00:12.713 --> 00:14.748
[wind whooshing]
00:22.089 --> 00:24.124
[wood creaking]
00:30.230 --> 00:32.265
[metal squeaking]
01:24.518 --> 01:26.553
[wood creaking]
01:48.375 --> 01:50.710
- [door opens]
- [pilot] Captain.
01:52.245 --> 01:55.182
I was unable to take
any celestial destinations
01:55.182 --> 01:57.685
- due to...
- The clouds.
01:57.685 --> 01:59.619
Yes, the clouds.
02:01.588 --> 02:05.559
However, white sand
02:05.559 --> 02:08.061
by the mark ten.
02:09.363 --> 02:11.799
Ten fathoms.
White sand in the tallow.
02:11.799 --> 02:15.102
You see what you want to see.
02:15.102 --> 02:17.338
Well, the son of a bitch
Spaniard's rutter was right
02:17.338 --> 02:18.505
- about Magellan's Pass,
was it not?
- Oh, give it here.
02:18.505 --> 02:20.274
The cursed bastard thing
02:20.274 --> 02:22.375
is to be the death of us all.
02:25.712 --> 02:28.349
The time has come for you
to start making plans.
02:28.349 --> 02:31.051
You have no food.
02:31.051 --> 02:33.053
As of tonight, no water.
02:33.053 --> 02:34.755
We'll make land.
02:34.755 --> 02:36.357
[captain laughs]
02:36.357 --> 02:38.392
We'll make land.
02:38.392 --> 02:40.461
Goddamn English pilots.
02:40.461 --> 02:42.162
You never know when to give up.
02:42.162 --> 02:44.531
We'll reach the Japans.
02:44.531 --> 02:47.201
Japans. Listen to yourself.
That is the scurvy talking.
02:47.201 --> 02:49.603
We'll lay claim
to that dark land.
02:49.603 --> 02:52.072
Then it's back to Holland, rich,
02:52.072 --> 02:54.641
- having gone round the world.
- Eh.
02:56.677 --> 02:59.179
02:59.179 --> 03:02.082
No, Pilot.
03:02.082 --> 03:04.050
Not me.
03:05.385 --> 03:08.122
Five ships when we began.
03:08.122 --> 03:11.458
A crew of over 500.
03:11.458 --> 03:14.527
We are now barely
a single vessel.
03:15.595 --> 03:18.465
At my age, you draw your line.
03:28.375 --> 03:31.011
That would be a coward's
way out.
03:33.246 --> 03:35.416
The Erasmus remains home
to a dozen men
03:35.416 --> 03:38.619
- still looking to you.
- Looking to me for what?
03:38.619 --> 03:40.154
We cannot fulfill our mission.
03:40.154 --> 03:42.523
Don't you see, there is nothing!
03:42.523 --> 03:45.058
All right, there you have it.
03:48.562 --> 03:50.464
03:50.464 --> 03:55.236
Pilot, it's nothing to fear.
03:55.236 --> 03:57.738
It's a blessed release.
03:57.738 --> 04:01.475
It's like only a soft wind
in your face.
04:01.475 --> 04:04.044
Can you feel it?
04:04.044 --> 04:06.580
That is the breath
of the Almighty.
04:06.580 --> 04:09.549
He's calling us. Listen.
04:13.320 --> 04:15.155
He is calling us home.
04:15.155 --> 04:17.157
[door closes]
04:31.638 --> 04:33.574
04:33.574 --> 04:35.642
♪ ♪
04:59.700 --> 05:01.701
[villager singing in Japanese]
05:07.441 --> 05:11.044
- [bird squawking]
- [sheep bleating]
05:18.752 --> 05:20.787
[singing continues]
05:36.637 --> 05:38.305
[wind gusting]
05:38.305 --> 05:40.373
[wood creaking]
06:00.460 --> 06:03.463
♪ ♪
06:05.832 --> 06:07.368
[horse neighs]
06:07.368 --> 06:09.436
[man shouts in Japanese]
06:34.728 --> 06:36.129
[soft grunt]
06:41.268 --> 06:43.303
07:11.231 --> 07:12.666
07:26.146 --> 07:28.281
[samurai exclaims in Japanese]
07:30.417 --> 07:32.552
07:48.769 --> 07:50.470
08:24.671 --> 08:26.606
[falcon screeching]
08:30.177 --> 08:32.612
[horse snorting]
08:43.190 --> 08:45.225
[horse neighs]
08:49.463 --> 08:52.165
[falcon screeching]
09:17.491 --> 09:19.526
[horse snorting]
10:03.537 --> 10:05.572
♪ ♪
10:36.403 --> 10:38.438
♪ ♪
10:49.650 --> 10:51.685
[horse snorting]
11:16.476 --> 11:18.511
♪ ♪
11:27.788 --> 11:30.490
[guard speaking in Japanese]
11:57.250 --> 11:59.586
♪ ♪
17:18.171 --> 17:20.207
[wind whooshing]
17:25.412 --> 17:27.514
- [wood creaks]
- [soft thud]
19:14.755 --> 19:16.790
[indistinct chatter]
19:43.650 --> 19:46.086
[distant shouting]
19:46.086 --> 19:47.655
[indistinct chatter]
19:47.655 --> 19:50.691
[sailor] Move over.
Can you see what they're doing?
19:50.691 --> 19:53.360
- Come on.
- I think they're towing her in.
19:53.360 --> 19:55.596
Can you tell what they are?
A-Are they Cathay?
19:55.596 --> 19:57.097
19:57.097 --> 19:58.599
[pilot] It's what
I've been telling you.
19:58.599 --> 20:00.433
They're Japanese.
20:04.571 --> 20:07.541
Well, don't all thank
your good fortune at once.
20:07.541 --> 20:09.109
We've reached it.
20:09.109 --> 20:14.148
Portugal's secret empire
in the East.
20:14.148 --> 20:15.816
20:15.816 --> 20:18.085
The orders are still on.
20:18.085 --> 20:20.588
- What part of this is still on?
- [sailor] All I know
20:20.588 --> 20:23.290
is we had Spanish ships
20:23.290 --> 20:25.726
to the south and north of us
20:25.726 --> 20:27.528
out of Santa Maria.
20:27.528 --> 20:30.764
And this pilot got us through.
20:30.764 --> 20:34.201
We can still negotiate.
We have goods to trade.
20:34.201 --> 20:37.071
Not to mention I speak
fluent Portuguese.
20:37.071 --> 20:41.141
As soon as the Portuguese
tell them who we are,
20:41.141 --> 20:43.143
we'll be hanged.
20:43.143 --> 20:45.446
They don't know who we are
because the rutters
20:45.446 --> 20:48.415
are still locked in the
captain general's quarters.
20:48.415 --> 20:50.117
[rooster crows]
20:50.117 --> 20:53.821
And as long as they stay
that way, we are safe.
20:53.821 --> 20:55.656
[dog barking]
20:55.656 --> 20:59.126
We're just merchants,
20:59.126 --> 21:01.161
lost at sea,
21:01.161 --> 21:03.330
looking for safe passage home.
21:03.330 --> 21:05.265
You really think it'll work?
21:06.500 --> 21:09.403
Here's what you're missing,
the lot of you.
21:09.403 --> 21:12.573
We've been caught alee,
21:12.573 --> 21:14.441
a speck on a current.
21:14.441 --> 21:17.778
We've endured pestilence,
known starvation.
21:17.778 --> 21:19.346
We've chewed the calfskin covers
of the ropes.
21:19.346 --> 21:23.784
We should be corpses by now,
but here we are.
21:23.784 --> 21:26.720
12 shit-smelling...
21:26.720 --> 21:29.156
- [laughter]
- ...but generally able-bodied
21:29.156 --> 21:31.558
Protestant scoundrels
21:31.558 --> 21:35.195
on a mission
against a savage horde
21:35.195 --> 21:39.166
and the entire goddamn,
21:39.166 --> 21:41.635
shit-picking Portuguese fleet.
21:41.635 --> 21:43.203
21:43.203 --> 21:45.438
I'd say our chances are fair.
21:49.743 --> 21:52.178
This is not where we die.
22:20.807 --> 22:23.043
[ragged exhale]
23:00.781 --> 23:02.315
[baby fussing]
23:55.602 --> 23:57.571
24:12.519 --> 24:14.588
♪ ♪
25:12.679 --> 25:14.714
♪ ♪
26:02.296 --> 26:04.331
[footsteps overhead]
26:27.788 --> 26:30.590
Hello there.
You the leader of these men?
26:32.659 --> 26:34.194
My name is John Blackthorne,
26:34.194 --> 26:36.496
and I would very much like
to speak to you.
26:39.666 --> 26:41.601
If it's agreeable,
I will come up alone.
26:44.771 --> 26:46.574
You can't.
They'll kill you, Pilot.
26:46.574 --> 26:48.642
Pilot, look at their swords.
26:48.642 --> 26:50.044
26:50.044 --> 26:51.579
Look out!
26:51.579 --> 26:53.614
[Blackthorne] No, no, no, no,
don't fight them.
26:53.614 --> 26:54.748
26:58.385 --> 26:59.587
No! No violence!
26:59.587 --> 27:01.421
We need him alive.
27:06.126 --> 27:08.362
27:08.362 --> 27:10.730
27:15.102 --> 27:16.469
[crying out]
27:18.639 --> 27:20.474
You fucking savages!
27:20.474 --> 27:24.445
Now I will come up alone
and speak for my men.
27:24.445 --> 27:27.714
You keep hold of him
in case I don't come back.
27:34.488 --> 27:36.523
27:36.523 --> 27:38.625
[grunting, groaning]
27:46.633 --> 27:51.338
I submit. I submit.
27:51.338 --> 27:53.073
We are merchants.
27:53.073 --> 27:57.111
I request we be released
27:57.111 --> 28:00.047
to the safety of our ship.
28:00.047 --> 28:02.082
We mean you no harm.
28:12.492 --> 28:16.730
Omi-sama say, "Be good."
28:21.501 --> 28:22.703
Is this the Japans?
28:22.703 --> 28:25.205
Hai. Yes.
28:25.205 --> 28:30.377
How do I say "I understand"
in your language?
28:30.377 --> 28:32.012
[speaking Japanese]
28:33.780 --> 28:35.583
[repeats in Japanese]
28:35.583 --> 28:38.619
I ask for my men to be freed.
28:38.619 --> 28:41.188
- Not possible.
- I beg you.
28:41.188 --> 28:42.489
In the name of decency.
28:42.489 --> 28:46.593
Please, in Japan, must be good.
28:48.629 --> 28:51.231
If this is how he treats guests,
28:51.231 --> 28:55.769
tell this poxy little bastard
I piss
28:55.769 --> 28:59.206
on his whole damn country!
28:59.206 --> 29:01.575
29:09.516 --> 29:11.585
- [urine spattering]
- [groans]
29:42.215 --> 29:44.217
[indistinct whispering]
30:06.473 --> 30:08.441
31:00.527 --> 31:05.332
Our busho, Lord of Izu, Kashigi
Yabushige, he asks to know
31:05.332 --> 31:08.636
who you are and how
you came to this land.
31:08.636 --> 31:10.204
Who are you?
31:10.204 --> 31:12.106
A servant of God.
31:12.106 --> 31:15.042
Your god?
31:15.042 --> 31:18.044
First make that distinction,
you papist prick.
31:28.288 --> 31:31.492
My name is John Blackthorne.
31:31.492 --> 31:33.093
I'm English.
31:33.093 --> 31:37.064
Pilot of the Erasmus,
a Dutch merchant vessel.
31:37.064 --> 31:39.366
- We were blown off course
two months ago.
- [priest] Lies!
31:39.366 --> 31:40.768
That is a Dutch privateer.
31:40.768 --> 31:42.369
And you're a pirate,
31:42.369 --> 31:45.038
come to war on a peaceful
Portuguese settlement.
31:55.082 --> 31:57.217
They don't know about us,
do they?
31:59.119 --> 32:02.723
You told them Portugal
is the only flag in Europe.
32:02.723 --> 32:04.391
Which means I am
the first English sailor
32:04.391 --> 32:06.226
to reach your Catholic treasury.
32:06.226 --> 32:09.329
And you have no intention
of translating my words.
32:12.799 --> 32:14.702
I beg your king for parlay.
32:14.702 --> 32:17.704
- [groans]
- I humbly ask for safe passage.
32:24.778 --> 32:27.748
Yabushige-sama says
your heretic ship now
32:27.748 --> 32:29.516
belongs to him.
32:29.516 --> 32:33.053
You will soon be executed,
as will your men.
32:33.053 --> 32:34.287
[soldier exclaims in Japanese]
32:36.256 --> 32:38.092
I am not one of them!
32:38.092 --> 32:41.762
And I will not be
32:41.762 --> 32:44.231
spoken for by Catholics!
32:44.231 --> 32:46.133
- Not in Europe, and certainly
not in this dark land.
- [shouts in Japanese]
32:46.133 --> 32:48.001
[speaking Japanese]
32:51.505 --> 32:53.406
33:31.211 --> 33:33.347
Well, I'm sorry, Father.
33:33.347 --> 33:35.449
We'll be all over
this continent soon.
33:35.449 --> 33:39.052
Go back in your sty,
dick up your arse. [laughs]
33:45.759 --> 33:47.160
34:11.385 --> 34:13.420
[door slides open]
36:37.431 --> 36:39.466
[singing in Japanese]
36:48.408 --> 36:51.345
Please, we're just merchants!
36:51.345 --> 36:54.081
36:54.081 --> 36:57.751
We're just merchants!
For the love of God!
36:57.751 --> 37:01.755
Oh, please, no! No!
37:01.755 --> 37:05.158
Please, no!
37:10.297 --> 37:14.602
Please! Please!
37:14.602 --> 37:16.703
[distant screaming]
37:20.507 --> 37:23.076
37:26.079 --> 37:29.082
[screaming continues]
38:19.566 --> 38:23.136
[screaming continues]
38:32.346 --> 38:34.347
[screaming stops]
38:48.695 --> 38:50.730
40:27.761 --> 40:29.763
♪ ♪
41:02.496 --> 41:04.431
[birds chirping]
41:06.400 --> 41:09.336
[door sliding in distance]
41:09.336 --> 41:11.071
[footsteps approaching]
41:24.251 --> 41:25.752
[door slides open]
41:31.825 --> 41:34.427
Ah, Christ.
41:43.503 --> 41:45.071
Good morning.
41:50.410 --> 41:51.678
Where are my boots?
42:58.545 --> 43:00.514
I heard a man screaming
last night.
43:00.514 --> 43:02.283
Sounded as though
he was in terrible pain.
43:02.283 --> 43:04.050
This is very tight.
43:07.220 --> 43:11.057
Well, listen, if it's amenable
to, uh, to either of you, I'd...
43:12.426 --> 43:15.795
I'd... very much like
to speak to your leader again.
43:16.596 --> 43:19.332
With the swords.
The man with the swords.
43:22.235 --> 43:24.471
[door slides open]
43:24.471 --> 43:26.273
[door slides closed]
43:26.273 --> 43:27.674
45:04.638 --> 45:06.673
♪ ♪
46:31.158 --> 46:33.260
47:07.728 --> 47:09.629
Where am I being taken?
47:11.665 --> 47:14.101
You. You look at me.
47:14.101 --> 47:16.337
You murder prisoners
without a trial.
47:16.337 --> 47:18.438
Is that how it's done here?
47:19.740 --> 47:21.575
[speaks Japanese]
47:24.444 --> 47:26.247
You go...
47:26.247 --> 47:28.215
- Osaka.
- I go nowhere
47:28.215 --> 47:31.185
until I see my men!
47:31.185 --> 47:33.787
Hey, hey, piss-eating bastards.
47:49.536 --> 47:51.105
47:51.105 --> 47:52.640
Bow to the bastard-sama
if you wanna live.
47:52.640 --> 47:54.742
The man is like a king here.
47:54.742 --> 47:56.443
And tell him "goyosha wo."
47:58.645 --> 48:00.781
Goyosha kudasare.
Goyosha kudasare.
48:00.781 --> 48:02.716
To all the shit-eating samas,
48:02.716 --> 48:04.251
48:06.186 --> 48:08.122
You pilot of that Dutchman, eh?
48:08.122 --> 48:09.423
Who are you?
48:09.423 --> 48:10.691
Young little shit, aren't you?
48:10.691 --> 48:12.326
What's the latitude
of The Lizard?
48:12.326 --> 48:15.362
49 degrees, 56 minutes north.
48:15.362 --> 48:17.531
And watch out for the reefs,
48:17.531 --> 48:20.401
Or they'll send you tits up.
By God, you are a pilot.
48:20.401 --> 48:22.536
And Inglés, too. Fuck me.
48:22.536 --> 48:24.104
Listen, sir, you speak Japanese.
48:24.104 --> 48:25.772
I must know if my crew is alive.
48:34.514 --> 48:36.517
Well, that's good news.
Only one of your crew is dead.
48:36.517 --> 48:38.218
And the Jappers say
they'll free the rest of them
48:38.218 --> 48:40.554
- if you play nice.
- Who of my men's dead?
48:40.554 --> 48:42.456
Here it is, Inglés.
48:42.456 --> 48:44.124
Your crew belongs to them now.
48:44.124 --> 48:46.060
Maybe you'll see them
if you get back.
48:46.060 --> 48:47.761
Maybe not, but it-it is
out of your hands.
48:47.761 --> 48:49.362
[shouts in Japanese]
48:51.298 --> 48:54.101
- Where are we going?
- Osaka. Big city.
48:54.101 --> 48:57.238
The Great Lord Yoshii Toranaga
wants to meet you.
48:57.238 --> 48:59.607
- And what does he want with me?
- Play with your balls, maybe.
48:59.607 --> 49:01.208
How should I know?
49:01.208 --> 49:03.710
But he's a powerful sort,
so I might let him.
49:04.811 --> 49:06.647
More powerful than those men?
49:06.647 --> 49:08.382
Lord of the Kanto?
49:08.382 --> 49:10.317
A million of them fanatics
would die for the honor
49:10.317 --> 49:11.585
of wiping his arse.
49:14.721 --> 49:17.458
I didn't catch your name, friend.
49:17.458 --> 49:20.828
Rodrigues, and I'm a Spaniard
who sails for the Portuguese.
49:20.828 --> 49:22.696
I'm not your friend.
49:22.696 --> 49:25.132
Any chance of me boarding
my ship, Rodrigues?
49:25.132 --> 49:29.036
Yeah, yeah.
Just as soon as you lick my jib.
49:29.036 --> 49:30.738
Listen, Inglés, no more tricks.
49:30.738 --> 49:33.807
I told these samas that
I'd be responsible for you.
49:33.807 --> 49:36.343
So, do us both a favor,
blow her a kiss.
50:03.170 --> 50:04.604
50:10.611 --> 50:12.646
[wind whooshing]
50:15.115 --> 50:17.251
Be a storm by sunset.
50:17.251 --> 50:18.786
Eh, we should head northwest.
50:18.786 --> 50:22.590
This crew would love to keep
within sight of land.
50:22.590 --> 50:25.225
You came over
with the Portuguese?
50:25.225 --> 50:26.827
Sailed for a living, hai.
50:26.827 --> 50:29.663
How'd you get here, anyway?
50:29.663 --> 50:31.365
Came by Magellan's Pass.
50:31.365 --> 50:33.500
Merchant mission.
50:33.500 --> 50:35.736
Captain-General held us
in Chile too long.
50:35.736 --> 50:38.505
I warned him
the winds would die.
50:38.505 --> 50:40.741
He wouldn't listen.
50:40.741 --> 50:43.711
And now command rests on you.
50:43.711 --> 50:46.446
That's some fate. Shukumei.
50:48.415 --> 50:51.051
- What is that word?
- Shukumei?
50:51.051 --> 50:54.054
Shukumei, it's like
an attitude out here.
50:54.054 --> 50:55.522
It's, uh, karma.
50:55.522 --> 50:59.627
Uh, fate. Fixed destiny.
Everything is connected.
50:59.627 --> 51:01.795
Part of a whole. Life, death.
51:01.795 --> 51:05.599
You just have to accept
your-your wee place.
51:11.071 --> 51:14.074
These people
are godless savages.
51:14.074 --> 51:16.310
Or maybe they just don't
give a shit what you think,
51:16.310 --> 51:18.245
young, scheming little pirate.
51:18.245 --> 51:21.148
Why do you believe I'm a pirate?
51:21.148 --> 51:23.517
You had 20 guns on that ship.
51:23.517 --> 51:27.187
20 guns to defend ourselves
51:27.187 --> 51:28.589
from unlawful
Portuguese galleons
51:28.589 --> 51:31.091
- piloted by Spanish dogs.
- [laughs]
51:31.091 --> 51:33.260
We drifted here by accident.
51:33.260 --> 51:35.462
We're just merchants
hoping to once again
51:35.462 --> 51:38.365
- cast eyes on our coast
of origin.
- [laughs]
51:38.365 --> 51:41.268
I like you, Inglés, I do.
51:41.268 --> 51:44.572
In fact, given we have
a long night ahead of us,
51:44.572 --> 51:47.641
I think I shall allow you
the honor of taking this watch.
51:47.641 --> 51:49.643
51:49.643 --> 51:51.345
Kind of you to trust me.
51:51.345 --> 51:54.414
Why not? You are a pilot,
not a godless savage, huh?
51:59.753 --> 52:01.121
52:01.121 --> 52:02.522
52:05.292 --> 52:06.760
52:06.760 --> 52:09.563
52:09.563 --> 52:11.531
[thunder crashes]
52:12.499 --> 52:14.167
52:20.474 --> 52:24.511
We've got to turn ourselves
into the swell!
52:24.511 --> 52:26.480
Where are your cojones, eh?
52:26.480 --> 52:30.016
Where they should be, by God,
and where I'd like them to stay!
52:31.718 --> 52:34.254
[crew cries out]
52:37.524 --> 52:40.761
Go below, get them to row.
Can you swim?
52:40.761 --> 52:43.197
- Can't you?
- Never learned.
52:43.197 --> 52:45.232
Better to drown quickly, right?
52:45.232 --> 52:47.067
[Blackthorne shouts]
52:49.169 --> 52:51.104
52:56.777 --> 53:00.214
Goddamn it, into the swell!
53:00.214 --> 53:02.683
What? What are you
still doing up here,
53:02.683 --> 53:04.351
you pirate bitch?
53:04.351 --> 53:06.086
Piss on the Spaniard
who serves the Portuguese.
53:06.086 --> 53:08.021
Piss on all English.
Que viva España.
53:13.226 --> 53:14.794
53:16.763 --> 53:18.798
53:20.267 --> 53:23.603
Big swell coming!
Turn into it!
53:24.838 --> 53:27.775
53:27.775 --> 53:29.743
53:29.743 --> 53:33.246
Rodrigues! Rodrigues!
53:35.215 --> 53:37.051
53:37.051 --> 53:39.119
[crew grunting, groaning]
53:48.528 --> 53:53.600
If you bastards want to live,
54:07.781 --> 54:10.250
54:38.211 --> 54:39.513
54:39.513 --> 54:43.150
The pilot is somewhere here.
54:43.150 --> 54:45.352
For all we know,
he could still be breathing.
54:45.352 --> 54:47.087
54:47.087 --> 54:52.059
I don't care what sort of savage
whore-bitch turd you are,
54:52.059 --> 54:55.662
where I come from,
we don't leave a man behind.
55:09.776 --> 55:11.344
[speaks Japanese]
55:16.483 --> 55:18.518
♪ ♪
55:26.326 --> 55:28.495
♪ ♪
55:43.110 --> 55:45.179
55:45.179 --> 55:47.347
Move a limb!
55:48.515 --> 55:50.217
I'm only trying to get a look.
55:58.091 --> 56:01.061
I'll bring him up.
56:01.061 --> 56:03.063
56:07.434 --> 56:09.369
Oh, I see.
56:13.740 --> 56:17.310
You can't turn down a challenge
in front of your men, can you?
56:20.781 --> 56:22.349
Go on, savage.
56:22.349 --> 56:24.618
Maybe the fall will kill you
before you drown.
56:45.138 --> 56:46.306
57:15.469 --> 57:16.770
[cries out]
57:24.511 --> 57:26.146
57:27.781 --> 57:30.350
Sorry about your
sack-of-shit lord.
57:34.121 --> 57:36.423
[shouts in Japanese]
57:37.691 --> 57:39.759
57:45.132 --> 57:46.233
57:50.804 --> 57:52.305
58:07.587 --> 58:09.756
58:31.678 --> 58:33.213
[cries out]
58:48.161 --> 58:50.664
59:07.381 --> 59:09.216
What the hell is he doing?
59:27.234 --> 59:29.169
59:34.441 --> 59:36.476
1:00:01.068 --> 1:00:02.602
1:03:11.725 --> 1:03:13.627
My leg is on fire,
1:03:13.627 --> 1:03:17.665
my head is bursting
and my piss pot's full.
1:03:17.665 --> 1:03:19.733
You make a foul nurse, Inglés.
1:03:21.702 --> 1:03:24.538
That man was going
to kill himself
1:03:24.538 --> 1:03:27.341
up on that cliff.
1:03:27.341 --> 1:03:30.244
He risked his life to save you.
1:03:30.244 --> 1:03:32.346
And then when he was done for
in those waves, he didn't fight.
1:03:32.346 --> 1:03:34.782
He could have tried,
but he just turned
1:03:34.782 --> 1:03:36.617
and drew his blade.
1:03:36.617 --> 1:03:38.519
He chose his death.
1:03:38.519 --> 1:03:40.453
What better end
can a man hope for?
1:03:42.522 --> 1:03:44.491
Will I die here?
1:03:44.491 --> 1:03:46.760
1:03:46.760 --> 1:03:50.497
How can you just accept being
powerless to this madness?
1:03:50.497 --> 1:03:53.066
Uh, you-you mean to this life?
1:03:54.801 --> 1:03:57.371
Zehi mo gozaimasen.
1:03:57.371 --> 1:04:01.108
One cannot resist
the unseen path of nature.
1:04:01.108 --> 1:04:03.811
All we can do is accept
our small part.
1:04:03.811 --> 1:04:06.480
It's bollocks.
1:04:06.480 --> 1:04:08.682
I fought too long
and too hard to get here.
1:04:08.682 --> 1:04:12.353
I won't succumb to this madness.
I won't, I can't.
1:04:12.353 --> 1:04:14.487
That's funny, I thought
you washed up by accident.
1:04:18.592 --> 1:04:21.728
Listen, Pilot,
I-I think it's only fair.
1:04:25.132 --> 1:04:27.368
I found this on your ship.
1:04:27.368 --> 1:04:32.206
It's a rutter, stolen off
a Spanish sailor, I imagine.
1:04:32.206 --> 1:04:35.041
How you must have found your way
through Magellan's Pass.
1:04:37.244 --> 1:04:39.346
Which means this belongs to you.
1:04:39.346 --> 1:04:43.250
It's a-a list of all
the Catholic bases
1:04:43.250 --> 1:04:45.552
that you and your
so-called merchant crew
1:04:45.552 --> 1:04:47.221
were putting to the torch.
1:04:47.221 --> 1:04:50.090
I mean, real savage business,
if you ask me.
1:04:50.090 --> 1:04:53.661
Your orders:
"Plunder any Spanish territory,
1:04:53.661 --> 1:04:57.831
reach the Japans,
open trade in the New World."
1:04:57.831 --> 1:04:59.500
Which is why I'm warning you,
1:04:59.500 --> 1:05:02.302
these go to the Portuguese
as soon as I arrive.
1:05:08.275 --> 1:05:11.044
- [grumbles]
- [pot clatters]
1:05:13.780 --> 1:05:15.649
This isn't the end for me.
1:05:17.384 --> 1:05:19.753
I won't die
in this wretched land.
1:05:20.854 --> 1:05:23.456
This wretched land?
1:05:26.126 --> 1:05:28.829
I'll tell you what, Inglés.
We're coming into port soon.
1:05:28.829 --> 1:05:32.632
Why don't you go on up there?
Go up and tell me what you see.
1:05:37.771 --> 1:05:41.075
And tell me,
when you set eyes on Osaka,
1:05:41.075 --> 1:05:45.212
if you really think our world
is the hilt of civilization.
1:05:51.385 --> 1:05:55.356
And then ask yourself,
"What kind of man
1:05:55.356 --> 1:05:58.391
wields power
in a land like this?"
1:06:01.662 --> 1:06:04.231
The one who schemes
in the open...
1:06:06.133 --> 1:06:08.068
...or the one you never see?
1:06:08.068 --> 1:06:09.569
[baby fussing]
1:06:16.677 --> 1:06:20.614
There's a saying out here
that every man has three hearts.
1:06:20.614 --> 1:06:25.051
One in his mouth,
for the world to know...
1:06:28.288 --> 1:06:31.758
...another in his chest,
just for his friends...
1:06:36.830 --> 1:06:40.267
...and a secret heart
buried deep
1:06:40.267 --> 1:06:42.736
where no one can find it.
1:06:46.406 --> 1:06:49.610
That is a heart
a man must keep hidden
1:06:49.610 --> 1:06:52.178
if he wants to survive.
1:06:59.853 --> 1:07:02.589
You'll understand soon, Inglés.
1:07:04.658 --> 1:07:10.463
And who knows, maybe-maybe fate
brought you here for a reason.
1:07:18.105 --> 1:07:21.074
Maybe you'll live long enough
to find out what it is.
1:07:42.462 --> 1:07:44.497
♪ ♪
1:08:14.461 --> 1:08:16.496
♪ ♪
1:08:45.459 --> 1:08:47.494
♪ ♪
1:09:16.456 --> 1:09:18.491
♪ ♪
1:09:47.454 --> 1:09:49.489
♪ ♪
1:10:11.445 --> 1:10:17.350
Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH