03:58.312 --> 03:59.897
Your breakfast, sir.
04:17.915 --> 04:23.838
Pork bellies! I have a hunch
something exciting is going to happen
04:23.963 --> 04:26.465
in the pork belly market this morning.
04:40.146 --> 04:43.274
Will Miss Penelope
be dining with you this evening, sir?
04:43.941 --> 04:46.277
Yes. Yes, she will.
05:28.444 --> 05:30.946
- Good morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning, Folsey.
05:40.831 --> 05:42.911
- Morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Good morning.
05:43.376 --> 05:45.419
- Morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning.
05:46.962 --> 05:49.215
- Morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning.
05:49.340 --> 05:52.093
Good morning, Mr Winthorpe.
05:53.219 --> 05:56.430
- Morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning, Mr Winthorpe.
05:58.391 --> 06:00.893
- Good morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning.
06:03.646 --> 06:06.148
- Good morning, Mr Winthorpe.
- Morning.
06:24.875 --> 06:27.586
Pork bellies. I knew it. I knew it!
06:44.854 --> 06:47.982
- Good morning, Mr Duke.
- Good morning, Mr Duke.
06:49.608 --> 06:52.319
- Good morning, Mr Duke.
- Morning, Mr Duke.
06:52.445 --> 06:55.406
- Morning, Mr Duke.
- Morning, Mr Duke.
06:55.531 --> 06:58.617
- Mr Duke.
- Good morning, Mr Duke.
06:58.743 --> 07:00.828
Good morning, Mr Duke.
07:32.276 --> 07:34.487
When do we sell?
07:34.612 --> 07:38.157
How stupid these scientists are!
07:38.282 --> 07:42.453
The eternal question! There is no question.
The answer's obvious.
07:42.578 --> 07:45.998
I don't care about
heredity versus environment.
07:46.123 --> 07:50.294
I'm sick and tired of hearing it. I care
how much we get for our pork bellies.
07:50.419 --> 07:52.505
Winthorpe will sell
at 76 and a quarter.
07:52.630 --> 07:55.257
His charts say that's as high as it'll go.
07:56.300 --> 07:58.761
It'll never get that high. Let's sell now.
07:58.886 --> 08:02.098
Patience, Mortimer.
Let's see if Winthorpe's right.
08:03.766 --> 08:07.061
Winthorpe's wrong. It's topped out.
I say we sell now.
08:07.186 --> 08:09.939
- Just another few seconds.
- The market's closing.
08:10.064 --> 08:12.691
We won't get the order in.
08:30.543 --> 08:35.715
We just made an extra $347,000.
08:36.340 --> 08:38.217
Get me Winthorpe.
08:38.342 --> 08:42.054
Well, I never had an instant
of doubt in my mind, Mortimer.
08:42.179 --> 08:46.267
Yes, I'm sure a lot of people
went belly-up on that one.
08:46.392 --> 08:48.477
I'll see you at the club.
09:18.257 --> 09:20.342
Morning Mr Duke.
09:20.468 --> 09:23.846
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Thank you very much.
09:23.971 --> 09:27.141
Vietnam did this to me
but I'm not bitter, thank you.
09:27.266 --> 09:30.436
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah?
09:30.561 --> 09:33.355
Spare a poor war veteran some change?
I'm on my knees for life.
09:33.481 --> 09:35.524
I have no money to give you.
09:35.649 --> 09:37.485
Please, anything.
09:37.610 --> 09:40.279
A quarter, just a couple of dollars.
09:40.404 --> 09:43.199
Anything, a quarter, a nickel, please.
09:43.324 --> 09:45.618
Hey, man, I really don't appreciate this.
09:45.743 --> 09:49.747
I don't care what it is,
smoked ham, anything, a jacket.
09:49.872 --> 09:53.000
Thanks! How'd you
like a stump up your ass?
09:53.125 --> 09:56.670
- Stay outta here!
- You've got a lot of soul. I appreciate it.
10:02.093 --> 10:04.178
Listen to this.
10:04.303 --> 10:06.389
"Expect this stagnation to continue,
10:06.514 --> 10:08.599
"until the Department Of Agriculture's
10:08.724 --> 10:10.935
January crop report."
10:11.060 --> 10:14.397
Exactly as we thought, Randolph.
10:14.522 --> 10:17.983
Wrong! Quite wrong. Untrue.
10:18.109 --> 10:20.194
They've given this genetics fellow
10:20.319 --> 10:23.864
the Nobel Prize. He doesn't know
the first thing about human nature.
10:23.989 --> 10:28.369
We're about to make
millions of dollars in frozen orange juice
10:28.494 --> 10:30.579
and you're talking about human nature.
10:30.705 --> 10:32.540
Money isn't everything.
10:32.665 --> 10:33.833
Grow up.
10:33.958 --> 10:36.460
Mother always said you were greedy.
10:36.585 --> 10:38.462
She meant it as a compliment.
10:44.260 --> 10:47.430
Ezra, right on time.
10:48.848 --> 10:52.309
I bet you thought
I'd forgotten your Christmas bonus.
10:52.435 --> 10:54.520
There you are.
10:55.479 --> 10:59.400
Five dollars!
Maybe I'll go to the movies...
10:59.692 --> 11:02.695
by myself.
11:02.820 --> 11:07.158
- Half of it is from me.
- Thank you, Mr Mortimer.
11:18.919 --> 11:21.839
- Gentlemen.
- Looking good, Louis.
11:21.964 --> 11:23.674
Feeling good, Todd.
11:23.799 --> 11:27.470
We need a fourth for squash today, Louis.
Are you interested?
11:27.595 --> 11:30.931
No can do. I'll be having dinner
with Penelope, tonight.
11:31.849 --> 11:36.937
- Oh, lucky you.
- It's not luck, Todd.
11:47.406 --> 11:49.492
Randolph, Mortimer.
11:49.617 --> 11:51.952
What have you got for us?
11:52.078 --> 11:54.246
It's that time of the month again.
11:54.372 --> 11:58.376
Payroll cheques for our employees,
which require your signatures.
11:58.501 --> 12:00.961
And no forgetting to sign the big ones.
12:01.087 --> 12:04.673
We are paying some of our employees
an awful lot of money.
12:04.799 --> 12:07.301
You can't get around
the minimum wage.
12:13.974 --> 12:19.772
$50,000 to Clarence Beeks!
Who the hell...
12:21.565 --> 12:25.319
I meant to ask you about that.
I went through our records,
12:25.444 --> 12:28.781
and there doesn't seem to be
a Clarence Beeks employed with the firm.
12:30.658 --> 12:34.495
Oh, Clarence Beeks.
Yes, of course.
12:34.620 --> 12:39.166
- He's doing something top secret for us.
- Research.
12:40.668 --> 12:42.753
How is Penelope?
12:42.878 --> 12:46.924
Don't forget she's our grandniece - you'd
better make an honest woman of her.
12:47.049 --> 12:51.220
Well, I'll certainly try, sir.
The wedding invitations go out this week.
12:51.345 --> 12:53.347
Good. Good work, Winthorpe.
12:54.724 --> 12:57.476
Don't worry about this,
12:57.601 --> 13:00.563
I'll take care of this one personally.
13:02.773 --> 13:05.985
- Goodbye, Winthorpe.
- Goodbye, Winthorpe.
13:17.538 --> 13:19.957
Winthorpe is a very steady young man.
13:20.082 --> 13:22.918
We're lucky
to have him managing our firm.
13:23.044 --> 13:28.090
Oh, hogwash. Exeter, Harvard -
he's the product of good environment.
13:28.215 --> 13:30.926
It's got nothing to do with environment.
13:31.052 --> 13:34.597
With his genes, you could put him
anywhere and he'd come out on top.
13:34.722 --> 13:38.392
Breeding, same as in race horses.
It's in the blood.
13:48.027 --> 13:50.529
Hey, baby, what's happening?
How you doing?
13:50.654 --> 13:54.867
Once you've had a man with no legs,
you never go back.
13:54.992 --> 13:58.120
I know what you're thinking.
You seen "Porgy And Bess"?
13:58.245 --> 14:00.664
We can make it, baby. Me and you.
14:02.124 --> 14:03.334
You bitch!
14:16.680 --> 14:19.225
- Who's that? Who's there?
- Police!
14:19.392 --> 14:23.813
We've had complaints about con men
pretending to be blind and crippled.
14:23.938 --> 14:27.691
I ain't seen nothing since
I stepped on that landmine in Vietnam.
14:27.817 --> 14:29.902
It was very painful.
14:30.027 --> 14:32.530
You were in 'Nam? So were we. Where?
14:32.655 --> 14:35.616
I was in... Sang Bang...
14:35.741 --> 14:37.201
Dang Gong...
14:37.326 --> 14:39.912
I was all over the place, a lot of places.
14:40.037 --> 14:41.539
What unit?
14:41.664 --> 14:44.917
I was with the Green Berets,
Special Unit Battalions...
14:45.042 --> 14:49.714
Commando Airborne Tactics...
Specialist Tactics Unit Battalion.
14:49.839 --> 14:51.257
Yeah, it was real hush hush.
14:51.382 --> 14:54.885
I was Agent Orange,
Special Agent Orange, that was me.
14:55.010 --> 14:57.096
Airborne, huh?
15:07.565 --> 15:09.692
I can see! I can see!
15:09.817 --> 15:11.736
I have... I have legs.
15:11.861 --> 15:15.156
I have... Oh shit, look at this.
Legs! I can walk.
15:15.281 --> 15:18.117
Jesus, praise Jesus.
15:18.242 --> 15:22.830
I appreciate this. Oh, this is beautiful.
I can't believe... Thank you.
15:22.955 --> 15:24.915
I don't know what to do it's...
15:25.416 --> 15:29.378
Glory be to God. Praise Jesus.
Look at me.
15:29.503 --> 15:32.006
This is too much. I can't believe it.
15:32.131 --> 15:37.386
Ah, beautiful. Listen... I can't thank you.
First Moses, now this. God, Jesus...
15:37.511 --> 15:40.973
I'm so happy, oh God.
Look at me, this is too much.
15:41.098 --> 15:44.060
What a happy day!
15:44.310 --> 15:47.188
Really, I appreciate it.
Y'alls OK now. Look at this.
15:47.313 --> 15:51.233
I can walk. I don't know what to say...
I'll be all right. Take it easy.
15:51.400 --> 15:55.154
Y'all beautiful,
both of you are, the two of you.
16:02.912 --> 16:05.206
How are you doing?
16:12.546 --> 16:14.882
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Stop thief.
16:15.007 --> 16:17.718
- Help, help!
- What are you talking about, man?
16:17.843 --> 16:21.263
Don't kill me, take it, please.
I'm getting married.
16:21.389 --> 16:24.058
- I don't want your bag.
- Help! Help!
16:25.935 --> 16:27.311
Help! Help!
16:28.396 --> 16:29.563
16:29.688 --> 16:32.358
He's in there. After him.
16:36.195 --> 16:39.865
- Excuse me.
- Watch out. He probably has a weapon.
16:42.993 --> 16:45.996
Stop him. He has my briefcase.
16:46.122 --> 16:48.332
He's inside. That guy's crazy.
16:52.628 --> 16:54.714
He's getting away.
16:54.839 --> 16:57.049
There he is. That's him. Get him.
16:57.174 --> 17:00.177
He's under the table.
Somebody go under there.
17:00.302 --> 17:02.388
Right there. There he is.
17:06.016 --> 17:08.936
Is there a problem, officers?
17:16.694 --> 17:19.363
What in heaven's name is going on here?
17:19.488 --> 17:24.285
- He tried to rob the payroll, Randolph.
- I didn't, he bumped into me.
17:24.410 --> 17:27.246
I did not.
You tried to grab my briefcase.
17:27.371 --> 17:30.291
- It was an accident.
- An accident, really?
17:30.416 --> 17:33.085
- What will happen to him?
- We'll book him
17:33.210 --> 17:36.547
on assault, robbery, and resisting arrest.
17:36.672 --> 17:39.050
Well done, Winthorpe.
17:39.175 --> 17:42.928
I'm innocent.
I was trying to give his briefcase back.
17:43.054 --> 17:45.598
I can't go to jail cos of some ass-wipe.
17:45.723 --> 17:48.350
Officer, I would like to press full charges.
17:48.476 --> 17:51.020
People like this are a menace
to decent society.
17:51.187 --> 17:53.814
You're from a broken home of course?
17:53.939 --> 17:55.900
Yeah, it was broke. So what?
17:56.025 --> 17:58.986
You have a history of juvenile arrests,
I presume?
17:59.111 --> 18:02.406
Drug abuse, reform school,
state prisons and all that-
18:02.531 --> 18:05.618
I want a lawyer.
Is there a lawyer in the house?
18:12.750 --> 18:16.170
That man is a product
of a poor environment.
18:16.295 --> 18:18.798
There's nothing wrong with him,
I can prove it.
18:19.048 --> 18:22.301
Of course there's
something wrong with him...
18:22.426 --> 18:24.595
He's a Negro!
18:24.720 --> 18:28.099
He's probably been stealing
since he could crawl.
18:41.487 --> 18:44.740
Given the right
surroundings and encouragement,
18:45.574 --> 18:50.621
I'll bet that that man could run
our company as well as Winthorpe.
18:50.746 --> 18:53.791
Are we talking about a wager, Randolph?
18:56.127 --> 18:59.839
I suppose you think Winthorpe...
say if he were to lose his job,
18:59.964 --> 19:02.758
would resort
to holding up people on the streets.
19:02.883 --> 19:06.721
No, I don't think that
would be enough for Winthorpe.
19:06.846 --> 19:12.351
We'd have to heap a little more
misfortune on those narrow shoulders.
19:13.102 --> 19:15.604
If he lost his job and his home
19:15.730 --> 19:18.357
and his fiancee and his friends.
19:18.482 --> 19:22.403
If he were somehow disgraced
and arrested by the police
19:22.528 --> 19:24.613
and thrown in jail, even.
19:25.948 --> 19:29.952
Yes, I'm sure he'd take to crime
like a fish to water.
19:30.077 --> 19:34.915
You'd have to put him in the wrong
surroundings, with the worst sort of people.
19:35.041 --> 19:38.586
I mean real scum, Randolph.
19:38.711 --> 19:40.796
We've done it before.
19:41.047 --> 19:43.549
This time it's in a good cause.
19:44.383 --> 19:46.469
How much do you want to bet?
19:46.594 --> 19:49.305
- The usual amount.
- Why not?
19:54.477 --> 19:57.605
You're so brave, Louis.
19:57.730 --> 19:59.982
Someone has to take a stand
against criminals.
20:00.107 --> 20:02.401
But he could have killed you.
20:02.526 --> 20:07.198
In such a situation, you have
no time to think - instinct takes over.
20:07.323 --> 20:10.284
It's either kill or be killed.
20:13.954 --> 20:16.165
Did Louis tell you what he did today?
20:17.583 --> 20:23.255
Mr Louis kindly shared this afternoon's
excitement with me, Miss Penelope.
20:25.674 --> 20:28.177
You're so hot tempered, darling.
20:31.305 --> 20:33.849
I would have grovelled
and begged for mercy.
20:41.524 --> 20:43.943
I want you Louis, now.
20:48.155 --> 20:50.366
- Coleman.
- Sir?
20:51.575 --> 20:54.745
We'll take our drinks in the living room,
by the fire.
20:56.080 --> 20:59.792
- No dessert, sir?
- You have it.
21:01.919 --> 21:03.838
Thank you, sir.
21:12.263 --> 21:14.807
21:14.974 --> 21:18.310
Oh, hello Mr Duke, sir...
A what?
21:20.771 --> 21:23.315
A scientific experiment.
21:23.482 --> 21:25.651
Not at all, sir, no I...
21:25.776 --> 21:28.362
It all sounds very...
21:29.196 --> 21:31.282
21:31.824 --> 21:35.369
Well, it's your house and I work for you.
21:35.494 --> 21:38.372
I shall make the necessary arrangements.
21:39.582 --> 21:41.876
And a very good night to you, sir.
21:45.921 --> 21:48.007
What a scumbag.
21:48.924 --> 21:52.803
Mumsie wants to have a party for us
right after New Year's.
21:52.928 --> 21:55.431
January 2nd, is that good for you?
21:55.556 --> 21:58.684
OK with me, hon. Darn nice of her too.
21:58.809 --> 22:01.562
Oh, heck. 2nd January. Can't do it.
22:01.687 --> 22:05.191
- Oh, Louis.
- It's the day the crop reports come out.
22:05.941 --> 22:11.197
What do those stupid old crop reports
have to do with Mumsie's party?
22:11.322 --> 22:14.408
It's the busiest time
of year in the office, sugarpuff.
22:14.533 --> 22:18.704
It's just not fair. Why can't you
make them do it another day?
22:18.829 --> 22:22.875
The Department Of Agriculture gets those
estimates from all over the country.
22:23.000 --> 22:25.086
Pork bellies, soybeans,
22:25.211 --> 22:27.171
frozen orange juice.
22:27.296 --> 22:30.132
I'll just have to ask Todd to take me.
22:31.342 --> 22:35.221
Now, wait just a minute. If you think
I'm going to let that playboy...
22:35.346 --> 22:37.598
Just teasing you.
22:37.723 --> 22:39.934
You know something, Witherspoon?
22:40.059 --> 22:44.063
- What?
- We are going to make a great couple.
22:44.188 --> 22:46.816
We're going to have a great life.
22:48.609 --> 22:51.362
- Excuse me, sir.
- What is it?
22:51.487 --> 22:54.907
Will you be needing me any more,
this evening, sir?
22:55.991 --> 22:59.912
No, I think I have everything I want.
23:00.579 --> 23:02.456
Good night, sir.
23:12.174 --> 23:14.677
I had to keep him
under surveillance.
23:14.802 --> 23:18.597
I had to make sure
he had his payroll before I made my move.
23:18.723 --> 23:21.934
- Tell us how you cut him.
- With no knife.
23:22.059 --> 23:26.397
- You told me you cut the dude.
- With these I cut him.
23:26.522 --> 23:30.067
I am a chain belt in Kung Fu.
Bruce Lee was my teacher.
23:54.592 --> 23:59.263
That's the "quart of blood" technique.
Do it, a quart of blood drops out of a body.
23:59.388 --> 24:03.601
- Tell him how you beat on the cop.
- Cops, plural.
24:03.726 --> 24:08.230
Beat the shit out of ten cops and had
to change my whole strategy around.
24:08.355 --> 24:12.943
When they brought you in and booked you,
you was crying like a pussy.
24:13.069 --> 24:18.074
- Yeah.
- The cops threw tear gas in my face.
24:18.199 --> 24:21.994
I still walked in like a man,
so get outta my face.
24:22.119 --> 24:25.414
You beating up a man,
putting him in hospital.
24:25.539 --> 24:28.042
- How come I don't see marks on you?
- Yeah.
24:28.167 --> 24:30.586
Cos I'm a karate man, all right.
24:30.711 --> 24:34.423
Karate men bruise on the inside
They don't show their weaknesses.
24:34.548 --> 24:38.636
You don't know that, motherfucker.
Now get off my back, all right.
24:39.637 --> 24:43.224
I wish my bitches would hurry up.
I ain't got time to be here.
24:43.349 --> 24:46.477
Where is your bitches,
Mr Big Time Pimp?
24:46.602 --> 24:47.937
24:51.065 --> 24:54.485
Didn't I tell you,
the phone in my limousine is busted
24:54.610 --> 24:56.696
and I can't get in contact
with my bitches.
24:57.446 --> 25:00.491
Yeah, the phone in the limo had busted.
Are you ignorant?
25:02.159 --> 25:06.205
- Look, sit down, all right.
- It ain't cool being no jive turkey
25:06.330 --> 25:08.541
so close to Thanksgiving.
25:12.253 --> 25:13.713
Hey, now...
25:15.297 --> 25:18.426
You boys don't know what you're doing,
I can see that already.
25:18.551 --> 25:23.264
Do you know who you're fucking with?
Back the fuck up, back up.
25:23.389 --> 25:27.309
D'you know who you're fucking with
in cell number four on the ninth floor.
25:27.435 --> 25:29.979
- Billy Ray Valentine?
- Yes.
25:30.146 --> 25:31.605
Move it.
25:31.731 --> 25:35.651
- You made bail.
- I did?
25:48.039 --> 25:50.332
May I suggest using a night stick, officer?
25:50.458 --> 25:52.334
Get outta here.
26:19.236 --> 26:20.696
Mr Valentine.
26:22.573 --> 26:24.867
Could you spare us a moment?
26:26.243 --> 26:30.581
- Don't I know you two guys?
- Step inside, nice and warm in here.
26:30.706 --> 26:36.087
- Whisky, all you want.
- I ain't falling for the same trick twice.
26:36.212 --> 26:39.423
You'd get me in the car,
and have me arrested for stealing it.
26:39.548 --> 26:42.635
Why should we do that, Mr Valentine?
26:42.760 --> 26:45.513
We're the ones who bailed you out.
27:20.339 --> 27:22.925
Who are y'all? What y'all want?
27:23.050 --> 27:27.888
We want to help you. My brother and I
run a privately funded programme,
27:28.013 --> 27:30.808
to rehabilitate
culturally disadvantaged people.
27:30.933 --> 27:35.187
We'd like to supply you
with a home of your own, a car,
27:35.312 --> 27:39.108
a generous bank account,
and employment with our company.
27:39.233 --> 27:42.528
We're going to start you at $80,000 a year.
27:44.196 --> 27:46.282
- $80,000?
- Mmm.
27:46.407 --> 27:47.908
Excuse me.
27:50.286 --> 27:52.913
This is a practical joke, right, brother?
27:55.332 --> 27:59.211
Then these dudes
are a couple of faggots, huh?
27:59.336 --> 28:01.422
What's my next move, man?
28:03.132 --> 28:05.217
Thank you, you've been helpful.
28:09.263 --> 28:13.267
- What about the payroll?
- We've had the charges dropped.
28:13.392 --> 28:15.603
You're a free man, Valentine.
28:15.728 --> 28:18.856
We can stop right now
and you can walk out on us forever.
28:29.950 --> 28:33.954
No, I believe I can hang out
with you fellas for a while.
28:34.080 --> 28:36.415
- Excellent.
- I'm Randolph Duke.
28:36.540 --> 28:38.626
How you doing Randy, what's happening?
28:38.751 --> 28:42.046
- My younger brother, Mortimer.
- Hey Morty! What it is.
28:42.171 --> 28:44.423
Billy Ray Valentine, Capricorn.
28:44.548 --> 28:47.885
Randy, that's like Randy Jackson
from the Jackson Five, right?
28:48.010 --> 28:50.346
- Yes, I suppose so.
- Yeah.
29:04.235 --> 29:06.654
Here we are, William.
29:08.906 --> 29:10.991
How you doing?
29:11.117 --> 29:13.869
Hey, Randy, Morty. This is nice, I like this.
29:13.994 --> 29:16.706
- William...
- Billy Ray.
29:16.831 --> 29:20.292
William, this is Coleman.
He'll look after your day-to-day needs.
29:20.418 --> 29:24.588
- Can I relieve you of those?
- You get a glass, I'll give you a sip.
29:25.631 --> 29:29.552
- Perhaps, your coat, sir?
- Yes, this is my coat.
29:29.677 --> 29:32.805
Coleman is here to take care of you.
He is your servant.
29:32.930 --> 29:34.932
- May I?
- Get out of here.
29:35.057 --> 29:39.395
Valentine very badly wants to take a hot
bath and get into something comfortable.
29:39.520 --> 29:41.814
Don't you, Valentine?
29:45.693 --> 29:47.778
Jacuzzi, sir?
29:47.903 --> 29:50.656
I knew you was faggots.
You ain't Jacuzzying nobody.
29:50.781 --> 29:53.284
It's a whirlpool bath sir.
29:53.409 --> 29:55.494
I think you'll enjoy it.
29:59.707 --> 30:03.836
Bubbles, man!
Say, when I was growing up,
30:03.961 --> 30:08.340
we want a Jacuzzi,
we had to fart in the tub. This is bad!
30:17.850 --> 30:21.228
- What's he doing in there?
- He's singing, sir.
30:21.353 --> 30:23.439
They're very musical people, aren't they?
30:24.732 --> 30:29.111
- What shall I do with his clothes?
- Send them to the laundry.
30:29.236 --> 30:33.824
He'll need them to wear back to the ghetto,
after I've won our bet.
30:33.949 --> 30:38.621
- Well, what do you think?
- I like it, Randy, very nice.
30:38.746 --> 30:41.957
I like the way you have the mirror and stuff.
30:42.083 --> 30:46.045
- I don't think he understands.
- Morty, I do understand.
30:46.170 --> 30:49.423
- William, this is your home.
- Right.
30:49.548 --> 30:53.344
- It belongs to you.
- Yeah, I like my home. It's very nice.
30:53.469 --> 30:57.098
- I have nice taste in houses.
- Everything here is yours.
30:57.223 --> 30:59.517
- This is my stuff?
- Your own property.
30:59.642 --> 31:01.727
- My own personal shit.
- You understand?
31:01.852 --> 31:04.980
Yeah, I like that.
You know what I like most?
31:05.106 --> 31:07.942
The curtains, it's beautiful the way
I've set this place up.
31:08.067 --> 31:10.945
This is something else.
I like it. The cabinets.
31:11.070 --> 31:14.532
Beautiful. I suppose
you'll give me this TV set for free?
31:14.657 --> 31:16.992
- That's right.
- Everything here is mine?
31:17.118 --> 31:19.912
- I guess the stereo's mine too?
- Absolutely.
31:20.037 --> 31:22.748
This is too much.
I could really dig this. You know why?
31:22.873 --> 31:24.959
This happens to me every week.
31:25.084 --> 31:27.962
This is your house.
31:28.087 --> 31:31.882
These are your personal possessions.
31:32.007 --> 31:34.719
You will only be stealing from yourself.
31:34.844 --> 31:37.763
Look, first you throw my ass in jail.
31:37.888 --> 31:42.518
Then you run me some garbage
about how this is my house, this is my rug
31:42.643 --> 31:44.979
and this is my personal slave too.
31:45.104 --> 31:49.400
I understand how you feel
but the fact remains, all this is yours.
31:49.525 --> 31:51.944
You may do with it whatever you wish.
31:52.069 --> 31:55.948
This is my stuff.
I can do what I want with it, right?
31:56.073 --> 31:58.993
This is my vase, Billy Ray's vase?
31:59.118 --> 32:03.289
I can play Harlem Globetrotters
shit with it, like Meadow Lark Lemon?
32:06.751 --> 32:11.005
- Hey man, I'm sorry about that.
- Perfectly all right, it was your vase.
32:12.965 --> 32:15.217
That was a fake, right?
32:15.342 --> 32:17.970
I think we paid $35,000 for it.
32:19.805 --> 32:24.435
But, I seem to remember we estimated
its value at $50,000 for the insurance.
32:26.270 --> 32:30.691
You see, Mortimer? William
has already made us a profit of $15,000.
32:39.742 --> 32:41.744
You want me to break something else?
32:41.869 --> 32:43.204
33:01.180 --> 33:02.640
Excuse me.
33:06.519 --> 33:12.191
I hope we're not pushing it, using Mr
Beeks for this, as well as the crop report.
33:12.316 --> 33:16.487
We are involved in a very important
scientific experiment, Mortimer
33:16.612 --> 33:19.323
and Mr Beeks has always proven reliable.
33:58.154 --> 34:00.072
Excuse me... Sorry.
34:06.454 --> 34:08.789
Hello, Todd. Gents.
34:22.928 --> 34:27.725
Gentlemen. There is something rotten
in the Heritage Club.
34:29.018 --> 34:31.771
Something that has
never raised its vile head
34:31.896 --> 34:35.524
in the 208 years of the club's history.
34:37.026 --> 34:38.903
There is a thief,
34:39.028 --> 34:41.113
and he's sitting here among us.
34:41.238 --> 34:44.283
Not an ordinary thief like the man
34:44.408 --> 34:47.787
Winthorpe had the guts
to stand up to yesterday.
34:47.912 --> 34:52.708
No, this man is a hundred times lower.
34:55.127 --> 34:58.798
I'd like to introduce Mr Beeks
of Lyndhurst Security.
35:03.302 --> 35:08.140
Thank you. I'd like
to ask you gentlemen to all stand up.
35:15.731 --> 35:19.360
I'd like to ask you to place
your left hand on the shoulder
35:19.485 --> 35:22.405
of the man to your left.
35:27.159 --> 35:29.245
I would now ask you
35:29.370 --> 35:34.291
to place your right hand in the coat pocket
of the member to your right.
35:34.417 --> 35:37.878
And empty the contents
of those pockets onto the table.
35:42.174 --> 35:44.093
Thank you.
35:44.552 --> 35:46.429
You may sit.
35:57.231 --> 36:00.359
We marked three $50 bills with red X's.
36:02.486 --> 36:05.031
Less than ten minutes ago
36:05.156 --> 36:09.201
those bills were stolen
from a coat in the cloakroom.
36:10.453 --> 36:13.414
One of our operatives witnessed the theft.
36:43.110 --> 36:47.907
Now, wait a minute. I've never seen
this money before in my life.
36:48.032 --> 36:52.328
Randolph, Mortimer, this is outrageous.
I haven't done anything wrong.
36:53.162 --> 36:55.706
Oh, Winthorpe.
36:55.831 --> 36:58.876
I'm glad your parents
are not alive to see this.
37:00.127 --> 37:03.130
Wait, this is preposterous.
This is insane.
37:03.255 --> 37:06.133
I have no reason to steal. I'm not a thief.
37:06.258 --> 37:09.428
I demand a fair hearing.
At least grant me that.
37:29.198 --> 37:32.410
You realise you're making
a grave mistake.
37:32.535 --> 37:36.455
Boy, are you two going to be sorry.
You know who I am?
37:36.580 --> 37:40.251
Yeah, Winthorpe Louis III.
37:40.376 --> 37:43.295
I'm permitted two calls,
point me to the phone.
37:43.421 --> 37:46.716
- Take off your clothes.
- Wait, I know my rights.
37:46.841 --> 37:48.259
Take off your clothes.
37:49.552 --> 37:53.389
You are making a career decision here.
Now, you'd better think about it.
37:53.514 --> 37:56.600
Because you'll have to live with it
for the rest of your life.
37:57.727 --> 38:00.813
Strip, before I tear you a new asshole.
38:03.774 --> 38:05.860
Did you hear what this man said?
38:05.985 --> 38:09.447
Now, I have witnesses.
This man is physically threatening me.
38:12.700 --> 38:14.618
38:14.744 --> 38:17.538
Louis the third.
38:17.663 --> 38:21.333
All right. One gold watch.
38:25.254 --> 38:28.174
One alligator skin wallet.
38:29.633 --> 38:32.887
Master Charge,
American Express... Gold Card.
38:34.180 --> 38:37.016
Visa, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche.
38:38.142 --> 38:40.227
Two tickets...
38:40.895 --> 38:44.482
- "La Bo-heem"
- "La Boheme" - it's an opera.
38:45.232 --> 38:47.318
It's an opera.
38:54.867 --> 38:59.288
- One cellophane bag.
- I've never seen that before in my life.
39:02.833 --> 39:06.379
That's PCP - phencyclidine.
Angel dust.
39:06.504 --> 39:09.006
You ever seen
what this stuff does to kids?
39:09.131 --> 39:13.469
You're looking
at three to five, mandatory... Louis.
39:31.612 --> 39:35.700
What's happening, Terry?
Gimme a bottle of your best champagne.
39:37.910 --> 39:41.789
You've got a nerve,
showing your face here after all this time.
39:41.914 --> 39:44.250
Look, man, I got your money.
39:44.959 --> 39:48.879
I got your poor... measly... $27...
39:49.046 --> 39:51.173
with interest.
39:52.633 --> 39:55.594
Billy Ray, honey. Is that you?
39:55.720 --> 39:59.682
Who do you think it is?
Terence, get the lady some champagne.
39:59.807 --> 40:04.145
In fact, champagne for everybody,
courtesy of Billy Ray Valentine.
40:12.236 --> 40:14.321
A toast to Billy Ray?
40:18.909 --> 40:20.369
I'm very sexy.
40:20.494 --> 40:24.582
People will say, "Billy Ray, you're sexy,"
and not understand my sexuality.
40:24.707 --> 40:26.250
I know.
40:28.586 --> 40:32.840
You was in the tank last night,
braggin' on your limousine.
40:33.674 --> 40:36.510
You're the motherfucker
I was gonna carve.
40:36.635 --> 40:38.512
40:41.807 --> 40:43.684
40:43.809 --> 40:45.603
40:45.728 --> 40:49.607
That's my limousine outside,
why don't you take a look at it?
40:49.732 --> 40:51.817
Right outside?
40:52.526 --> 40:55.321
40:55.446 --> 40:57.531
You took care of him, baby.
40:57.656 --> 41:01.160
I was gonna kick his ass,
but I'm a peaceful man.
41:09.418 --> 41:12.338
Ladies, it's time for me to get home.
41:12.463 --> 41:16.926
But if any of you ladies want
to drop by my house for cocktails,
41:17.051 --> 41:19.678
there's plenty of room in my limousine.
41:19.804 --> 41:21.889
Come on, everybody.
41:44.954 --> 41:48.541
- You're looking so fine, Billy Ray.
- Thank you very much.
41:54.213 --> 41:58.134
If you're gonna vomit,
the bathroom's downstairs.
41:58.259 --> 42:00.344
No, downstairs, man.
42:02.096 --> 42:03.556
42:06.183 --> 42:08.436
Hey! Hey!
42:08.561 --> 42:11.772
That's a Persian rug. It's from Persia.
42:19.447 --> 42:21.782
What is this shit here?
42:21.907 --> 42:25.619
Hold up! Hey, who's been
putting out their Kools on my floor?
42:26.787 --> 42:30.750
Who has been putting out
their Kools on my floor?
42:36.255 --> 42:38.883
Have you people ever heard of coasters?
42:42.720 --> 42:47.475
Would you like me to prepare some
more hors d'oeuvres for the guests, sir?
42:47.600 --> 42:49.685
Fuck them.
42:49.810 --> 42:54.106
Coleman, there was more people
in this room before, where 'd they go?
42:54.231 --> 42:57.902
I believe some of them
have adjourned upstairs, sir.
42:58.110 --> 42:59.987
To my bedroom?
43:01.906 --> 43:04.200
I'm waiting for you, Billy Ray.
43:05.117 --> 43:07.286
Put your clothes on
and get out.
43:25.262 --> 43:27.431
Yeah, that's my girl, over there.
43:34.855 --> 43:37.191
Can I have everybody's attention please?
43:51.956 --> 43:54.250
Get the fuck out!
43:58.921 --> 44:01.132
Good night, sir.
44:01.257 --> 44:04.760
Good night, madam.
I hope you enjoyed it.
44:08.848 --> 44:10.307
Thank you.
44:14.395 --> 44:17.440
It was a stone groove, my man.
44:17.565 --> 44:19.650
You are the most righteous...
44:19.775 --> 44:23.279
Get the fuck out, man.
Let's go, come on.
44:24.280 --> 44:26.198
Hurry up.
44:27.241 --> 44:31.203
And be quiet out there.
My neighbours are asleep, they work too.
44:35.207 --> 44:37.126
Well, your...
44:37.251 --> 44:40.880
Your friends seemed to enjoy it,
I thought it was a great success.
44:41.005 --> 44:46.052
They weren't friends. They're a bunch of
freeloaders, treating my house like a zoo.
44:47.511 --> 44:52.433
Why don't you retire, sir? I'll straighten up.
You've got a big day tomorrow.
44:54.852 --> 44:58.022
Yeah, yeah, I think I will...
44:59.899 --> 45:01.776
45:02.651 --> 45:05.321
Good night, Coleman. Thanks, man.
45:11.285 --> 45:12.828
Good night, sir.
45:33.349 --> 45:35.518
Let's go, Winthorpe.
45:48.406 --> 45:52.201
- Excuse me.
- I'll see you later, we'll have lunch.
45:52.326 --> 45:55.371
How would you like
to make a fast hundred?
45:55.496 --> 45:57.581
I just got out.
45:57.707 --> 46:02.294
Are you trying to entrap me right here?
You guys must be getting desperate.
46:30.656 --> 46:32.742
Is that your purse?
46:34.702 --> 46:36.787
46:36.912 --> 46:38.998
That's a nice purse.
46:41.333 --> 46:43.419
Thank you.
46:49.216 --> 46:51.761
Darling, I'm so glad to see you.
46:52.553 --> 46:55.473
Louis, you're making a scene.
46:56.349 --> 46:58.434
The good news is I'm innocent.
46:58.559 --> 47:01.729
I've never done anything resembling this.
47:01.854 --> 47:04.982
Louis, you look awful. I'm so ashamed.
47:05.107 --> 47:07.902
Those clothes and those shoes and...
47:09.070 --> 47:12.698
you've been fighting, and you smell.
47:13.741 --> 47:15.826
I smell?
47:15.951 --> 47:19.663
Penelope, do you realise
where I've been since yesterday?
47:19.789 --> 47:22.500
They beat me up and stole my clothes.
47:22.625 --> 47:24.919
Those men wanted to have sex with me.
47:25.044 --> 47:28.839
- Can we discuss this somewhere else?
- They tried to bend me over this...
47:28.964 --> 47:33.427
If this place is indicative
of correctional institutions in this country,
47:33.552 --> 47:36.097
they might as well let all the convicts out.
47:36.222 --> 47:38.307
It's far worse on the inside.
47:38.432 --> 47:43.270
Stealing from your friends, Louis?
Heroin, Louis? Have you lost your mind?
47:43.396 --> 47:46.732
Mother wants me to call off the wedding
and so does Todd.
47:46.857 --> 47:49.485
Todd, what does Todd have to do with it?
47:49.610 --> 47:54.407
You've been fired from Duke & Duke.
They're charging you with embezzlement.
47:55.574 --> 47:58.411
I've never stolen anything in my life.
47:58.536 --> 48:00.705
How could the man I loved,
48:00.830 --> 48:04.625
whose children I wanted to have
and breast-feed, be a heroin dealer?
48:04.750 --> 48:07.086
It wasn't heroin, it was angel dust, PCP...
48:08.212 --> 48:11.507
Listen Penelope,
I swear to you, on my honour,
48:11.632 --> 48:13.718
with almighty God as my witness,
48:13.843 --> 48:16.387
I am not an angel dust dealer.
48:20.933 --> 48:23.102
Oh, Louis.
48:27.940 --> 48:30.067
I've been looking
everywhere for you, baby.
48:30.192 --> 48:34.405
- Louis, I'm hurting. I just need a shot.
- Would you please...
48:34.530 --> 48:38.701
- Who is this person?
- I've never seen this woman before.
48:40.244 --> 48:42.329
Don't say that, Louis.
48:44.415 --> 48:48.044
Come on baby, just a dime bag.
I'll do all those things you like.
48:51.881 --> 48:56.510
You lying... filthy... disgusting... creep.
48:56.635 --> 49:01.557
Todd was right about you. I never want
to see you again as long as I live.
49:13.652 --> 49:17.198
Grand! Great! Thanks a lot.
49:17.698 --> 49:21.786
It was a joke.
Your friend said it would get you off.
49:21.911 --> 49:26.999
- Someone told you to do this to me?
- Yeah, and he paid me $100.
49:27.124 --> 49:28.584
He's over there.
49:32.463 --> 49:35.800
Let me get this straight,
I give you 20 for the cab,
49:35.925 --> 49:38.302
and you'll give me 50 at your house?
49:38.427 --> 49:41.806
That is correct.
My butler will give you $50,
49:41.931 --> 49:44.016
and drive you anywhere you wish.
49:44.141 --> 49:47.603
You don't exactly look like
the type that has a butler.
49:47.728 --> 49:52.316
- If you're hustling me...
- Hustling you, hustling you?
49:55.444 --> 49:58.989
You don't think they give these
to just anyone, do you?
49:59.115 --> 50:03.369
I can charge goods and services
in over 86 countries around the world.
50:04.537 --> 50:07.665
Yeah? Well I don't take credit cards.
50:17.466 --> 50:20.428
You'll see what a mistake all this was.
50:30.021 --> 50:31.272
50:31.397 --> 50:35.109
Coleman, could you let me in?
I'm having trouble with my key.
50:35.234 --> 50:40.656
- Who are you? What do you want?
- Just let me in, I'm in no mood for jokes.
50:40.781 --> 50:45.494
Coleman? There's no Coleman here.
You've made a mistake.
50:53.002 --> 50:55.087
Excuse me, for a moment.
50:55.963 --> 50:59.383
Coleman! Let me in.
51:01.594 --> 51:04.555
If you don't go away,
I shall call the police.
51:18.319 --> 51:23.157
Hello. I'll be making a cash withdrawal
for the amount of $500.
51:24.533 --> 51:26.702
In fact, make it $1,000.
51:33.876 --> 51:35.586
Excuse me.
51:44.178 --> 51:48.724
I'm sorry, Mr Winthorpe,
but the IRS has frozen your accounts.
51:48.849 --> 51:50.851
What? You know me.
51:50.976 --> 51:53.229
You're a heroin dealer, Mr Winthorpe.
51:53.354 --> 51:57.024
It wasn't heroin, it was angel dust - PCP
and I never touched it.
51:57.149 --> 52:01.696
Regardless, it's not the kind of business
we want at First National.
52:03.239 --> 52:05.449
May I see your credit cards please?
52:10.663 --> 52:13.165
- I've been ordered to repossess them.
- What?
52:13.290 --> 52:17.962
Wait, what am I supposed to live on?
What's going to happen to me?
52:19.130 --> 52:20.589
52:33.519 --> 52:36.772
Why is someone
deliberately trying to ruin my life?
52:36.897 --> 52:39.692
Tell you what. Forget about the $50, OK?
52:39.817 --> 52:41.902
I'm just real tired. I'm going home.
52:43.779 --> 52:47.241
You've got to believe me.
You must believe me.
52:47.366 --> 52:50.703
I have been framed.
You can't just leave me here.
52:50.828 --> 52:53.330
I've got enough problems, Louis.
52:57.293 --> 52:59.378
Come on, come on.
53:00.713 --> 53:02.590
Listen! Wait!
53:02.715 --> 53:03.841
53:05.134 --> 53:09.972
I have over $150,000 in that bank.
53:10.890 --> 53:14.810
But you don't care because
you helped them do this to me.
53:22.151 --> 53:24.362
Get off your knees, Louis.
53:32.620 --> 53:34.705
Give me your hand.
53:37.666 --> 53:39.543
Soft hands.
53:40.628 --> 53:45.007
And a manicure. Never done a hard day's
work in your life, have you?
53:49.887 --> 53:52.598
I'm gonna regret this but...
53:52.723 --> 53:55.142
come on. Get in.
54:13.411 --> 54:17.581
I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
This has been a grave mistake.
54:18.040 --> 54:21.168
Hey, that looks just like
the dude that had me busted.
54:21.293 --> 54:23.295
54:23.421 --> 54:26.465
Right there,
he looked just like the mother...
54:26.590 --> 54:30.011
I mean, he looks just like
the gentleman that had me busted.
54:30.636 --> 54:32.471
To whom are you referring, sir?
54:32.596 --> 54:34.473
The dude right there.
54:36.392 --> 54:38.978
- Right over there.
- That's my car.
54:39.103 --> 54:43.315
Coleman, that's my car!
54:43.441 --> 54:46.986
That's my car! That's my driver.
54:52.658 --> 54:54.952
There's some strange shit
going on here, Coleman.
54:55.911 --> 54:58.497
You don't want
to be late for your first day, sir.
55:06.172 --> 55:08.632
What do they want me to do here?
55:08.758 --> 55:12.470
- I'm sure they'll tell you.
- What if I can't do it?
55:13.346 --> 55:15.431
Just be yourself, sir.
55:15.556 --> 55:19.185
Whatever happens,
they can't take that away from you.
55:35.117 --> 55:37.828
- Excuse me, my name is...
- Mr Valentine.
55:37.953 --> 55:40.539
They're waiting in the last office
down the hall.
56:02.937 --> 56:07.942
- Ah, William, my boy. Right on time.
- Come in, come in.
56:10.444 --> 56:12.530
Sit down.
56:15.366 --> 56:18.285
No thanks, guys.
I already had breakfast.
56:18.411 --> 56:21.080
This is not a meal, Valentine.
56:21.205 --> 56:25.626
We are here to try to explain to you,
what it is we do here.
56:25.751 --> 56:28.671
We are commodities brokers, William.
56:28.796 --> 56:31.132
Now, what are commodities?
56:31.257 --> 56:34.176
Commodities are agricultural products.
56:34.301 --> 56:38.097
Like coffee, that you had for breakfast.
56:38.222 --> 56:40.975
Wheat, which is used to make bread.
56:41.100 --> 56:43.394
Pork bellies, which is used to make bacon,
56:43.519 --> 56:47.565
which you might find in a bacon,
lettuce and tomato sandwich.
56:49.108 --> 56:54.989
Then there are other commodities like...
frozen orange juice... and gold.
56:55.114 --> 56:59.785
Though, of course, gold
doesn't grow on trees like oranges.
57:01.162 --> 57:03.873
- Clear so far?
- Yeah.
57:03.998 --> 57:08.002
Good, William.
Now, some of our clients are speculating
57:08.127 --> 57:11.505
that the price of gold
will rise in the future.
57:11.630 --> 57:16.844
We have other clients who are speculating
that the price of gold is going to fall.
57:16.969 --> 57:19.764
They've placed their orders with us
57:19.889 --> 57:23.726
and we buy or sell their gold for them.
57:23.851 --> 57:26.645
Tell him the good part.
57:26.771 --> 57:32.193
The good part is that no matter whether
our clients make money,
57:32.318 --> 57:37.448
or lose money,
Duke & Duke get the commissions.
57:37.907 --> 57:40.534
Well, what do you think, Valentine?
57:42.661 --> 57:46.290
Sounds to me like you guys
are a couple of bookies.
57:46.415 --> 57:48.042
I told you he'd understand.
57:49.710 --> 57:53.547
It doesn't take a genius
to figure out what happened.
57:53.672 --> 57:58.094
It's the same guy who tried
to rob the payroll, no doubt, that's him.
57:58.219 --> 58:00.304
He planted the drugs on me.
58:00.429 --> 58:02.723
Rachim, Mohammed, Larry.
How are you guys doing?
58:02.848 --> 58:05.768
Hey, hey, how ya doing?
58:07.478 --> 58:09.563
You know those people?
58:21.784 --> 58:24.078
He was wearing my Harvard tie.
58:24.203 --> 58:28.666
Can you believe it? My Harvard tie.
Like, oh sure, he went to Harvard.
58:30.126 --> 58:35.589
If he's being driven around in my car,
he could actually be living in my house.
58:36.549 --> 58:38.843
Maybe he's even taken my job.
58:38.968 --> 58:43.347
For all I know, right at this moment
he could be fondling my fiancee.
58:43.931 --> 58:47.810
And Coleman -
after years of service, this betrayal.
58:47.935 --> 58:50.021
I don't understand it.
58:50.646 --> 58:53.774
There's going to be retribution.
Oh, he's going to pay.
58:53.899 --> 58:56.527
- The things that I...
- Shut up, Louis.
58:56.652 --> 59:00.197
Taxis cost money,
food costs money and rent costs money!
59:00.322 --> 59:04.326
Now, you want me to help you out,
I expect a lot in return.
59:04.452 --> 59:08.622
These were here when I moved in.
Put 'em on if you want.
59:14.754 --> 59:20.009
Look, I cannot begin to tell you
how much I appreciate this...
59:20.134 --> 59:24.472
- Ophelia.
- Ophelia, you realise that's the name...
59:24.597 --> 59:27.850
I know, Hamlet's girlfriend.
He went crazy, she killed herself.
59:27.975 --> 59:30.895
This is not Shakespeare, Louis.
59:31.020 --> 59:35.775
I'm 24. I'm from a small, miserable
mining town you probably never heard of.
59:37.151 --> 59:41.655
The only thing I've got going for me,
is this body, this face,
59:41.781 --> 59:43.866
and what I got up here.
59:53.542 --> 59:55.628
I don't do drugs.
59:55.753 --> 59:57.838
And I don't have a pimp.
59:59.465 --> 1:00:01.550
This place is a dump.
1:00:01.676 --> 1:00:05.054
But it's cheap,
it's clean and it's all mine.
1:00:05.179 --> 1:00:08.724
I've saved 42 grand
and it's in T-Bills earning interest.
1:00:08.849 --> 1:00:12.228
I've got three more years on my back.
I'll have enough to retire.
1:00:13.604 --> 1:00:15.898
You're a prostitute?
1:00:21.779 --> 1:00:24.615
I'm talking about
a business proposition, Louis.
1:00:24.740 --> 1:00:29.912
I help you get back on your feet
and you pay me, in cash, five figures.
1:00:30.037 --> 1:00:33.165
That's the deal
and it's not subject to negotiation.
1:00:33.290 --> 1:00:35.376
1:00:51.517 --> 1:00:56.355
By the way, food and rent are not
the only things here that cost money.
1:00:56.480 --> 1:00:58.482
You sleep on the couch.
1:01:01.027 --> 1:01:03.195
It's hit rock bottom. Come on, let's buy.
1:01:04.822 --> 1:01:07.116
Buy 200 May belly contracts at 66.8.
1:01:07.241 --> 1:01:11.620
- Put them on my personal account.
- That's a big mistake, man.
1:01:11.746 --> 1:01:17.918
- Valentine, this is very important, watch.
- You're going to get reamed on this one.
1:01:18.044 --> 1:01:21.005
Why shouldn't we buy now, William?
1:01:21.130 --> 1:01:22.965
Price is going to keep going down.
1:01:25.092 --> 1:01:27.636
Randolph, this isn't
Monopoly money we're playing with.
1:01:30.181 --> 1:01:33.392
This is Randolph Duke.
Hold that belly over a moment.
1:01:34.643 --> 1:01:39.440
Tell me why you think
the price of pork bellies is going down.
1:01:39.565 --> 1:01:44.487
- It's Christmas time. Everybody's uptight.
- Could we please buy now?
1:01:44.612 --> 1:01:48.115
- If you want to lose money go ahead.
- What are you trying to say?
1:01:48.240 --> 1:01:51.911
OK, pork belly prices
have been dropping all morning.
1:01:52.036 --> 1:01:56.791
So everybody's waiting for them
to hit rock bottom so they can buy cheap.
1:01:56.916 --> 1:01:59.835
The people with
pork belly contracts are thinking,
1:01:59.960 --> 1:02:03.255
"Hey, we're losing all our money
and Christmas is coming.
1:02:03.381 --> 1:02:06.509
"I won't be able to buy my
son the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip.
1:02:06.634 --> 1:02:10.805
"And my wife won't make love to me
cos I ain't got no money."
1:02:10.930 --> 1:02:13.516
They're panicking, screaming, "Sell, sell."
1:02:13.641 --> 1:02:18.104
They don't want to lose all their money.
They are panicking right now. I can feel it.
1:02:18.229 --> 1:02:19.939
Look at them.
1:02:20.064 --> 1:02:22.983
He's right, Mortimer, my God, look at it.
1:02:23.818 --> 1:02:26.320
I'd wait till you get to 64, then buy.
1:02:26.445 --> 1:02:28.948
You'll have cleared out
all the suckers by then.
1:02:30.032 --> 1:02:32.743
Do you realise how much money
he just saved us?
1:02:32.868 --> 1:02:35.371
Money isn't everything, Randolph.
1:02:38.082 --> 1:02:42.545
Advise our clients
interested in bellies to buy at 64.
1:02:42.670 --> 1:02:45.005
Mr Valentine has set the price.
1:02:47.383 --> 1:02:51.429
Well done, William.
Very well done.
1:02:51.554 --> 1:02:54.432
Come on, Randolph, we're gonna be late.
1:03:24.545 --> 1:03:28.299
Mortimer dropped his money clip.
1:03:29.342 --> 1:03:32.470
- You can count it, it's all there.
- Thank you.
1:03:32.595 --> 1:03:37.516
- It's all there, count it.
- I'm sure it is. Keep up the good work.
1:03:37.641 --> 1:03:39.769
All right, Randy.
1:03:39.894 --> 1:03:41.979
Nice try, Mortimer.
1:04:35.950 --> 1:04:38.661
That was great, that was really great.
1:04:42.248 --> 1:04:45.167
...and she stepped on the ball.
1:04:47.795 --> 1:04:51.298
Oh my God, I don't believe it.
1:04:54.301 --> 1:04:58.514
- Ah, there you are.
- I think I'm going to be sick.
1:04:58.639 --> 1:05:00.725
Don't worry, I'll handle this, Pookums.
1:05:02.435 --> 1:05:04.520
Todd, Harry, Andrew, Philip.
1:05:04.645 --> 1:05:08.649
I realise this looks completely awful
but I just wanted to assure you,
1:05:08.774 --> 1:05:11.527
my friends, that I am completely innocent.
1:05:11.652 --> 1:05:16.032
I'm going to fight this.
Someone is out to get me and I know who.
1:05:16.157 --> 1:05:19.785
The important thing is
that I can rely on you,
1:05:19.910 --> 1:05:22.288
my friends, as character witnesses.
1:05:29.503 --> 1:05:31.630
I'm going to be defending myself
1:05:31.756 --> 1:05:35.259
and I wondered
if you could see your way clear
1:05:35.384 --> 1:05:40.181
to perhaps advance me
a small loan until the hearing.
1:05:42.016 --> 1:05:46.479
Frankly, Winthorpe,
and I think I speak for all of us,
1:05:46.604 --> 1:05:51.067
I think it shows incredibly bad taste
for you to embarrass us like this.
1:05:53.027 --> 1:05:55.279
I believe I'm still a member of this club.
1:05:57.239 --> 1:06:02.870
Nobody wants to buy your drugs, Louis.
Why don't you just go away?
1:06:16.175 --> 1:06:18.260
Burnt my fingers, man.
1:06:21.305 --> 1:06:23.391
I beg your pardon.
1:06:24.892 --> 1:06:27.812
Man, that watch is so hot, it's smokin'.
1:06:27.937 --> 1:06:31.774
Hot? Do you mean to imply, stolen?
1:06:31.899 --> 1:06:35.444
- I'll give you 50 bucks for it.
- 50 bucks!
1:06:35.986 --> 1:06:40.282
No, no, no. This is a Rochefoucauld, the
thinnest water-resistant watch in the world.
1:06:40.408 --> 1:06:43.077
Singularly unique, sculptured in design,
1:06:43.202 --> 1:06:47.998
hand-crafted in Switzerland
and water-resistant to three atmospheres.
1:06:48.124 --> 1:06:53.796
This is the sports watch of the '80s.
$6,955 retail.
1:06:53.921 --> 1:06:55.631
Got a receipt?
1:06:55.756 --> 1:06:58.050
Look, it tells time simultaneously
1:06:58.175 --> 1:07:01.512
in Monte Carlo, Beverly Hills, London,
Paris, Rome and Gstaad.
1:07:01.637 --> 1:07:05.933
In Philadelphia it's worth 50 bucks.
1:07:06.851 --> 1:07:08.936
Just give me the money.
1:07:21.991 --> 1:07:24.660
How much for the gun?
1:07:29.248 --> 1:07:33.002
So, this snail is standing
in front of the Cadillac salesman, see,
1:07:33.127 --> 1:07:36.672
and says,
"How much is that Cadillac?"
1:07:43.929 --> 1:07:47.975
The snail says,
"I want a big 'S' put on each door
1:07:48.100 --> 1:07:53.439
"and on top of the car, I want a big 'S'
so everybody can see it."
1:07:53.564 --> 1:07:57.902
Salesman says, "Why do you want that?"
He says, "When I drive down the avenue...
1:07:58.027 --> 1:08:02.698
"I want everybody to say
'Look at that S-car-go."'
1:08:09.413 --> 1:08:12.083
"Look at the S-car-go."
1:08:19.131 --> 1:08:23.469
I'm considering going long on April wheat.
What do you think, Valentine?
1:08:26.764 --> 1:08:30.518
I can think of three good reasons
why you shouldn't do that, judge.
1:08:30.643 --> 1:08:35.022
One, the Russian wheat harvest isn't going
to be as bad as people think... and two...
1:08:38.150 --> 1:08:41.278
...and three, judging by
the jewels around your girlfriend's neck,
1:08:41.404 --> 1:08:45.074
I think you're going to need every penny
just to keep her happy.
1:09:25.197 --> 1:09:28.868
That's it, you're staying in bed.
1:09:28.993 --> 1:09:34.206
That man has moved into my house.
He's stolen my job. I have to do something.
1:09:36.333 --> 1:09:38.419
Stay here.
1:09:44.800 --> 1:09:47.136
It's ten o'clock - here's Johnny.
1:09:47.261 --> 1:09:51.390
Listen, baby, I'm sorry.
My momma just came in from outta town.
1:09:51.515 --> 1:09:53.601
Can we do it next week?
1:09:57.396 --> 1:09:59.482
Flowers for me?
1:09:59.607 --> 1:10:01.275
1:10:05.946 --> 1:10:08.741
- What are you doing?
- You've got company.
1:10:08.866 --> 1:10:11.369
Business is business.
I'll go for a walk.
1:10:11.494 --> 1:10:14.622
- Fresh air will do me good.
- Lay down.
1:10:19.126 --> 1:10:22.254
I'm sorry you had to cancel
your appointment.
1:10:25.007 --> 1:10:27.093
What are you doing?
1:10:40.981 --> 1:10:44.360
Ophelia, I can't tell you
how good that feels.
1:10:45.236 --> 1:10:47.947
You've been so kind to me.
1:10:48.072 --> 1:10:51.534
I'm just protecting my investment.
That's all.
1:10:53.577 --> 1:10:55.663
Shut up and go to sleep.
1:11:10.845 --> 1:11:14.390
99 and a half. You're not
getting out of bed until it's normal.
1:11:14.515 --> 1:11:17.226
I feel fine and I've
inconvenienced you enough.
1:11:17.351 --> 1:11:20.021
You have work to do and so do I.
1:11:20.146 --> 1:11:22.231
Nobody works on Christmas Eve.
1:11:22.356 --> 1:11:26.444
I'm going shopping
and then I'll make you a nice quiet dinner.
1:11:26.569 --> 1:11:28.654
Now, read your paper.
1:11:44.295 --> 1:11:48.549
Christmas! I'll give him a Christmas
present he'll never forget.
1:13:15.803 --> 1:13:18.723
Ah William, where've you been?
The party's already begun.
1:13:18.848 --> 1:13:20.933
I have some work to finish.
1:13:21.058 --> 1:13:24.186
It's Christmas Eve
and William wants to keep working.
1:13:25.438 --> 1:13:28.858
I'll think of you in Stockholm,
when I accept the Nobel Prize.
1:13:28.983 --> 1:13:33.487
The wager has two parts - something
about a second party turning to crime.
1:13:37.199 --> 1:13:39.744
Didn't you say you had work to do?
1:13:39.869 --> 1:13:44.373
Yes sir. I was wondering about this
$10,000 cheque to Mr Clarence Beeks.
1:13:44.498 --> 1:13:46.584
I'll take care of it, Valentine.
1:13:46.709 --> 1:13:49.628
I don't recall a Clarence Beeks, Mr Duke.
1:13:49.754 --> 1:13:52.256
It was before you joined us, Valentine.
1:13:52.381 --> 1:13:57.053
We did manage to stay in business
for 47 years before your arrival.
1:13:57.553 --> 1:14:00.473
Have a drink, William.
Merry Christmas.
1:14:00.598 --> 1:14:03.726
- Merry Christmas, Mr Duke.
- What?
1:14:03.851 --> 1:14:06.896
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh, oh, Merry Christmas.
1:14:17.406 --> 1:14:21.035
Ho, ho, ho!
1:14:31.921 --> 1:14:34.006
Just what do you think you're doing?
1:14:34.548 --> 1:14:38.928
Randolph, Mortimer, come in here quickly,
I've finally caught him.
1:14:42.181 --> 1:14:44.809
- Who are you?
- I've caught him red-handed.
1:14:44.934 --> 1:14:47.019
Winthorpe, is that you?
1:14:47.144 --> 1:14:50.898
I'm making a citizen's arrest.
This man is a drug dealer.
1:14:51.023 --> 1:14:54.110
Look, his office drawer,
he's got all the bad drugs here.
1:14:54.235 --> 1:14:57.154
Marijuana joints, pills, Quaaludes,
1:14:57.279 --> 1:15:01.742
Valium, yellow ones, red ones,
cocaine grinder, drug needles.
1:15:01.867 --> 1:15:04.036
He's the pusher, not me.
1:15:04.161 --> 1:15:07.248
I just came in
and caught him planting this stuff.
1:15:07.373 --> 1:15:10.292
It's obviously
some primitive attempt to frame me.
1:15:10.418 --> 1:15:15.006
Frame you? Boy, if that
isn't the pot calling the kettle black.
1:15:15.131 --> 1:15:18.009
This man's obviously a lunatic.
I'm calling security.
1:15:19.176 --> 1:15:21.262
Put that phone down.
1:15:22.930 --> 1:15:26.267
Hello, security...
Merry Christmas.
1:15:28.644 --> 1:15:31.063
You tried to rob me,
plant drugs on me.
1:15:31.188 --> 1:15:35.276
You steal my house, my car, my job.
I ought to kill him now.
1:15:35.401 --> 1:15:37.486
Look, this is a big misunderstanding.
1:15:37.611 --> 1:15:41.449
I don't know nothing about it.
Could you put the gun away?
1:15:41.574 --> 1:15:45.369
Put that gun away at once, Winthorpe.
Have you lost your mind?
1:15:46.620 --> 1:15:48.122
Freeze, slime ball.
1:15:50.249 --> 1:15:55.629
I realise this whole experience
must have been rather unsettling for you.
1:15:55.755 --> 1:15:57.882
Winthorpe, don't leave. We can explain.
1:15:58.549 --> 1:16:01.260
Yeah, you'll be sorry.
1:16:03.721 --> 1:16:07.141
You'll all be very, very sorry.
1:16:29.497 --> 1:16:33.584
Poor, deluded creature.
We caught him pilfering at our club,
1:16:33.709 --> 1:16:37.171
embezzling funds, selling drugs.
1:16:37.296 --> 1:16:39.715
Now he's dressing up like Santa Claus.
1:16:40.633 --> 1:16:42.718
Very sordid business.
1:16:42.843 --> 1:16:46.555
I can't believe Winthorpe
would fall to pieces like that.
1:16:46.806 --> 1:16:49.100
It's not my business,
but he belongs behind bars.
1:16:49.225 --> 1:16:52.687
- He's unemployed, Valentine.
- It's no excuse, Mortimer.
1:16:52.812 --> 1:16:55.398
He's flat broke, obviously hungry.
1:16:55.523 --> 1:16:57.775
But he has money to buy drugs, right?
1:16:57.900 --> 1:17:01.987
You can't be soft on people like that.
Take it from me, Randolph.
1:18:07.595 --> 1:18:09.930
Pay up, Mortimer, I've won the bet.
1:18:12.350 --> 1:18:15.019
Here, one dollar.
1:18:17.271 --> 1:18:22.443
We took a perfectly useless
psychopath, like Valentine,
1:18:22.568 --> 1:18:26.405
and turned him
into a successful executive.
1:18:27.531 --> 1:18:29.617
And during the same time,
1:18:29.742 --> 1:18:33.871
we turned an honest, hard-working man
1:18:33.996 --> 1:18:38.292
into a violently deranged, would-be killer.
1:18:40.544 --> 1:18:43.923
Now, what are we going to do
about taking Winthorpe back
1:18:44.048 --> 1:18:46.133
and returning Valentine to the ghetto?
1:18:46.258 --> 1:18:49.553
I don't want Winthorpe back
after what he's done.
1:18:50.638 --> 1:18:54.475
You mean keep Valentine on,
as Managing Director?
1:18:55.643 --> 1:19:00.606
Do you really believe I would have a nigger
run our family business, Randolph?
1:19:00.731 --> 1:19:03.943
Of course not. Neither would I.
1:19:04.610 --> 1:19:07.738
I do think we should hold off
on switching them back, though.
1:19:07.863 --> 1:19:10.991
Until we get that crop report,
New Year's Eve, don't you?
1:19:11.117 --> 1:19:13.786
Absolutely, no sense
rocking the boat until then.
1:19:13.911 --> 1:19:17.623
If Mr Beeks does what we paid him to do,
1:19:17.748 --> 1:19:21.043
we should have a very happy New Year.
1:19:21.168 --> 1:19:23.254
1:19:41.814 --> 1:19:44.567
Hey, Winthorpe, Winthorpe.
1:19:52.408 --> 1:19:53.492
1:20:15.890 --> 1:20:18.809
Hey, Winthorpe.
Yo, Winthorpe.
1:20:19.935 --> 1:20:22.355
Winthorpe. Yo.
1:20:25.816 --> 1:20:27.902
Sorry about that.
1:20:41.916 --> 1:20:44.001
Yo! Yo!
1:20:45.336 --> 1:20:47.421
Hey, Taxi!
1:22:44.789 --> 1:22:46.999
Hi, Louis. Merry Christmas.
1:22:51.504 --> 1:22:53.923
Louis, I have a big surprise for you.
1:22:55.341 --> 1:23:00.262
Excuse me. The door was open...
I'm looking for a Louis Winthorpe.
1:23:00.388 --> 1:23:04.225
- Does he live here?
- Wait here a minute, I'll be right back.
1:23:08.729 --> 1:23:11.732
Louis, Louis. It's him. It's Valentine.
1:23:12.942 --> 1:23:16.070
Louis... Louis?
1:23:21.367 --> 1:23:22.910
1:23:24.578 --> 1:23:26.997
It was close but he's going to be all right.
1:23:27.123 --> 1:23:29.917
Now, make sure he gets plenty of rest.
1:23:30.042 --> 1:23:32.253
And for God's sake, no excitement.
1:23:33.921 --> 1:23:36.007
Thanks, Doc. Merry Christmas.
1:23:36.132 --> 1:23:39.260
Merry Christmas to you.
I'll let myself out, Coleman. Thank you.
1:23:39.385 --> 1:23:41.470
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
1:23:49.311 --> 1:23:53.190
It was a dream.
I dreamt the whole thing.
1:23:53.315 --> 1:23:55.401
It was just a bad dream.
1:23:55.526 --> 1:23:57.570
Good morning, sir.
1:23:57.695 --> 1:23:59.280
Merry Christmas.
1:23:59.405 --> 1:24:03.200
Coleman, I've had
the most absurd nightmare.
1:24:03.325 --> 1:24:05.870
I was poor and no one liked me.
1:24:05.995 --> 1:24:09.915
I lost my job, I lost my house.
Penelope hated me.
1:24:10.708 --> 1:24:13.669
And it was all because
of this terrible, awful Negro.
1:24:17.548 --> 1:24:21.427
- Oh dear!
- It... was... the... Dukes.
1:24:21.552 --> 1:24:24.055
You're a dead man, Valentine.
1:24:25.514 --> 1:24:29.560
It was an experiment.
They used us as guinea pigs, man.
1:24:32.480 --> 1:24:34.774
The Dukes used us as guinea pigs.
1:24:34.899 --> 1:24:38.194
To see how our lives would turn out.
They made a bet.
1:24:38.319 --> 1:24:41.238
- I'm afraid it's true, sir.
- I believe him, Louis.
1:24:41.364 --> 1:24:46.369
The Dukes ruined my life over a bet?
1:24:46.494 --> 1:24:50.998
- For how much?
- A dollar.
1:24:52.333 --> 1:24:54.418
One dollar.
1:24:55.419 --> 1:24:58.547
Fine, that's the way they want it.
1:24:59.965 --> 1:25:01.300
No problem.
1:25:03.844 --> 1:25:07.473
You can't just shoot people
with a double-barrelled shotgun
1:25:07.598 --> 1:25:09.684
cos you're pissed at them.
1:25:09.809 --> 1:25:12.853
- Why not?
- It's assault with a deadly weapon.
1:25:12.978 --> 1:25:15.314
You get 20 years for that shit.
1:25:15.439 --> 1:25:17.525
Do you have any better ideas?
1:25:17.650 --> 1:25:22.655
Yeah, it seems the best way to hurt rich
people is by turning 'em into poor people.
1:25:24.156 --> 1:25:27.743
You have to admit,
you didn't like it yourself a bit.
1:25:27.868 --> 1:25:30.996
Under heavy security,
1:25:31.122 --> 1:25:34.875
the crop estimates
for next year's orange crop
1:25:35.001 --> 1:25:38.921
are being delivered to the Department
Of Agriculture in Washington DC.
1:25:39.088 --> 1:25:43.217
Louis, Louis, that's him,
the guy who paid me to talk dirty to you.
1:25:43.342 --> 1:25:47.013
In charge of security, Mr Clarence Beeks
of Lyndhurst Security.
1:25:47.179 --> 1:25:49.223
Clarence Beeks.
1:25:49.348 --> 1:25:54.061
- The Dukes gave him 10 grand.
- I saw 50,000 in the payroll.
1:25:54.186 --> 1:25:56.439
Mortimer said it was for research.
1:25:56.564 --> 1:26:01.569
Research, so he can get that top secret
report, two days before it goes public.
1:26:01.694 --> 1:26:06.824
Oh my God, the Dukes will corner
the entire frozen orange juice market.
1:26:06.949 --> 1:26:09.160
Unless somebody stops them.
1:26:09.285 --> 1:26:11.996
Or beats them to it.
1:26:12.121 --> 1:26:13.789
1:26:13.914 --> 1:26:16.584
Duke & Duke, may I ask who's calling?
1:26:16.709 --> 1:26:19.837
Duke & Duke, he's busy.
Can you hold please?
1:26:19.962 --> 1:26:23.632
May I help you? One moment,
Mr Beeks, I'll put you right through.
1:26:31.640 --> 1:26:36.395
Operation "strange fruit"
proceeding according to plan.
1:26:37.480 --> 1:26:42.026
I anticipate penetration and acquisition
at 21:00 tomorrow. Hold on.
1:26:42.485 --> 1:26:44.570
Fuck off!
1:26:44.695 --> 1:26:49.658
- When can we expect delivery?
- I will be leaving DC by train.
1:26:49.784 --> 1:26:55.456
Will rendezvous at 24:00 at the
Hilton Hotel, parking level D, Section 4.
1:26:55.581 --> 1:26:58.334
That's the orange section.
1:26:58.459 --> 1:27:00.753
Orange, I like that, very good.
1:27:00.878 --> 1:27:03.839
The final payment is due on delivery,
in cash.
1:27:17.353 --> 1:27:19.188
Jesus, hey!
1:27:19.647 --> 1:27:21.732
Happy New Year!
1:27:54.849 --> 1:28:00.062
- Ever make it with an ape?
- Harvey, haven't you had enough drink?
1:28:00.229 --> 1:28:02.773
Are you kidding,
it's not even New Year's Eve.
1:28:02.940 --> 1:28:05.359
Come here, kiss this beautiful ape.
1:28:05.484 --> 1:28:07.862
Come on.
1:28:08.946 --> 1:28:11.032
Harrisburg Express...
1:28:18.873 --> 1:28:21.667
- What?
- It's my turn to drive.
1:28:23.669 --> 1:28:26.005
- No it isn't.
- It is.
1:28:26.130 --> 1:28:29.925
- I'm sure you think it is, but it isn't.
- Don't you remember?
1:28:30.051 --> 1:28:32.678
You drove the shipment of anchovies.
1:28:32.803 --> 1:28:37.308
Yeah, but you had the video tape
recorders this afternoon.
1:28:39.393 --> 1:28:41.479
I backed them up about five feet.
1:28:41.604 --> 1:28:45.775
We take turns. Sometimes it's longer,
sometimes shorter. It's my turn now.
1:28:45.900 --> 1:28:48.444
- No it isn't.
- Yes it is.
1:28:55.743 --> 1:28:59.413
- Merry New Year.
- Happy New Year.
1:28:59.538 --> 1:29:01.666
In this country, we say, "Happy New Year".
1:29:04.710 --> 1:29:07.088
Thank you for correcting my English,
which stinks.
1:29:07.213 --> 1:29:11.801
I am Naga Eboko,
exchange student from Cameroon.
1:29:41.080 --> 1:29:43.165
Beef jerky time.
1:29:43.749 --> 1:29:47.086
- You want some beef jerky?
- No, please.
1:29:47.753 --> 1:29:49.463
There's plenty, you know.
1:29:50.047 --> 1:29:52.425
This animal's being
routed through to New York.
1:29:52.550 --> 1:29:55.720
Its care and feeding instructions
are on this bill of lading.
1:29:55.845 --> 1:29:57.930
OK, gotcha.
1:29:58.055 --> 1:30:01.892
I doubt you'll have need it but, there's
a tranquilliser gun in the First Aid kit.
1:30:03.185 --> 1:30:07.732
- Oh, yeah?
- Say, have you guys been drinking?
1:30:07.857 --> 1:30:11.485
- No, sir. Not us.
- There's enough drunks here already.
1:30:16.032 --> 1:30:18.200
Happy New Year.
1:30:18.325 --> 1:30:22.413
That's kind of you, son.
A Happy New Year to you, too.
1:30:22.538 --> 1:30:27.501
Could I offer either of you two gentlemen
a wee jolt of Irish whisky,
1:30:27.626 --> 1:30:29.920
to usher in the New Year.
1:30:30.046 --> 1:30:32.131
Not for me, pal.
1:30:33.674 --> 1:30:36.802
I do not drink. It is against my religion.
1:30:36.927 --> 1:30:41.432
I always say, religion's a fine thing,
taken in moderation.
1:30:41.557 --> 1:30:43.642
Beef jerky?
1:30:43.768 --> 1:30:46.729
No son, it gives me wind,
something terrible.
1:30:50.941 --> 1:30:53.027
We are moving! We are moving!
1:30:57.323 --> 1:31:00.451
New York, here we come!
1:31:13.005 --> 1:31:15.341
Come in, my child, join the party.
1:31:15.466 --> 1:31:19.595
Let me see, you would be from Austria.
Am I right?
1:31:19.720 --> 1:31:23.808
- No, I am Inga from Sweden.
- Sweden?
1:31:23.933 --> 1:31:27.103
But you're wearing Lederhosen.
1:31:28.145 --> 1:31:30.356
Ja, for sure, from Sweden.
1:31:35.111 --> 1:31:37.321
Please, help me with my rucksack.
1:31:39.156 --> 1:31:41.242
Oh yeah, sure, why not?
1:32:09.562 --> 1:32:13.190
I'm hungry, man.
I've got to get something more to eat.
1:32:13.315 --> 1:32:17.153
Well, maybe there's
some pretzels in the bar car.
1:32:34.462 --> 1:32:36.422
You're welcome!
1:32:48.225 --> 1:32:51.354
- Who is that?
- Open the door, man.
1:32:58.611 --> 1:33:02.156
I'm dressed as a baggage handler.
1:33:02.281 --> 1:33:07.161
Imagine how embarrassed I was that
someone had the same costume I had!
1:33:08.037 --> 1:33:12.375
Monkey, monkey?
I'm a fucking gorilla you clown!
1:33:12.875 --> 1:33:17.129
I certainly hope there's
enough space on the train for me.
1:33:18.047 --> 1:33:21.425
Naga, Naga Eboko, from Cameroon.
1:33:21.550 --> 1:33:24.178
Do you remember me? It's Lionel Joseph.
1:33:25.429 --> 1:33:30.101
Lionel, from the African Education
Conference, right?
1:33:30.226 --> 1:33:34.980
I was Director of Cultural Events
at the Haile Selassie Pavilion.
1:33:35.106 --> 1:33:37.775
I remember
we have big fun there.
1:33:53.541 --> 1:33:56.585
Now we are all here,
we will have a picnic, ja?
1:33:56.711 --> 1:34:00.840
You will help me get my rucksack down
for the Swedish meatballs.
1:34:05.094 --> 1:34:07.596
- Remember the one we did?
- Yeah.
1:34:13.102 --> 1:34:16.480
- The memories.
- All day long I could tell those stories.
1:34:16.605 --> 1:34:19.734
- Those were good ones.
- The good old days.
1:34:19.859 --> 1:34:22.153
- There you are, sweet pea.
- Danke.
1:34:25.656 --> 1:34:28.826
So, the train will be
pulling into Philadelphia soon.
1:34:28.951 --> 1:34:31.996
Will you be getting off
at the city of brotherly love?
1:34:32.121 --> 1:34:34.415
I will but you won't...
1:34:35.708 --> 1:34:37.793
1:34:37.918 --> 1:34:40.212
- See if this one's empty.
- Hey, back off.
1:34:40.338 --> 1:34:43.424
I'll rip out your eyes
and piss on your brain.
1:34:43.549 --> 1:34:45.885
- Excuse me.
- You got it.
1:34:47.386 --> 1:34:49.847
All right. On your feet. Up! Let's go.
1:34:49.972 --> 1:34:53.100
Bunch of fucking weirdos!
We're going to take a little walk.
1:34:53.225 --> 1:34:56.312
Don't try anything funny
or the whore loses a kidney.
1:35:24.298 --> 1:35:27.093
- No, I'm from Sweden.
- Beat it.
1:35:27.218 --> 1:35:31.847
Hey, I'm King Kong,
the biggest, baddest guy in the jungle.
1:35:31.972 --> 1:35:34.058
Get lost, you maggot.
1:35:35.184 --> 1:35:38.145
Hey, who is that guy,
your father or something?
1:35:43.025 --> 1:35:45.111
All right, hold it right here.
1:35:45.236 --> 1:35:47.780
- Honestly, Beeks.
- This is as far as we go.
1:35:48.989 --> 1:35:51.409
No more cockamamie cigar smoke.
1:35:51.534 --> 1:35:54.370
No more Swedish meatballs there, tootsie.
1:35:54.912 --> 1:35:58.207
And no more phoney Irish whisky.
1:35:58.332 --> 1:36:00.584
No more goddamn jerky beef.
1:36:01.293 --> 1:36:03.379
The party's over.
1:36:03.504 --> 1:36:07.133
The party's over. Hey, come on.
1:36:07.258 --> 1:36:09.343
What do you mean, "The party's over"?
1:36:09.468 --> 1:36:12.346
It's not even ten o'clock, you dummy.
1:36:12.471 --> 1:36:15.099
Hey, come on. Loosen up, man.
1:36:15.224 --> 1:36:17.309
It's almost New Year's Eve.
1:36:49.592 --> 1:36:52.261
Hey, look what happened to me!
1:37:01.604 --> 1:37:04.315
Sometimes, they look so human,
it gives you the creeps.
1:37:06.817 --> 1:37:10.112
Boy, that other one's
getting kinda horny, ain't he?
1:37:10.237 --> 1:37:13.616
Think we ought to hit him up
with the tranquilliser gun?
1:37:13.741 --> 1:37:15.826
It's New Year's. Let 'em have their fun.
1:37:18.871 --> 1:37:21.415
That black one must be the female.
1:37:39.517 --> 1:37:44.271
- Where is he?
- Beeks. Are you there, Beeks?
1:37:51.278 --> 1:37:53.406
I'm over here.
1:37:57.493 --> 1:37:59.912
That's far enough.
1:38:00.037 --> 1:38:02.123
Did you get the report?
1:38:03.249 --> 1:38:05.584
Let's see the money.
1:38:13.759 --> 1:38:15.845
OK, toss it over.
1:38:27.606 --> 1:38:29.692
Thank you, Beeks.
1:38:39.869 --> 1:38:43.873
Wonderful news. Wonderful.
1:38:43.998 --> 1:38:47.335
Beeks, Happy New Year.
1:38:58.888 --> 1:39:03.267
My life savings. Try not to lose it.
1:39:03.392 --> 1:39:07.730
Lose it? In a couple of hours, you're going
to be the richest butler that ever lived.
1:39:12.360 --> 1:39:16.030
I worked real hard for this, Louis.
Hope you know what you're doing.
1:39:17.323 --> 1:39:20.242
- Thank you, Ophelia.
- What are you doing?
1:39:22.161 --> 1:39:24.246
1:39:24.372 --> 1:39:26.457
That's us, Louis.
1:39:31.921 --> 1:39:34.173
Coleman, would you please.
1:39:34.298 --> 1:39:36.384
Thank you.
1:40:14.547 --> 1:40:19.218
I could use a stiff drink.
Would you care to join me?
1:40:45.745 --> 1:40:48.456
- Morning, Mr Duke.
- Wilson.
1:40:48.581 --> 1:40:50.666
- Good morning, Mr Duke.
- Wilson.
1:41:03.220 --> 1:41:05.306
Keep the change.
1:41:06.432 --> 1:41:09.727
Think big, think positive.
Never show any sign of weakness.
1:41:09.852 --> 1:41:15.024
Always go for the throat. Buy low, sell high.
Fear, that's the other guy's problem.
1:41:15.149 --> 1:41:19.612
Nothing can prepare you for the unbridled
carnage you are about to witness.
1:41:19.737 --> 1:41:21.822
The Super Bowl, the World Series.
1:41:21.947 --> 1:41:26.994
Pressure? Here it's kill or be killed.
Make no friends and take no prisoners.
1:41:27.119 --> 1:41:30.247
One minute you're up half a million,
the next, boom.
1:41:30.373 --> 1:41:32.917
Your kids don't go to college
and you've lost your Bentley.
1:41:33.042 --> 1:41:36.504
We've got to kill the motherfucker...
We've got to kill them.
1:41:36.629 --> 1:41:40.675
We want you to buy as much OJ
as you can, the instant trading starts.
1:41:40.800 --> 1:41:44.595
Don't worry if the price starts going up,
just keep buying.
1:41:44.720 --> 1:41:47.515
They'll broadcast the crop report
in an hour, what if...
1:41:47.640 --> 1:41:49.892
Let us worry about that, Wilson.
1:41:53.771 --> 1:41:55.022
Yes, sir.
1:41:58.567 --> 1:42:04.198
- How's the ulcer, Harry?
- Pretty good. How's the hypertension?
1:42:04.323 --> 1:42:06.409
Hasn't bothered me in months.
1:42:34.395 --> 1:42:36.480
Let's kick some ass.
1:42:57.626 --> 1:43:01.672
This is it. The last
bastion of pure capitalism left on earth.
1:43:01.797 --> 1:43:06.218
Here in New York they trade everything,
gold, silver, platinum,
1:43:06.344 --> 1:43:09.263
heating oil, propane, cocoa and sugar
1:43:09.388 --> 1:43:11.849
and, of course,
frozen, concentrated orange juice.
1:43:11.974 --> 1:43:16.020
The people on the phones are taking
orders from brokers all over the world.
1:43:16.145 --> 1:43:20.649
The runners hand those
orders to the traders in the pits.
1:43:24.653 --> 1:43:28.199
They're trading cotton over there.
And that's the silver pit.
1:43:28.908 --> 1:43:32.244
The Dukes' trader is going to be
buying like crazy right from the opening.
1:43:32.370 --> 1:43:34.455
We wait until he drives the price up?
1:43:34.580 --> 1:43:39.168
Right. I can't wait to see his face, when
they broadcast that genuine crop report.
1:43:39.293 --> 1:43:41.379
OJ trading opens at 9:00.
1:43:41.504 --> 1:43:44.423
- Let's go kick some butt.
- Let's go.
1:44:46.152 --> 1:44:49.613
Hey, hey. The Dukes
are trying to corner the market.
1:44:49.739 --> 1:44:52.867
- They know something.
- Let's get in on it.
1:44:53.909 --> 1:44:55.494
200, taken.
1:44:55.619 --> 1:44:59.749
- 130.
- 200, 200.
1:44:59.915 --> 1:45:02.001
1:45:02.126 --> 1:45:04.211
Not yet, almost.
1:45:04.545 --> 1:45:06.714
- 220 taken.
- 209.
1:45:06.839 --> 1:45:10.009
- Yeah, yeah, got 'em.
- 139.
1:45:13.929 --> 1:45:17.808
Sell, 200 April at 142.
1:45:31.989 --> 1:45:36.160
That's not right.
How can the price be going down?
1:45:36.285 --> 1:45:38.996
Something's wrong. Where's Wilson?
1:45:41.415 --> 1:45:43.501
What are they doing here?
1:45:43.626 --> 1:45:47.546
- They're selling, Mortimer.
- Why, that's ridiculous.
1:45:49.340 --> 1:45:54.845
- Unless that crop report...
- God help us.
1:46:05.064 --> 1:46:08.484
I told you we shouldn't have
committed everything, you asshole.
1:46:08.609 --> 1:46:12.780
We've got to get Wilson and tell him to sell.
1:46:38.764 --> 1:46:40.224
Ladies and gentlemen,
1:46:40.349 --> 1:46:42.268
the Secretary Of Agriculture.
1:46:52.445 --> 1:46:56.866
Ladies and gentlemen, the
orange crop estimates for the next year.
1:47:11.005 --> 1:47:15.551
After calculating the estimates from
various orange producing states,
1:47:15.676 --> 1:47:17.720
We have concluded the following...
1:47:18.137 --> 1:47:22.224
The cold winter has apparently
not effected the orange harvest.
1:47:27.813 --> 1:47:32.485
...consumers can expect
orange juice prices to fall...
1:47:39.659 --> 1:47:41.786
Wilson, for Christ's sake, sell.
1:47:53.547 --> 1:47:55.424
Buy 'em.
1:48:30.042 --> 1:48:32.128
Wilson, where are you going?
1:48:32.253 --> 1:48:36.841
You idiot. Get back in there at once
and sell, sell.
1:48:49.979 --> 1:48:52.064
- Five.
- Yeah, 200.
1:48:52.189 --> 1:48:55.109
- 100.
- Yeah, that was 100.
1:48:55.234 --> 1:48:58.237
Did you get that?
1:49:14.962 --> 1:49:17.048
Happy New Year.
1:49:18.924 --> 1:49:22.094
- Winthorpe.
- Valentine.
1:49:22.219 --> 1:49:26.140
- How'd you make out today?
- How could you do this to us,
1:49:26.265 --> 1:49:28.351
after everything we've done for you?
1:49:28.476 --> 1:49:31.604
Oh, see I made Louis a bet here.
1:49:31.729 --> 1:49:35.566
Louis bet me that we couldn't get rich
and put you in the poorhouse.
1:49:35.691 --> 1:49:38.611
He didn't think we could do it. I won.
1:49:38.736 --> 1:49:40.821
I lost.
1:49:41.280 --> 1:49:44.200
- One dollar.
- Thank you, Louis.
1:49:45.743 --> 1:49:47.828
- After you.
- Certainly.
1:49:51.916 --> 1:49:54.001
Margin call, gentlemen.
1:49:54.126 --> 1:49:56.671
- Why you can't expect...
- You know the rules.
1:49:56.796 --> 1:50:01.926
All accounts to be settled at the
end of the day's trading, without exception.
1:50:02.051 --> 1:50:06.347
You know perfectly well,
we don't have $394 million in cash.
1:50:06.472 --> 1:50:11.602
I'm sorry, boys. Put the Duke brothers'
seats on the exchange up for sale at once.
1:50:11.727 --> 1:50:15.106
Seize all assets of Duke & Duke
Commodity Brokers,
1:50:15.231 --> 1:50:18.943
as well as all personal holdings
of Randolph and Mortimer Duke.
1:50:19.068 --> 1:50:22.238
We're ruined!
1:50:22.363 --> 1:50:25.199
This is an outrage,
I demand an investigation.
1:50:25.324 --> 1:50:29.954
You can't sell our seats. A Duke has been
on this exchange since it was founded.
1:50:30.079 --> 1:50:32.456
We founded this exchange. It's ours.
1:50:32.581 --> 1:50:34.667
It belongs to us.
1:50:35.710 --> 1:50:37.753
We'd better call your brother
an ambulance.
1:50:37.878 --> 1:50:41.424
Fuck him!
I want trading reopened, right now.
1:50:41.549 --> 1:50:45.553
Get those brokers back in here.
Turn those machines back on.
1:50:45.678 --> 1:50:48.597
Turn those machines back on.
1:50:52.852 --> 1:50:56.647
You and your Nobel Prize, you idiot.
1:50:56.772 --> 1:50:59.608
Where's Beeks? Where in hell is Beeks?
1:50:59.734 --> 1:51:02.403
- Beeks!
- Yeah, I forgot all about that guy.
1:51:11.787 --> 1:51:14.332
OK, one male gorilla.
1:51:14.457 --> 1:51:17.126
Wait a minute.
There's two of them in that cage.
1:51:17.251 --> 1:51:21.130
One gorilla, two gorillas. Big deal.
Whole bunch is getting sent back to Africa.
1:51:21.255 --> 1:51:25.760
It's a big scientific experiment.
What do I know? Anyway, they're in love.
1:51:46.739 --> 1:51:49.617
- Hey, Coleman.
- Yes.
1:51:50.993 --> 1:51:53.788
What about lunch?
The lobster or the cracked crab?
1:51:53.913 --> 1:51:57.333
- What do you think?
- Can't we have both?
1:51:57.458 --> 1:51:59.502
Why not?
1:51:59.627 --> 1:52:01.712
- Dimitri.
- Sir.
1:52:01.837 --> 1:52:07.093
- Lobster and cracked crab for everyone.
- Extra prima good, Mr Coleman, sir.
1:52:16.268 --> 1:52:18.854
Looking good, Billy Ray.
1:52:18.979 --> 1:52:21.482
Feeling good, Louis.
1:56:08.584 --> 1:56:09.627
English (en)