09:46.130 --> 09:50.270 <b>User authentication, Inspector Akane Tsunemori.</b> 09:50.270 --> 09:53.500 <b>Dominator usage approval confirmed.</b> 09:53.500 --> 09:57.670 <b>Communication error. System link cannot be established.</b> 09:59.510 --> 10:02.280 <b>Since all kinds of radio waves are blocked,</b> 10:02.280 --> 10:06.580 <b>we can't receive support from the Sibyl System within this facility.</b> 10:06.580 --> 10:09.650 <b>When that's the case, Dominators are basically just scrap iron.</b> 10:09.650 --> 10:12.690 <b>It's nothing but a glorified paperweight.</b> 10:12.690 --> 10:15.190 <b>I wonder what the chances are...</b> 10:15.190 --> 10:17.460 <b>You mean the possibility that the death was an accident?</b> 10:17.460 --> 10:20.630 <b>Ha! It was hard not to laugh.</b> 10:20.630 --> 10:22.330 <b>No kidding.</b> 10:22.330 --> 10:26.100 <b>If your intuition didn't tell you when you saw that place, you aren't a detective.</b> 10:26.100 --> 10:29.340 <b>I'm sure all the Enforcers had a gut feeling.</b> 10:29.340 --> 10:31.340 <b>That was a murder. A murder.</b> 10:31.340 --> 10:33.610 <b>I wonder what the motive was.</b> 10:33.610 --> 10:37.380 <b>Based on the victim's condition, my intuition tells me that...</b> 10:37.380 --> 10:38.940 <b>it was a grudge.</b> 10:42.450 --> 10:45.220 <b>At any rate, this is such an unpleasant workplace.</b> 10:45.220 --> 10:50.130 <b>To think that they're stuck in an offline environment in this day and age...</b> 10:50.130 --> 10:55.220 <b>But the Psycho-Pass Hues for the workers here are rather stable.</b> 10:56.300 --> 10:58.630 <b>No matter where you are, people find a way to entertain themselves.</b> 10:58.630 --> 11:03.000 <b>How's it going? Did you find anything suspicious?</b> 11:03.000 --> 11:06.000 <b>No. The data you gave us showed nothing out of the ordinary.</b> 11:09.210 --> 11:11.150 <b>Hey, yellow-green.</b> 11:11.150 --> 11:15.140 <b>Are you going to have lunch in your fancy private room again today?</b> 11:18.220 --> 11:20.690 <b>What is that? That's terrible!</b> 11:20.690 --> 11:23.890 <b>Oh, that. It's okay to leave them be.</b> 11:23.890 --> 11:24.660 <b>Huh?</b> 11:24.660 --> 11:26.680 <b>These things happen often.</b> 11:27.760 --> 11:31.570 <b>Since this is an environment with few diversions,</b> 11:31.570 --> 11:35.740 <b>we need a person to be in that position.</b> 11:35.740 --> 11:37.210 <b>But he is...</b> 11:37.210 --> 11:39.670 <b>If his Psycho-Pass gets so clouded that it's a problem,</b> 11:39.670 --> 11:41.940 <b>we'll assign him somewhere else right away.</b> 11:41.940 --> 11:46.940 <b>As I told you, we take great care to manage our staff's psychological state.</b> 11:48.520 --> 11:51.190 <b>He is helpful in his own way.</b> 11:51.190 --> 11:53.720 <b>Sibyl might've recommended this workplace to him</b> 11:53.720 --> 11:57.460 <b>because he's suited for that kind of role.</b> 11:57.460 --> 12:00.100 <b>And someone like you, who can laugh and overlook it,</b> 12:00.100 --> 12:03.360 <b>is suited to run this place.</b> 12:03.360 --> 12:06.060 <b>What a blessing the Sibyl System is, huh?</b> 12:13.810 --> 12:15.640 <b>Are you okay?</b> 12:19.880 --> 12:21.780 <b>Th-Thank you.</b> 12:28.960 --> 12:31.390 <b>If what that chief guy said is true,</b> 12:31.390 --> 12:35.430 <b>there's always one person whose Hue Check gets worse over time.</b> 12:35.430 --> 12:39.670 <b>And this person is later transferred to somewhere else without exception.</b> 12:39.670 --> 12:43.140 <b>However, no one has been reassigned for the past year.</b> 12:43.140 --> 12:47.610 <b>The deaths started happening a year ago, right?</b> 12:47.610 --> 12:52.780 <b>For the past year, the same person has been the target of bullying.</b> 12:52.780 --> 12:55.250 <b>The data clearly indicates it.</b> 12:55.250 --> 12:57.320 <b>Other people's Psycho-Passes show clear colors,</b> 12:57.320 --> 13:00.620 <b>but there's one person whose Psycho-Pass is clouded.</b> 13:03.420 --> 13:08.100 <b>Ah! Yuji Kanehara. His Hue Assessment shows yellow-green.</b> 13:08.100 --> 13:11.000 <b>I see, that's why he was called "yellow-green."</b> 13:12.170 --> 13:17.310 <b>Seems like the Hue Assessment results are open to everyone here.</b> 13:17.310 --> 13:18.810 <b>This is crazy.</b> 13:18.810 --> 13:23.780 <b>But this guy's latest measurement shows an improved Hue.</b> 13:23.780 --> 13:26.880 <b>Rather, his Hue was the cloudiest...</b> 13:26.880 --> 13:29.610 <b>...on the day before Shioyama died.</b> 13:33.020 --> 13:35.820 <b>Can't be... That doesn't make sense.</b> 13:35.820 --> 13:40.130 <b>A person's Psycho-Pass would improve after killing someone?</b> 13:40.130 --> 13:46.230 <b>Everyone else besides Kanehara is relieving their stress by hurting him.</b> 13:46.230 --> 13:48.740 <b>So there's no mystery there.</b> 13:48.740 --> 13:51.240 <b>Back in the days when we didn't have cymatic scans,</b> 13:51.240 --> 13:55.480 <b>something like this wasn't really uncommon.</b> 13:55.480 --> 13:57.050 <b>Get real!</b> 13:57.050 --> 13:59.580 <b>Is this that "detective's intuition" you always talk about again?</b> 13:59.580 --> 14:01.850 <b>You're just deluding yourself!</b> 14:01.850 --> 14:06.690 <b>It proves that latent criminals like you are the trash of society!</b> 14:08.760 --> 14:12.660 <b>We can't act on some speculation based on circumstantial evidence.</b> 14:12.660 --> 14:14.030 <b>Our job is...</b> 14:14.030 --> 14:20.340 <b>...to maintain an orderly society based on the Crime Coefficient judged by Sibyl.</b> 14:20.340 --> 14:24.510 <b>Maintain the kind of order where three people die within one year?</b> 14:24.510 --> 14:26.840 <b>Gino, let me do it.</b> 14:26.840 --> 14:28.710 <b>As to whether Kanehara is the one or not...</b> 14:28.710 --> 14:30.580 <b>I'll quickly obtain conclusive evidence and...</b> 14:30.580 --> 14:32.410 <b>Enough already!</b> 14:33.750 --> 14:36.580 <b>Mr. Ginoza, may I speak to you?</b> 14:39.190 --> 14:42.020 <b>I agree with them.</b> 14:42.020 --> 14:44.290 <b>If the alternative is for us to overlook a crime,</b> 14:44.290 --> 14:47.260 <b>I'd rather want to try Mr. Kogami's plan.</b> 14:47.260 --> 14:50.430 <b>Are you being serious?</b> 14:50.430 --> 14:53.200 <b>You're the one who's acting strange here!</b> 14:53.200 --> 14:56.190 <b>Did something happen between you and Mr. Masaoka?</b> 15:00.140 --> 15:04.440 <b>I... I can do a better job working with the Enforcers!</b> 15:11.120 --> 15:16.280 <b>I see. So you're going to take the fool's path.</b> 15:17.590 --> 15:20.090 <b>You may be new, but you're still an Inspector.</b> 15:20.090 --> 15:24.160 <b>If you think you can control the hunting dogs well, then you're welcome to try.</b> 15:25.500 --> 15:27.300 <b>Mr. Ginoza...</b> 15:27.300 --> 15:32.610 <b>You're a fool, so like a fool, you should try learning through experience.</b> 15:32.610 --> 15:35.970 <b>That's the fastest route to understanding things.</b> 15:37.750 --> 15:41.340 <b>Did something happen between Mr. Ginoza and Mr. Masaoka?</b> 15:43.520 --> 15:47.320 <b>Wait, Akane, don't tell me you seriously asked Gino that to his face?!</b> 15:47.320 --> 15:49.420 <b>You said something you shouldn't have.</b> 15:49.420 --> 15:50.660 <b>What?!</b> 15:50.660 --> 15:54.250 <b>So we have a total of 200m in communication cables, huh?</b> 15:55.600 --> 15:59.430 <b>The furthest they'll go is the elevator hall on the second floor.</b> 15:59.430 --> 16:02.670 <b>Can you bring Kanehara out there?</b> 16:02.670 --> 16:05.270 <b>I'll do my best.</b> 16:05.270 --> 16:09.300 <b>Uhm... you're just gonna talk to him, right?</b> 16:11.510 --> 16:12.950 <b>Yeah.</b> 16:22.460 --> 16:25.630 <b>So this is where you were, yellow-green!</b> 16:25.630 --> 16:28.360 <b>Does food taste better after killing someone?!</b> 16:28.360 --> 16:30.730 <b>Well?! Does it?!</b> 16:31.970 --> 16:36.970 <b>Shioyama, Asami, and Koriyama... You killed them all, didn't you?!</b> 16:36.970 --> 16:39.340 <b>Wh-Why are you saying that?</b> 16:39.340 --> 16:43.510 <b>As long as you confine yourself in here, we can't prove your crime.</b> 16:43.510 --> 16:47.180 <b>But, I don't like you!</b> 16:47.180 --> 16:52.020 <b>We, Enforcers, like to push around other latent criminals.</b> 16:52.020 --> 16:58.030 <b>So we'll keep you stuck in this factory so that you have nowhere to escape to.</b> 16:58.030 --> 17:00.530 <b>We're gonna spread the word on the net right away</b> 17:00.530 --> 17:04.060 <b>that Yuji Kanehara is a killer whose Psycho-Pass is clouded.</b> 17:05.500 --> 17:06.900 <b>D-Don't!</b> 17:06.900 --> 17:11.240 <b>Oops. This place is out of service range. Oh well.</b> 17:11.240 --> 17:13.840 <b>I'm just gonna head out to the entrance for a bit.</b> 17:13.840 --> 17:18.010 <b>You can just sit there on your hands and knees trembling...</b> 17:18.010 --> 17:21.280 <b>...and wait for your own life to be ruined!</b> 17:28.690 --> 17:31.130 <b>Wh-What're you doing?!</b> 17:31.130 --> 17:32.690 <b>Mr. Kogami!</b> 17:32.690 --> 17:37.030 <b>Now we'll know for sure if Kanehara is someone who can kill people.</b> 17:37.030 --> 17:40.400 <b>He doesn't have time to prepare things in advance.</b> 17:40.400 --> 17:45.040 <b>If he wants to kill me right away, he'll use the same MO he used before.</b> 17:45.040 --> 17:46.940 <b>When he does, we can prove his crime.</b> 17:46.940 --> 17:48.910 <b>Th-That's crazy!</b> 17:58.150 --> 18:03.560 <b>If he's innocent, we'll be able to reach outside without any problem.</b> 18:03.560 --> 18:06.060 <b>In that case, it's still a happy ending.</b> 18:06.060 --> 18:08.760 <b>Inspector... which would you bet on?</b> 18:08.760 --> 18:10.160 <b>That's...</b> 18:14.240 --> 18:15.940 <b>It's you guys' fault.</b> 18:15.940 --> 18:18.770 <b>There's our answer, Inspector.</b> 18:18.770 --> 18:23.180 <b>Once you're gone, my Hue can become clean!</b> 18:25.410 --> 18:26.810 <b>Run!</b> 18:30.590 --> 18:33.860 <b>I won't let you get away. I'll never let you get away.</b> 18:33.860 --> 18:36.290 <b>I'll kill you right here right now!</b> 18:50.440 --> 18:52.030 <b>Dammit!</b> 19:07.320 --> 19:10.960 <b>Why... Why did you do such a reckless thing?!</b> 19:10.960 --> 19:14.130 <b>This is about finding the truth behind people's lives and deaths!</b> 19:14.130 --> 19:19.230 <b>If we want to uncover it, we naturally have to risk our lives!</b> 19:22.640 --> 19:24.970 <b>Better speed it up! We're not gonna make it!</b> 19:24.970 --> 19:27.670 <b>You don't have to tell me! I know that!</b> 19:31.480 --> 19:32.650 <b>This is the place.</b> 19:32.650 --> 19:37.480 <b>He's in the act of committing a crime, so we should request assistance and...</b> 19:53.170 --> 19:56.430 <b>Suppression System, online.</b> 19:58.040 --> 19:59.440 <b>Kogami!</b> 20:04.010 --> 20:05.350 <b>You bastards!</b> 20:05.350 --> 20:08.610 <b>User authentication, Enforcer Shinya Kogami.</b> 20:18.430 --> 20:22.290 <b>Crime Coefficient is 265. He is a target for enforcement action.</b> 20:36.140 --> 20:37.040 <b>Mr. Kogami!</b> 20:37.040 --> 20:40.880 <b>Target's Threat Judgment has been updated.</b> 20:40.880 --> 20:44.210 <b>Enforcement mode is Destroy Decomposer.</b> 20:45.620 --> 20:48.460 <b>Target will be completely eliminated.</b> 20:48.460 --> 20:50.080 <b>Please be careful.</b> 20:59.300 --> 21:01.130 <b>Hey, Ko!</b> 21:12.610 --> 21:16.520 <b>As always, the Dominators kick ass when they get serious.</b> 21:24.090 --> 21:27.930 <b>He said that he wants to be a detective rather than a hunting dog.</b> 21:27.930 --> 21:31.430 <b>But the look in his eyes...</b> 21:31.430 --> 21:33.830 <b>...was unmistakably...</b> 21:33.830 --> 21:36.800 <b>...that of a carnivore who had cornered his prey.</b> 21:36.870 --> 21:47.620 <b><i>Looks like the fairy tale died a moment ago</i></b> 21:47.620 --> 21:58.230 <b><i>In a hospital ward made of bricks,</i> <i>I found it hard to sing</i></b> 21:58.230 --> 22:08.870 <b><i>Red moon, come out on this foggy night</i></b> 22:08.870 --> 22:20.250 <b><i>Now look at me, don't avert your gaze</i></b> 22:20.250 --> 22:25.590 <b><i>I was born behind black iron bars</i></b> 22:25.590 --> 22:27.890 <b><i>Wish for payback for the evil done</i></b> 22:27.890 --> 22:33.590 <b><i>As you wish, I'll give you your justice</i></b> 22:33.590 --> 22:36.260 <b><i>Before you destroy and get destroyed</i></b> 22:36.260 --> 22:39.430 <b><i>Pay karma's price, and let's go together</i></b> 22:39.430 --> 22:46.570 <b><i>Monster without a name</i></b> 22:47.050 --> 22:51.010 <b>A world where humans' state of mind and the tendency of their personalities can be quantified. While all sorts of inclinations are recorded and policed, these measured numbers used to judge people's souls are commonly called "Psycho-Pass." This story is fiction. The names of all individuals and organizations that appear in the show are fictitious and have no relation to those in existence in the real world.</b>